Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 886: Europa Conference

   "It's hard for you."

   Chester William said similarly, Yue Zhong’s white eyes wanted to fly without money, too lazy to care about Reinhardt: "What do you know?"

The G Starland Capitol was once also called the Empire State Building. The name change recorded its enduring battle and vicissitudes. After the Allied fleets conquered the final line of defense in the past, the G Starland troops occupying Berlin Star refused to surrender. The administrative capital star, which should have been far from the war, was baptized by the destruction of warships in near-air bombing and ground wars. The street fighting in the Capitol was the most tragic and harsh, and the soldiers who guarded the last dignity of the G Star Territory rebelled violently with revenge. S star field soldiers continued to attack, from the dawn of the sky to the moon and the sky, countless corpses and armored wreckage covered the vast lawn of the parliament building, until the G star field guards ran out all the ammunition, S star field The Chiqi was able to be inserted at the top of the parliament building, and the three-day battle in Berlin was declared over.

A piece of ruin has just begun to rebuild, and then the footsteps of the abyssal fleet's aggression set foot on this disaster-prone planet. When those abyssal fleets used special means to plunder the only remaining materials on the Berlin star, leaving only the ruins. After the empty shell, G Star Zone ushered in the cruelest period.

There is no transport ship outside to support the Berlin Star. The civil order here is completely collapsed like the end of the world. Countless residents who have no access to living supplies and food have died on the streets. Extreme groups that have sprung up and competed in various places on the planet In the space of survival, control the water source, hunt other animals and even humans.

The red change group led by Reinhardt was initially a small number of surviving soldiers, political advocates, scientists and workers. S Starland found that this was the best time to change G Starland and mobilized all forces to build a batch of After transporting the spaceship, it gave priority to supporting the red revolutionaries of the G star field. The Reinhardts who received the assistance of the S star field quickly took the initiative of the Berlin star and then entered other star regions. At the same time, they also completely closed the outside world and started the star field. Change and class liquidation, when they reappeared before the eyes of the seven galaxy, they became the current red G star field.

The whitewashed Capitol cannot cover up the remaining flames of war and the mottled and cruel memory of the war. This nation that has experienced many disasters but is still strong and has squeezed into the ranks of the world’s powers again from the beginning with its tenacious spirit, but In the background, it is inferior to many other power star fields, once relying on the breath of the S star field.

The rich historical years are concentrated on the road leading to the Capitol, and Yue Zhong walking in the middle can feel the heavy sense of the face. If the long axis of history is still in his hands, then this feeling will be a hundred times stronger I believe that these different but somewhat similar history can be seen by Qi Xiaomeng, she will be ecstatic.

Yue Zhong stepped up dozens of steps step by step. The genius leader and human criminal who nearly subverted the seven galaxies made his passionate speech here, leading the colonization led by the Royal Navy The G star domain suppressed by the system guardians set off a magnificent war and left scars and glorious memories in the hearts of every nation.

   It might not be possible to do better if Yue Zhong stands on his stand, but he may also desperately launch that war, because without fighting and shouting, what he wishes in his heart will always be a dream of nothingness.

   "Why don't you go in, would you be afraid if Xiao Meiyan is not there?" Reinhardt came from behind Yue Zhong and quipped.

"You look like a soldier, but in fact you are a lucky bastard, and how can you understand the shock and reflection of history's heavy weight." Yue Zhong shook his head, "I am very clear about your intention to call me this time, I want to use I Starfield’s dominance in exchange for Veneto appeared in the battle with the Abyssal Fleet. The deeper aspect is not necessarily a plan to kill VV?"

   Reinhardt's eyes twitched: "You don't have confidence in her, why should you let her stand in such a high position, isn't Liao () Ning doing well in C Starfield?"

"If VV is only ruling the I star field, then I don't have to worry about it at all. She is stronger than Liao () Ning. She is not weaker." Yue Zhong did not go further, leaving Reinhardt with enough room for imagination. Speculators frankly stated that all harms outweigh the benefits.

  Veneto is a person with a strong sense of national belonging and identity. She has always looked down on other stars in the Europa Galaxy, especially in food and drinks. From the point of view, Yue Zhong is worried about whether Veneto can abandon this narrow concept and deal with the relationship between the star fields alone. Although the I star field is the birthplace of the civilization of the Europa galaxy, after a long time, these stars The domains also have their own unique marks, and it is impossible to unify and obliterate them all. Then they can only tolerate the formation of a new civilization.

   The bell of 16 o'clock came from the Clock Tower not far away, where it is said to be a very old building that survived the destruction of the war and has survived to this day. It still keeps operating for a second to record the time of Berlin.

  The gate of the parliament building was slowly pushed open under the protection of the guards, and Yue Zhong and Reinhardt entered and closed again.

From the moment of nothing to the seven galaxies to the initial planning, Yue Zhong passed through the constellations of I, E, Africa, and A, and finally stood in the power center of G, and witnessed that these represented the seven galaxies. The mainstream culture and spirit of the galaxy civilization will bring the envisioned future development to the road of high-speed Render the colors in your hands on the already colorful world map, today's meeting will be a At the end of the phase, all the previous layouts were briefly exploded to form an irreversible trend, but the old forces represented by Ulster may not give up so easily.

In the Great Chamber of Parliament of the Parliament, in addition to the 13 seats of the highest command of the Europa Galaxy, there are delegations of various political departments of the star field. Today’s human coalition is only a military alliance, which involves broader political consultation and compromise. The ministry cannot be the sole agent.

Yue Zhong met the current president of I Star Zone here. He wanted to let Veneto take the place of the other party. Today’s main opponent is this person. In addition to Yue Zhong’s reputation in the ship’s mothership, Other diplomatic and political forces are basically blank. Today's meeting will be Yue Zhong's most difficult battle among the seven galaxies.

He achieved his seat, and the right side happened to enter Richelieu as one of the thirteenth seats of the highest command. In the situation of group enemies, the other party can be said to be Yue Zhong’s only ally, as long as he To be able to achieve Richelieu’s political intent to truly achieve an independent status equal to that of F-Zone, Richelieu will spare no effort to support him.

   "Hello, I didn't expect to meet here." Yue Zhong extended his hand to Richeliu and smiled.

At close quarters, Richelieu's figure is full of flesh. Unlike many slender shipgirls, she still has an exquisite fragrance. Her serious military temperament and elegant knighthood are the most unique temperaments. Facing Yue Zhong's friendly greetings , Richelieu pursed her lips, took off the gloves of her right hand, and put Bai Jie’s palm on the palm of Yue Zhong: “Hello, I’m very hearty to see you here. I’m the battleship Richelieu. Fight! This general, please help me."

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