Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 851: Negative

Andrea Doria doesn’t know what to say or should not say, so it’s best to say nothing, and she didn’t expect her to go out for a kung fu. The sky is coming and punishing her in advance is actually a kind of protection for Cayo Duilio, even if she really reveals any important information, others will no longer be able to say anything.

   "Doria, let's go out to play." Xiao Meiyan's somber voice sounded, and she couldn't refuse to be strong.

  Andrea? Doria nodded and dragged the tearful Cayo Duilio out of the room, leaving Xiao Meiyan alone to face Hood.

Even though Xinghai is separated by tens of thousands of light years, Hood can feel a cold temperament on the communication screen. When she met with Yue Zhong before, she could feel the terrible of each other. Now Xiaomei Flame Belt She feels undoubtedly better.

   "Nice to meet you, Ms. Xiao Meiyan." Hu De has been famous for Xiao Meiyan for a long time. The change in this world certainly has the shadow of Yue Zhong, but Xiao Meiyan's influence is also ubiquitous.

"Hello Hood, just call me my name." Xiao Meiyan sat up in front of the communication screen and raised her head elegantly. "Doria's reaction made you laugh. You are also part of the human coalition. You have the right to know The size of our fleet."

Hood's gestures and movements are elegant and natural, compared with Xiao Meiyan's intentional points, mainly covered by the air of her hands and feet, the first meeting between the two did not want to lose. The situation, as if being born to be an opponent, picks up details between women, much more sophisticated than men.

Although there are many advisors in the seven galaxies, Ulster is undoubtedly one of the most representative and influential, and as his favorite Hood also represents the image of the Royal Navy, although the abyss fleet is the public enemy of all humans today, However, Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan are still considered powerful opponents and have a great threat to Ulster's existence. In this case, naturally, they do not want to show cowardice, and the same is true of Xiao Meiyan.

"To disturb you today, I want to know some things about the Abyssal Fleet. I have transmitted the relevant information. I don’t know if you can tell us the answer." Said the Tibetan leader in Hood's words. "You have been delaying Veneto to participate in the war. Is the time for this reason?"

  Xiao Meiyan said with some surprise: "It seems that you have found some problems, but if you come to me, I am afraid that you will be disappointed. I don't have a perfect solution to the particularity of the abyssal fleet."

   "I just need to know what the threat is." Hood said in a deep voice, "What is the strange and unstoppable feeling that can make you worry and hide Veneto."

  Xiao Meiyan carefully read all the battle report materials and the abnormal reaction of the ship's mother, and finally said quietly: "Do you understand what the void means?"

  This rhetorical question made Hood a little uncertain, and he could only say daringly: "The existence of confrontation with the material plane?"

"How can it be so simple, if it is just opposites, just defeat it, but the abnormality you are aware of is not simple spiritual pollution." Xiao Meiyan shook her head, "That is the erosion of existence, like devouring. This world is generally not something that will be resisted by will and courage. To know what the threat of the abyss is, let’s start with the void."

  Hood knew that he knew very little, so he didn't take Xiao Meiyan's words anymore, quieted down and wanted to hear what she said.

"I didn't know much about the void before, and there are not as many pan-intermediate mesas in other material planes as much as the seven galaxies. In order to find a pan-intermediate meso-catheter to escape a person, I once went to the void." Xiao Meiyan now said It’s still heart-wracking, and the taboos in the purple eyes are unobstructed. “It’s not a low-level difference between latitude and plane, it’s not only a difference in existence, it can be said that the material plane group we live in is just a certain This unknown change has an accident. The initial generation of the universe can be traced back, but the void cannot find the origin."

"It is extremely difficult to maintain my consciousness in that place, and the body cannot exist. What you see now is the body that has undergone countless reorganizations and decompositions." Xiao Meiyan said, "Time is meaningless there. I don’t know how long I have traveled through the void, I just feel like I’m in a different world when I return to the material plane group."

"My consciousness is close to disintegration, and it is still possible to survive after being refilled by the materialized trap laid by the person who hunted me. Such a technology may be able to effectively resist the void, but it is different from the direction of my research. So I can’t bring it out to help the seven galaxies resist the abyss fleet.

Xiao Meiyan's words made Hood a little confused. After all, what she said was something that Hood's knowledge could not understand. The only thing she could recognize was that the void was more terrible than imagined. UU Reading But What does it have to do with the crisis they are facing now?

"The emergence of matter originates from the void, so it is naturally in a weak position. Any assimilation from the void is irresistible. The abnormality you feel is just a warning of life. Don't stop contacting the void. "Xiao Meiyan sees that Hood does not have the keenness that a qualified scientific researcher should have, so she has to make the point clear. "The essence of the core of the abyss ship is the composition of the void. When you sink it, you lose it. Constrained by material armor and connected with the origin, this erosion of the void will penetrate through the existence that destroys its existence, and it will gradually negate your existence and transform it into a void conscious body."

"I was just guessing before, but now I can basically confirm this. If nothing unexpected happens, this is that the Abyssalian Admiral has found an undefeated method after he has a complete consciousness." Xiao Meiyan's voice was colder, chilling, "Using constant consumption to spread the void to the ship dams who hinder him, and finally assimilate all the powerful human ship dams that can destroy the abyss ship fighters into its most advantageous weapon to conquer the seven galaxies, and hold a negative view of the world. The more it is, the faster its own material properties will dissipate. Perhaps there is already a sign of the transformation of the ship’s mother."

  Hood's pupils were pinched like needles, and he said incredulously: "How is this possible? Since it is not our spiritual consciousness, how could the shipgirls have a trace of the idea of ​​destroying all mankind?"

Xiaomei Yan opened her long hair and flicked it like a silk, her jaw raised and looked at Hood with ironic eyes: "Is it really not? The darkness and despair on everyone can't escape my eyes, so in my eyes even you With the possibility of depravity, although the methods adopted by the Abyssal Fleet are different, the results are indistinguishable."

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