Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 853: Asiatic pattern

   Cayo Duirio could not give Xiao Meiyan a perfect answer, and Xiao Meiyan knew this very well after asking this question.

After Cayo Duirio recovered, he found that Xiao Meiyan was gone. The equipment in the communication room was revived again and was still operating in an orderly manner. Looking back, he saw Andrea Doria coming in to probe the brain. Tao: "How about Homura?"

   "I don't know, sister, did you not see her going out?" Cayo Duirio said strangely, "It's really a strange person."

"If you don't understand people, don't talk nonsense." Andrea Doria patted her sister's head and scolded her with her hips. "Your previous experience was indeed tragic, but the sadness and dimness that flowed on her were even better. Ten times, is it rude to judge people like this? Do you know?"

   Cayo Duirio rubbed his hand in grievance: "I know I was wrong."

   "Well." Andrea Doria was very pretentious for her sister, sitting in the position before Xiao Meiyan, holding her arms around her feet, "Hurry up and clean the room to train."

   "I still need to train..." Cayo Duirio's words were not finished, and Andrea Doria glared fiercely, quickly covering his mouth with both hands.

  The sound of broom rustling behind him sounded a trace of helplessness in Andrea Doria's energetic eyes when she turned her back to her sister.

No matter how hard she tried, she still could not reach the height of Veneto. Even when she awakened the ship's domain when she gathered the ship's transformation experiment, this kind of timeless performance only took Andrea Doria. The fighting power has reached the level of a normal battleship. Unless the flash of aura can hit the legendary ship's attack, it is always unsustainable, so the ship's talent determines her achievements. No effort can overtake Veneto, after all, the other party has not slacked off for a moment.

   Former I Star Wars Fleet Rivento is unique. They do not have the enviable deep background like the Royal Navy or A Star Wars. After leaving Veneto, they are nothing.

In order to help the elder sister share some pressure, and want everyone to be able to keep up with the pace of the elder sister, Andrea Doria and Litorio have to develop strict training plans and assessment standards to improve as soon as possible Returning to the combat effectiveness of the companions of the fleet, but also allowing them to adapt to the battle mode of gathering the ship at the fastest speed.

"At least you can't be embarrassed when going out to fight the abyss. The other navy warships are watching. If they behave too badly, they will definitely affect the plan of the elder sister." Andrea Doria glanced at Cayo quietly. · Duirio, I am afraid that my sister knows that she is very weak, and she has always been reluctant to accept that her reason for becoming stronger is far less firm than herself.

Thinking of here, Andrea Doria shook her head and put away the emotion of love that had just risen. Now that the ship is in the form of gathering the ship, if it makes mistakes on the battlefield, it is a fatal result. You must not relax because of a soft heart. Training them.

   They will soon understand their good intentions.

The galaxy transition, as far as the Asia Galaxy, has a huge fleet of carrier-based aircraft A navy is engaged in a fierce battle with the abyssal fleet appearing in the S star domain, Liaoning () Ning, enterprises, Lexington, Saratoga The strategic suppression fleet composed of dozens of aircraft carrier mothers, such as Xianghe, Ruihe, etc., did not passively defend the Vladivostok star area, but boldly entered the vast Siberian star sea in the S star field to go deep with the abyssal fleet. The battle of the United States also unknowingly completed a miracle, that is, the human fleet has surpassed the abyss fleet in number for the first time.

In a bright and white star sea, the human coalition's carrier planes spread across the sky, steel filled the depth of the universe, the cannon missiles and the beam of thermal energy converged into the sea, and the abyssal fleet that appeared on their strategic star maps was not frightened and fled. It was directly annihilated, and the large-depth operations across several star zones made the abyssal fleet unable to use the number to complete multi-line breakthroughs, and it was impossible to assimilate the voids on the planets rooted in these star zones.

Because of the wide range of operations of the aircraft carrier ship mother, the combat plan formulated by the ASEAN system is proactive and based on attack and defense. People in the Siberian star area of ​​the S star area have taken refuge and fled to the C star area. The planet provides intelligence work and frontline support for the aircraft carrier cluster.

Chester William shared the hull space folding technology with all participating aircraft carrier mothers out of strategic compromise. The aircraft carrier mothers with greatly improved combat power have formed a huge advantage in the face of the abyssal fleet, but also because they do not need to be close. Reaching the enemy, they are far less influenced by the Europa galaxy than the evacuation of the abyss ship destroyer.

  Except someone in the A Star Fleet.

Saratoga is the only ship mother who has been in contact with Xiao Meiyan alone in A Starland. Although Xiao Meiyan's momentum is often frightening, this naughty little aunt is a guy who has a scar and forgets the pain. Zhiyue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan have left A Star Driven by curiosity, she tried to contact Xiao Meiyan and actually got Xiao Meiyan's response.

   Chester William also acquiesced in her behavior, especially after his relationship with Yue Zhong became stiff, Saratoga became the only bond between the two fleets.

After fighting again with the Abyssal Fleet, she found that the once terrible enemies became so weak, and she was happy to talk about her record to Xiao Meiyan, and was also curious why the temperament characteristics of the abyss ship mother had a trace with Xiao Meiyan. Nearly, the inquiry about Saratoga from Xiao Meiyan and Hood also came up.

After learning that the abyssal fleet had a special attack method, Saratoga quickly reported to Chester William. After weighing the latter, he only ordered that all the participating A star warships battle the abyss. The carrier plane directly docked on the front-line military planet instead of returning to the hull, secretly concealing information in this regard from the joint fleet, the Liao () Ning fleet and the military of the S Star domain.

Chester William knew that Xiao Meiyan would not tell Saratoga about these things for no reason. Without knowing his intention, he could only save the fleet of A Starfield first. Presumably this is also the purpose of Xiao Meiyan. She wants to do something by using the warships of the United Fleet?

Over the Vladivostok naval base in the night, the ship’s figure from the sky broke the tranquility of the base. Saratoga rushed back from the front line to the human base in the main base of the Asiatic Galaxy against the Abyssal Fleet. , And ran towards Chester William's residence without saying a word.

  She knew the most terrifying aspect of the Abyssal Fleet from Xiaomeiyan. If she reported to Chester William through the remote channel, she would be noticed by the ship maidens of other stars, so she could only rush back to report in person.

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