Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 846: Oscar anomaly

The Selion Fleet suffered a great loss when it encountered the S Star Fleet in the I Star Zone. In addition to Prince Eugen, more than ten destroyers and submarines were sunk, but as the succession of the former G Star War Navy In addition, the Sailon Schipper fleet, led by Bismarck and Tilbitz, still maintains a strong fighting power.

Following a heavy bombardment by Bismarck, the abyss flagship in the shape of a giant whale exploded violently, but this time the abyss fleet was smart enough to see that its flagship was sunk and immediately chose to evacuate , Did not give the Sailon Schipper fleet the opportunity to further expand the results.

  By virtue of the advantages of high-speed battleships, Bismarck and Tilbitz carried out a long-distance pursuit until they reached the control area of ​​the abyssal fleet, and the void and reality mixed into the chaotic edge before stopping.

   Bismarck's anger was not completely vented, so he wanted to hit the control area of ​​the abyss, but Tirbitz, who had a personal experience of the terror there, firmly stopped her.

"Sister, it's enough to chase here, they will come back again." Tilbitz looked at the abyss control zone with a trace of fear in the lazy eyes, where there was no star color, nor the tranquility and deepness of the universe. Only the chaotic tears left a strong sense of oppression of life consciousness. "If we go in, we may not be able to come back. The Admiral is still waiting for us."

   Hearing the name of Syllen Scheep, Bismarck finally calmed down. Now, besides the desire for revenge, only the fetters of Tilbitz and Syllen Scheep were left behind.

   "Okay, let's go back." Bismarck promised, but his heart had already begun to plan for the next wave of defensive combat.

This raid of the Abyssal Fleet had no signs in advance, and Bismarck did not think they would attack N Stars so quickly, so when the Abyssal Fleet appeared, they were still rectifying the fleet and licking and staying on the I Stars battlefield. Wounds, so when the Abyssal Fleet began to retreat, they could only pursue a straight line, and the Abyssal Fleet that had already made an evacuation was clever enough to leave a small number of battleships broken, so in the end, they did not achieve much. .

When Bismarck led the fleet back to the front line naval base, Selene Shepp, who had always been worried, finally let go. He had not fought with the Abyssal Fleet at first, and his understanding of his combat power came entirely from other admirals. The Abyssal Fleet was easily repulsed easily, and there was a trace of unreal feeling in my heart.

   "Bismarck, aren't you injured?"

The ship mothers who are protected by the ship will not be easily injured. If even their bodies are injured, they must be extremely damaged, just like the battle with the I star fleet led by Augustus Caesar. The same as Veneto.

"Admiral, we are all right. It seems that the technology of collecting the ship is tailored to deal with the abyss. It has greatly improved the ship's mothers. The current abyssal fleet has been difficult to threaten us." Bismarck looked at Sairon · The worry on Scheep's face was also warm.

Her admiral is not the best, her strategic vision is not as long-term as Alster, and her commanding ability is not as good as Augustus Caesar’s small-scale tactical genius. Her desperation is not as good as Zhu Zhongxue. Not as good as Chester William... This is actually a biased assessment in Bismarck’s mind. In fact, in addition to his excellent wolves tactics and pirate guerrilla tactics, he can’t compare with those admirers who are arrogant. In Bismarck's heart, he was the most suitable admirer. After experiencing the blood and decline of the war navy, he was abandoned by his own country along with his sister. The only one who took them in was Bielem.

After spending a lot of time with Sylon Scheep, Bismarck even forgot his glory and pride as a war navy. He never asked himself like a real and serious admiral, and all orders were discussed with himself. Then, carefully caring about his thoughts, he was at his side in his most helpless time, and even gave up the best time for his rise.

Respect, love, pity... Since becoming a ship mother, these things that should have appeared with you have appeared on Sellen Scheep. They have pieced together a warm and happy reality, and may be arrogant in the eyes of others. The cold Bismarck does not need these, but they are not Bismarck, how can they understand the softness of her heart?

The ship's mother is a product that emerged in response to the arrival of war. Many people subconsciously regarded them as machines of war, but ignored that they themselves evolved from humans. Today's seven galaxies are deliberately controlled by Yue Zhong, Ship Niang has many times more chances to appear in front of people than before, and their image is being accepted by others~ is either warm and beautiful, or heroic, but it is by no means a terrible flood beast .

The image of Bismarck's iron-blooded soldiers has won many people's favor, and these people have also arbitrarily defined her character. In fact, she is like the black cat named Oscar that she raises. She is usually cold and aggressive, but if she is long If no one cares about time, there will be gains and losses.

  Sailon Sheep held Oscar in her arms, and it jumped on Bismarck's body as soon as she saw Bismarc coming back, and rubbed her face intimately.

"Oscar is also very worried about you. You can't take it with you since you have packed the ship." Syllen Scheep reached out to touch Oscar's head, but was scared by the little black cat's fangs. Come back, "little guy, when he sees his master, he doesn't want to take care of me."

  Oscar saw that he scared Selene Sheep, standing proudly on Bismarck's body, his forelegs and even his head stretched out lazily. Tierbitz, who had always been mischievous about her sister’s black cat, reached out and grabbed it. Just when she thought that Oscar would be as obedient as before, the little black cat suddenly widened her eyes, her body tall, her hair upside down, and watched cautiously. Tilbitz.

"Meow!" Oscar made a piercing cry, watching Tilbitz as if he smelled something bad, his green eyes turned to seek refuge in Bismarck, and he seemed to ask again in his nose With a taste of it, whizzing below jumped into the arms of Sylon Scheep. After sniffing it carefully, I felt a little safe.

Oscar's eyes were full of surprise and fear. The familiar host and Tilbitz suddenly had a breath of terrifying fear. Although they still look like the past, they are not the same as their past... …

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