Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 911: Words for Veneto

On the night of the planet of Rome, the undisturbed Supreme Holy Church, the majestic white jade statue exudes a soft light to illuminate the main hall of the Supreme Holy Church, Yue Zhong and Veneto stand in this divine light and look at each other calmly, Veneto was a little short, and she could only see Yue Zhong's face when she looked up. The fastest update

This place will soon cease to exist in the policies formulated by Veneto, because she believes that the ship’s government does not need a complete religious system that can affect many people. The priests and nuns are forcibly recruited into the army. Become a nominal chaplain, but with the demise of their generation, there will be no new clergy, but now Richelieu may have some turning points.

Xiao Meiyan is not here because she has her own things to do, but it is also a time for Yue Zhong and Veneto to get along alone. They need a little time to talk from meeting each other and then to parting. This refreshing chest She still has the demeanor, not to mention Xiao Meiyan also likes Veneto, a girl with a firm mind but a strong and clever style.

Veneto hasn’t met Yue Zhong for a long time, and vaguely guessed that this was the last time to be alone with Yue Zhong. No one else had some inexplicable impulse in her heart, but she was suppressed by her own reason. The dripping lips clenched from time to time, and the more sacred the place the mellow smell rose, the softer the bones became. Veneto is a nice girl, but she also has an extreme charm, which can make the opposite **** ignore this point at certain times. The dynamic sense of her petite and **** mature temperament makes people unconsciously fascinated.

   "Admiral, are you going to leave?" Very unwilling to say this sentence, but this is the first question that Veneto asked Yue Zhong.

"Xiaoyan has noticed the breath of the general plane, but before leaving, I will keep the last level for you." Yue Zhong felt that Veneto's eyes were too compelling, he couldn't summon the courage to look at him. , Can only use a serious gesture: "vv, Admiral I don't want to retaliate against those people after I leave, that is just to give them an excuse to deal with you. As long as you don't do it, the rules of the general plane will not allow them to deal with you. "Communicating with the rulers of the single world is a conventional method of panplane, and will not be easily destroyed for me as a small wanted criminal."

  Veneto nodded silently. When the admiral came, there would naturally be many things to say, although some did not want to listen, they had to listen.

Yue Zhong knew that she was reluctant to rid herself of her inadequacy and mischief, but he and Xiao Meiyan could not have been indulged, and Veneto, as the one with their mark, should also be careful: "Your current foundation is still very good Superficial, there are many things worth doing, and there is no point in entanglement with them. Admiral will not have anything. The day when there is something will definitely let you know. The top priority now is to completely reverse the concept of the seven galaxies and use the abyss The fleet has taken the opportunity to kidnap their thoughts and agree with the rule of the ship's mother. I have already done this, but I am afraid that I will not wait for the day to be completed, so vv you don’t want to do it while I’m gone, a small flame is enough I suffer."

  Veneto smiled knowingly, not very warm but still pale: "Homura is angry when she hears this."

"Ah, I dare to talk to you." Yue Zhong also laughed, suddenly felt a little tired standing, and then sat on the inscription jade platform under the **** and continued to say: "I told you a lot before If you grow up alone now, you should be able to understand many things. It’s nothing that I can control with powerlessness. Leaving is not my intention, leaving you is also my selfishness, and you still have a lot of things worth pursuing. Be careful of those who pursue you. You should be able to know whether you are greedy or special, but if you exclude them, you will not be able to complete them. You can judge your own feelings."

  Veneto walked over to sit on the edge of Yue Zhong. At this time, Yue Zhong could rub her small head at ease. The latter did not resist, but only squinted and smiled quietly.

  Like the little wooden house on Planet Aura, the old stove was lit with a corn soup simmering on it. The Admiral told his legendary myths while rubbing his head.

  Vv may not like others anymore, but who is right about the future?

"The Admiral can only do this for you now. As an actual ruler in the future, but you only know the military and know too little about government affairs, you can leave it to Ming Zaki for the time being, but you can't let him be centralized and distributed to Other stars represent some power is an inevitable compromise and checks and balances, so there should be no problem in the middle of the name Zaki Qi. I believe that with your wit and diligence, you can learn those things quickly, nothing more than some methods of doing things, just explore the model implementation Just self-assertion. I’m not worried that you won’t be able to do it."

Veneto seemed a little absent-minded, but Yue Zhong was not afraid that she hadn’t listened to her own Even if she asked her to repeat what she said a year ago, the ship’s memory was not a simple biological memory , They have a complete information reserve system: "When you feel that you are enough to control military affairs, the temporary transitional government must be abolished. When you want to be a dictatorship prime minister, an iron-blooded speaker, or a ship empress, you are free. What are you happy about? What is it, this is the prerogative of the ruler, no regime is perfect, not to mention the situation of the seven galaxies can not tolerate too much internal friction, strong **** can gather strength as much as possible, hold the naval gun in your hands Others control the direction of its fire, and the enemies of the void should not be eliminated. On the one hand, it can use it to transfer the contradictions under the rule of power, on the other hand, it can work with the general plane. If the current abyss is dead, then No one can tell what will happen."

"Observers, the court of justice, and the technical department for combating the void, these people are the ones who will deal with you." Yue Zhong counted those that may appear in the future, each of them is Veneto The behemoths of the seven major galaxies that are difficult to shake, put this pressure on Veneto, and she doesn’t know whether she can bear it: "Homura and I will make a screening in advance, and there will be benefits in the future from the general plane. Screening, technology and army cannot be decentralized. Their technology can be fully used before they can be used. Their army can not be used. The pirate cat is probably the person who will mainly negotiate with you next. Be careful of these non-human deformed creatures. Even if it uses me as a threat or tries to exchange something for me, don’t agree. These stuffed toys are best at the empty glove white wolf. You think it’s good but you don’t know the truth.” rw

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