Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 874: Reinforcements

The battle continues until now, the combat power of the abyss Bismarck and the abyss Tilbitz has been fully displayed in the eyes of the expeditionary fleet, and the full-hearted Odin finally lost to the defeat with the air superiority, and the more powerful Sukh Albatros began to fall into a disadvantage in the battle with the abyss Tilbitz.

They used to be very powerful, but the two super warships Sukhbaatar and Odin have condensed most of the scientific research crystallization of the S star field. According to the calculation of the E star field Greenwich Center, the outsiders’ gathering ship technology plus The endless sea of ​​foldable space carrier aircraft has raised their combat power to a peak. Even so, they still lose to the abyssal Bismarck-class battleships. You can imagine how terrible the warships assimilated by the void will be.

The original Abyss flagship with seven Yaos has already posed a huge threat to the human coalition, but now the largest enemy of the human coalition has become an abyssal human warship. Before it is unclear how many human warships can be assimilated by the abyssal admiral, he wins The hope is extremely slim, even if it is a limited amount, only the abyss Bismarck and the abyss Tilbitz are enough to suppress all the human warships under the individual combat power.

It was unwise for the Expeditionary Fleet to fail to break through at the first time after the Abyssalized Sailon Schipper Fleet, but they were the only powerful super battleships in the human coalition. Choose to escape without hitting, and the intelligence brought back to N Star Zone is also the most important task of the expeditionary fleet, which led to the fierce exchange of fire between the two sides.

The naval gun of Tilbitz hit the abyss again, and the passively defending Sukhbaatar was struggling to support it. Her little childish face had been stained with blood, and I did not know when it received the turbulent damage. A drop of dripping from the face condensed the black plush of the neckline into a blood knot, which was directly hit by the ship's hull and even caused physical injury. It was a great pain to the ship's mother itself, because of any physical damage to the body due to their physical reasons. Both are multiplied by the nervous system, which is a sequelae caused by their ability to process information beyond ordinary people.

This kind of pain may have been crying into tears on a girl of the same age, but Sukhbaatar still insisted, she still held an innocent grass in her mouth, but her teeth were clenched early. The grass root was bitten off, but the broken grass root was caught by the mouth.

Sukhbaatar was seriously injured, but the abyss Tilbitz was also uncomfortable. Although the experience and advantages of the bombardment suppressed the bombardment of the opponent, the bombardment of the overwhelming carrier-based aircraft did not stop from the beginning. Those toys The destructive power of ordinary "paper" aircraft surpasses that of ordinary space fighters, and the bombing efficiency will show the same powerful control capabilities of Sukhbaatar's carrier aircraft.

The original gigantic ship has been bombarded with embarrassment, the indefinite shield system can be maintained, and the unstable arc jumps without flashing. The book with the gray cross on it does not know where it fell, and it is also full of faces. The blood of the abyss, but the expression of Tilbitz in the abyss is more indifferent and murderous.

Until the last moment, no one can know who can win. The two injured ship mothers, like dormant beasts, are looking for a chance to make a fatal blow in the fight. No matter who wins, its significance is also very important, it will be decided Who can occupy the absolute superiority in the top combat power of the human coalition and the abyssal fleet.

"Why do I only see Sailon Schepper's fleet, since he has fallen to the side of the abyss and designed such a trap to ambush me, I should have sent more abyss ship warriors to come to coordinate the attack." Kilo Husband does not believe that the Abyssal Admiral who intends to annex the seven galaxies will have the mood to test the ultimate combat effectiveness of the Abyssalized Sailon Schipper Fleet. Since he has broken the first line of defense with the thunder, he took advantage of the fact that the human alliance has not been effective. It is his style to achieve greater results before coping.

What Kirov did not know was that the fleet sent by the Abyssal Fleet was ready to ambush the Expeditionary Forces with the side of Sailon Scheep. However, before the Abyssal Fleet adopted a double insurance strategy, when the Expeditionary Fleet used the folding space maneuver to escape the full Although the military planets of the Black and Evil Flower were interfered by the space barrier and caused the coordinates to be disordered, some of the fleets originally intended to attack the military planets missed the encirclement and suppression.

With the high maneuverability of the Sailon Schepfer fleet delaying Sukhbaatar, they waited for the reinforcements to dare not be a problem, but the abyss fleet that came to give the Sukhbaatar fleet a fatal blow was met by another. Fleet interception.

The Sailon Schipper fleet will be completely abandoned because Xiao Meiyan has needs in this regard. Ulster and others are also happy to send this unstable fleet to the altar of sacrifice. He used to pull too much hatred and The treatment is not clean, and now no one is on his side.

However, Suherbato and others are leaning against S Star Even if they fell a big head in the Pakfi Xinghai, they are still the most important fighting power of S Star Zone. Seeing that S Star Zone will be full The situation has fallen, and it is the consensus from Katyusha to grass-roots soldiers to keep this vital force.

When they reached the N-star border defense military planet, they had fallen into the trap of Sailon Scheep. Their connection with the home port in the rear was cut off by the void, and the S-star army received the news immediately to send reinforcements to find As a result, on the way, he encountered an abyssal fleet ready to support the encircling circle.

There is nothing to say, the two sides made a pot of porridge as soon as they met, and the Soviet-class battleship led the two new aircraft carrier mothers to fight with this abyssal fleet. From this aspect, it can be inferred that the abyssal fleet is maintaining two major As the battlefield advanced, the troops were already stretched.

   eagerly searched for Sukhbaatar, and eagerly joined the battle, so they entangled to the target star zone until they met Odin and their fleet.

Wearing a black plush jacket and snow boots, the Soviet Union frowned and commanded the fleet with the appearance of warm skin but exposed legs and skin to save the Odin fleet who was turned around and attacked by the abyssal fleet. Asked: "Why are you here, Sukhbaatar, is she killed?"

  Odin met with the friendly forces and then let go of the uneasiness in his heart. He hurriedly replied: "I will not say anything else, hurry up with me to rescue Sukhbaatar. She is in a very dangerous situation now!"

   The Soviet Union was no nonsense, and no longer fearlessly battled with the Abyssal Fleet and commanded the captain to drive straight in, following the route instructed by Odin to proceed to the starry sky where Suhrbato and the abyss Tilbitz were engaged.

   Sukhbaatar is the necessary combat power to regain the land after the S-star territory fell, and it is absolutely not allowed to be buried here easily.

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