Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 896: Sicilian confrontation

The Sicilian Star District is no longer familiar with all the ships of the Star Fleet, and a rebellion with Augustus Caesar in a good show was staged here, only when the Royal Navy intervened and Augustus Caesar was After Yue Zhong was killed, the rebel army formed a trend that could not be lost.

Veneto’s first appearance after betraying the Starfield Fleet is here. She is also in a fierce battle with the former Starfield companions. She is about to forget her hometown. After a short voyage, the Sicilian star is blue. The color appeared in the eyes of Veneto, but at the same time also appeared the military forces of the Sicilian rebels.

"Sister Sister, how come there is no fleet coming out to contact us for information, do you need me to negotiate with them?" Andrea Doria pretended to be Veneto's deputy and followed Veneto to the south After fighting for so long, I also have my own views on the war.

Veneto shook his head and said: "We don't want someone to stop on our way home. When the Admiral takes the absolute advantage of force, don't bother to reason with others."

"Huh?" Andrea Doria said eagerly, "Sister, please order!"

"It is customary to make three announcements, ordering the forward fleet to enter the channel of the military port in the Sicily Star District, refusing to cooperate with our army and treating it as an enemy with unlimited fire." Veneto said decisively.

Andrea Doria also did not speak, open the public frequency and shouted full of energy: "The fleet in front listens, the elder sister let you immediately open the channel to the military port of the Sicily Star District, and refused to cooperate after three announcements. All sunk, and the ruins are thrown into the black hole to fill the hole!"

The other ship maidens of Starland have always unconditionally supported Veneto's decision. They have long lost patience with Starfield. When they saw the dawn of the new era, they were able to follow the back of the person they most respected. There is no complaint or regret even when stepping into the abyss.

A less serious announcement still caused a tumult in the silent armed forces that blocked the Veneto fleet, and now it is only the rebel forces in the Sicilian Star Zone that can appear here. They were able to stand on the same front line as the planet Aura represented by Leo because the division and the union can best achieve their own interests, but now the return of the Veneto fleet will necessitate the reorganization of all the rebel forces with thunder. Reunification, the two sides have irreconcilable changes in their positions.

Maybe they have already invested in the side of the president of the star domain to try to use various methods to stop the Veneto fleet. Perhaps they just want to lose their current power and status and are stubborn. The person standing in that position cannot want to lose their current status. As long as there is such a slight possibility, they will not put down their weapons and accept the reorganization. Maybe they feel that they still have a battle with the Veneto fleet by their own strength?

What makes the rebels everywhere in the Starfields illusory is that Veneto may not choose to conquer all armed forces by force, and their own troops are not muddy. If they really fight, maybe it is not Venere. An opponent of the squadron, but she should be able to hold her foot.

Once the Great President of the Star Field returns to the Roman Star and organizes his loyal power to confront Veneto, then it is unknown who will kill the deer.

Without sufficient strength to fill their ambitions, and without a large amount of support from the grassroots, the rebels everywhere are destined to become the swaying wall between Veneto and the big president. It’s attractive, but he may not be able to hold the position of the big president without losing international assistance. The reason why the warlords represented by the Sicilian rebels sent troops to block the Veneto fleet is to perform deterrence. The strategy that coexists with soft confrontation is looking forward to similar promises from Veneto.

Unlike the original situation of the invasion of the Starfield Fleet, Veneto returned as a liberator. All her restrictions became the arrogant bargaining chips used by the rebels. The situation of foreign war layman civil war layman is very common The existence of, because foreign aggressors are careless, there are not many methods that can be used outside the battlefield, but the mystery of the civil war is greater.

So even if the Veneto fleet is stronger than the Soviet fleet, these warlords are not so panic.

At a five-minute interval, Andrea Adolía’s second announcement announced that the atmosphere between the two sides confronting the Sicilian Star Zone route was instantly dignified. Some high-level Sicilian rebels still do not believe that Veneto will really do this. But they couldn't control the inner fears of the soldiers at the bottom and the new shipmates.

Different voices began to appear in the political center of the Sicilian star. Some people were really scared. They began to feel that Veneto’s ultimatum was not a lie, but most people who were rebel leaders still insisted: "She It is to imitate what Yue Zhong did at the Europa meeting and use naval guns to force us to retreat. We must not easily compromise. When she finally communicates with her, she will definitely ride the tiger. That is the best time to propose our conditions."

Veneto watched the formation of the Sicilian army stabilize again, and did not mean to spread at all. The naval gun placed underneath raised the muzzle silently, and the dark purple streamer slowly brewed in it.

"Sister Sister, one more time," Andrea Doria said strangely. "They must have been terrified. Now that they are still open, they definitely want to talk about the conditions. Do we have to promise them?"

Veneto brews coffee skillfully in one hand, not looking above but looking up indifferently at the rebels here have tried to recruit her, but now there is no difference no matter what the other party is She wanted to build up the prestige from these people first: "I don't want to waste time."

"The last announcement, disarmed within three minutes and let go, otherwise our army will treat you as the enemy and sink!"

"Wait, Veneto, let us clear the fairway, but you must give a guarantee that the Sicily will continue to exist as an independent military regime afterwards, and we will obey your leadership in name!" The voice of the leader comes from the Sicilian Star Administration Center. "The sudden fire will only let other troops raise the banner of confrontation with you. You have to support our entry into the main star domain!"

Veneto didn't respond, and seemed to be thinking about the other party's proposal carefully, until the countdown to zero in three minutes before her eyes, and the coffee had reached the most suitable temperature for drinking.

Bright lips touched with rich coffee, all the navy guns on Veneto's body were scorching roar, she was drinking coffee indifferently, and the afterglow of the endless light of the navy gun embellished every inch of her skin. As gentle as jade.

To open fire is to open fire. This is not to invite guests to dinner or to do business. How can war make sense of your conditions? ()

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