Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 848: Tear abyss

The frontal confrontation of Zeppelin is also unlucky. Every time she can partner with teammates who do not follow the routine. After she has not received any news of reinforcements, she finds that Isabella led a large number of mech soldiers to kill menacingly. When the battlefield came, he quickly asked the Royal Navy's flagship Royal Ark: "What's the matter? Didn't the General Command let us lure the abyssal fleet deep into the capture and annihilation operation? Why is the mech unit now on the battlefield?"

  The Royal Ark was full of helplessness: "The plan has changed, we can only fight to the end now."

   "When was the order, why did I not receive it?" As the ship's mother of the G-Star Wars Navy, Zeppelin was also unavoidable. She would not make any changes without the superior's order.

"Isabella is unwilling to implement the enticement plan. She believes that this will cause huge casualties to the people in the St. Petersburg Star District. If she chooses to resist firmly, the enticement plan will be difficult to carry on." The Royal Ark explained patiently At the same time, the carrier aircraft of the aircraft carrier cluster also closely followed the mech units to the battlefield.

Zeppelin said frantically: "This is the command of the highest command. When will your Royal Navy learn to fight on the battlefield! You can't study the abyssal fleet thoroughly. Only more casualties will appear. Sooner or later, the St. Petersburg Star Zone will also fall behind. You Just let her play tricks? Remove Isabella's command!"

The Royal Ark smiled bitterly: "We have no way. Although Isabella's mech unit is affiliated with the Royal Navy, all the soldiers were trained by her as an instructor. Her Majesty the Queen did not know why she was awarded the knighthood and the aircraft. The power of self-determination, even if the Admiral lifted her command authority, those soldiers will continue to fight Isabella's mech."

"I don't care what your Royal Navy wants to do. If you can't complete the plan to trap the Abyss Ship Lady, if the strategy is affected, she and your Royal Navy will be responsible!" Zeppelin couldn't understand this kind of autonomous action authority in the Royal Navy. The command power of the flagship ship squadron of the squadron has already existed since the age of the ship squad and has become a mature system. Alster will not interfere with the local strategic planning of the flagship squadron of the squadron. The goal guideline is for everyone to complete.

So those warship ladies who have served as flagships of the squadron have their own independent side. When there is a disagreement, Ulster will also respect their opinions more. For the Royal Navy, Isabella’s behavior is outstanding, but it is not Can not accept.

"You don't have to be embarrassed, don't you just want to capture the abyss ship mother, although the defense line will capture fewer individuals, but it is not impossible." The communication between Zeppelin and the Royal Ark did not deliberately avoid Isabella. Listen After their conversation, Isabella said calmly.

Although the innocent people in Isabella’s eyes did not appear on the front line of the battlefield, they also made their own contributions to the cause of humanity against the abyss in the rear, which is the cornerstone of the entire human existence. The number of individuals also means unlimited possibilities. Isabella believes that since shouldering the responsibility of protecting them, there is no way to eliminate those possibilities because of the short-term interests, and it is not allowed to give up on them.

But this is always only her own opinion. Isabella's pride makes her disdain and use morality and self to be good or evil to force others to tie themselves together. If the Royal Ark and Zeppelin defied the order with themselves, they also Be responsible.

   "Why do you say this kind of thing?" Zeppelin had no good feelings for Isabella, and she also doubted her ability.

   Isabella smiled coldly: "I can cope with fantasy without a mech. The destroyer here can't be compared with fantasy anyway. It's not difficult to catch an abyss warship."

  It is naturally not persuasive to speak vernacular, and Isabella soon proved it with practical actions.

Her mech provides technical support through the Greenwich Computing Center, the external research team of the folding space laboratory and the Shaxing Development Base. It perfectly fits the body data and fighting skills. The special substances in the black light gloves are also proposed by Panyong Jingji Covering the arms of the mech, its construction value even exceeds that of the battleship several times, and the value of the consumed general-purpose mesogen cannot be measured by conventional strategic materials.

  E-Starland has given her high expectations and trust, then it is not surprising that the Queen will give Isabella such a high degree of autonomy. It is the best proof that Ulster has no opposition in this regard.

  Because she represents another military development direction outside of the ship's mother system, Isabella doesn't give up even if she isn't a ship's mother because of her individual combat effectiveness.

The silver mechs are rushed on the battlefield under a deep blue cluster. They are good at melee combat. They not only have physical advantages, but the equipped anti-material melee weapons also pose a huge threat to the ship’s energy shield and armor. As the new army was put on the battlefield, the Abyssal Fleet, unfamiliar with their combat methods, soon appeared in small-scale confusion.

  With the opportunity to cause chaos to the abyssal fleet, Isabella decisively ordered the attacking mecha soldiers to cut off and encircle at multiple levels, forcing the abyssal fleet to carry out a wide range of camp adjustments by personal impact.

After successfully cutting off the connection between several abyss destroyers and the fleet, there have been reports of mech soldiers being sunk and attacked by the abyss fleet. Melee mechs can be used as a means of sudden attack in the vast Xinghai~www.wuxiaspot .com~ But as the main force to use it, it will definitely be beaten by others with unlimited depth. Isabella is also well aware of this, and without any hesitation, he will attack the abyss ship mother surrounded by the other party.

If you want to sink the opponent, it is easy to do, but it is a difficult thing to want to capture. The other mecha soldiers do not have the wonderful peaking control ability of Isabella, and they cannot move at full speed with the ship’s mother. The rate remains constant and relatively parallel, so the last step of the captive action can only be done by herself.

The silver mech arm shone with a broken black light, which made the surrounded destroyer feel great fear, wrapped in the purple and black hull and even the bound flesh twisted uncomfortably, desperately in one direction Try to escape.

Facing the humanized side of the abyss ship, Isabella was a little surprised but no mercy. After the other party’s continuous fire and torpedo burst into front of her, the black light's mechanical arm pierced the enemy's hull. Among.

Under the constant rate change, the entangled abyss destroyer and the silver mech draw a disordered track. Pieces of the abyss ship are torn apart by the silver mech. Sabella’s mech is more like a helpless child bullied by a strong man. The black light mechanical arm that can break through the ship’s defense energy layer looks rude but has extremely detailed operations. Each time the force is not only perfect Separates the connection between the body of the abyss ship and the ship's armor and will not cause any damage to it.

The pain of forcible separation from the ship's outfit made the poor destroyer ship's face grievous and distorted, and a chaotic quasi-light state material continuously escaped from it, and Isabella soon dispelled its ship After pretending to be completely removed, leaving only a touching girl's body in his hand.

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