Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 857: Golden evolution

Xiao Meiyan's explanation made Yue Zhong suddenly realize that humans are used to analyzing unknown things with their own cognitive means. Even the once mysterious supernatural ability has been found by physical technology, which forms Xiao Meiyan's most Good at the branch of Morong Technology.

   But the existence of the void life is completely different from the existence of the physical world. Although they exist in the physical world, they also rely on the humanoid body, but the vital energy that drives their operation is no longer under the technological system of the physical world.

"The abyss fleet did not exist in the core of the abyssal fleet in the last battle with the seven galaxies, so their appearance is only a recent matter, and the way of appearance is different from that of the ship’s embellishment, but it is based on humans. It was created directly in a way that I didn’t know.” Xiao Meiyan put on her surgical gloves again, and in her hand was covered with a purple phantom oscillating knife. She walked a little bit over the pale skin of the abyss ship sample, and the knife was extremely sharp. But it did not cut through the cortex, Xiao Meiyan's hand was as stable as a machine without errors and mistakes. The cutting distance of the blade was very close to the fragile cortex. Yue Zhong could even see it avoid the subtle skin on the abyss ship. Fluff.

"The tool is the carrier, and the body of the abyss ship is also the carrier. Before traveling in the void, I inevitably left some void energy in my consciousness. Later, I successfully separated them but did not discard them, as long as I can find it. And inject it into the active point, it should be able to resurrect the sample that has lost the vitality." Xiao Meiyan continued the delicate manual work, but at the same time, she also talked to Yue Zhong with no heart, this kind of subtle operation for her It’s already hand in hand, but there is no difficulty at all. “The body of the abyss ship is a special whole. If any damage occurs, it may cause irreversible changes. Isabella sent samples without destroying any of its components. It's really amazing, your students haven't let you down."

The oscillating knife can isolate the interference of space and micro matter to ensure that the time line wrapped around it can be stably checked on the surface of the skin of the abyss ship, because it is not known how many active points the body of the abyss ship is, so It must be searched from head to toe.

  Every time an active point is determined, there will always be a flash of enthusiasm and excitement in Xiao Meiyan's calm eyes, and the eyes of unsuspecting people seem strange.

However, Yue Zhong knew that all the joys and enthusiasm of her favorite girl's life were placed on the exploration of the unknown. Seeing that she could draw happiness from the challenge with the void, Yue Zhong also brought a faint smile. .

Quietly accompanied by Xiao Meiyan, the time always passed quickly. When Yue Zhong returned to God, the shocking scalpel in Xiao Meiyan's hand stopped at the brow of the abyss ship's mother, and he closed it slightly. From then on, a thin layer of sweat appeared on Xiao Meiyan's forehead.

"Are you okay? Why didn't there be any reaction." Yue Zhong looked at the body of the abyss ship curiously. Although their skin looks very strange but also has a strange charm, in order not to provoke Xiao Meiyan to be angry, he didn't do anything. Put your eyes on it.

Xiao Meiyan took off her gloves and picked up the towel around her. Yue Zhong quickly rushed over and wiped the sweat on her forehead carefully: "The active points have all been filled with void energy, but the laboratory is isolated by the pattern of the circle of Tenri It didn’t feel that the connection with the mother body didn’t respond naturally. Although the ship was not equipped, the abyss warship was still very dangerous. We went outside to revoke the Tianli Circle Barrier."

She doesn't worry about the threat of the abyss ship lady herself, but Yue Zhong is here to ensure that Xiao Meiyan must ensure his safety. After all, his martial arts still have no effect when facing higher levels of power. Xiao Meiyan has no effect on the abyss. The ship’s understanding is not comprehensive enough, and it is unclear whether she has any other means of attack after losing her ship’s outfit.

The two left the closed laboratory but did not go far. They stopped in a room separated by a special observation wall. Through the observation window with only light transmission lines, they saw that the abyss ship was lying quietly on the table. The two Nodded at each other, Xiao Meiyan revoked the shield of Tianli Circle.

   An inexplicable heart palpitate flicked across Yue Zhong's heart. Void Natural's suppression of material life made him feel a little uncomfortable. In his eyes, the abyss ship mother opened his eyes instantly, and the representative deep purple flashed in it.

   She found herself out of the shackles of the ship for the first time. The look on her face was not a panic but a bit of joy, but she soon became distressed.

Each individual abyss ship warrior has a unique consciousness, and is closer to humans than their mother, the abyss admiral, and their wisdom and appearance age. This abyss ship warrior seems to know the fate of her being caught. After getting up, he looked left and right with some fear in his feet. There was only a cold closed wall in his eyes, and then he buried his head between his legs and looked pitiful.

   "The abyss ship warrior is very I'm afraid that if you put it in front of uninformed people, we are the villain who imprisoned the little girl." Yue Zhong rubbed his chin and said.

   "She is not wronged, but is undergoing transformation." Xiao Meiyan Shen Sheng said, "It seems that it is true that the abyss warship who will fight and survive the human warship will evolve."

Isabella sent not only samples of the abyss ship, but also the ship's armor that was removed by her mech with her hands. Xiao Meiyan put her ship in order to further test her reaction. Go in.

   When the abyss ship mother felt the appearance of her ship, she suddenly raised her head. At this moment, the deep purple in her eyes had disappeared completely, replaced by a golden color.

   She was a little happy, but more fearful. It seemed that after a fierce inner struggle, she finally stood up, and the warships put to her side spontaneously armed her.

The limbs were completely covered by the abyss ship, and only the torso was exposed in the shark mouth. When the golden eyes were again covered by the blindfold, the dark ship lighted up. The golden lines.

   "Metamorphosis, evolution..." Yue Zhong looked at the change of the abyss ship mother in surprise, and learned from Isabella that her previous ship appearance was still purple. "Is this the evolution of the abyss ship mother?"

  Xiao Meiyan nodded calmly, and then directly opened the exit at the top of the laboratory. After seeing the dark universe above her head, the abyss warship flew out without any hesitation.

"This kind of abyss warship is tentatively scheduled to be a type A destroyer III. The actual combat value still needs to be combated. Andrea Doria, fight with it when you are ready." Xiao Meiyan did it before Yue Zhong arrived Well, the preparation for the abyss ship warrior is resurrected, and now it is time for the final step of the experiment.

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