Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 941: Return to Asia

Three days before the joint fleet chose to carry out the last breakout operation, Shiraishi firmly believed that carrying the purification abyss erosion technology provided by Xiao Meiyan also arrived at netbsp; he had reached an agreement with Zhu Zhongxue in advance, and Zhu Zhongxue also made use of his arrival to make After the outcry, many people, mainly people in the J Star domain, recalled the glory and power of the once combined fleet, and began to think that the human coalition cannot ignore them, so the search and rescue calls are rising day by day, and the high-level people were unwilling to rescue The idea of ​​the Abyssal Fleet is also showing signs of dissolution, but the lack of a goal has never kicked, because it lacks the approval of Chester William, the highest commander of the Asiatic Galaxy. ????

However, when Shiraishi firmly believes that there will be a turn for the better.

Zhu Zhongxue didn't go directly to discuss conditions with Chester William, because he knew that the other party probably didn't want the United Fleet to continue to exist. He was a supporter of the ship's age, and he still wanted to delay this as much as possible. In the course of history, he would have less pressure on such a powerful fleet with this kind of thinking, not to mention Chester William has always been very obsessed with Takenaka Yuki, forcing his fleet to cease armament with S Starfield. Picked the contradiction between the two to the bright spot.

So he still found Liao () Ning, the real owner of c-star now. After she took over c-star, the expansion of the fleet has now had a lot of details, although it is still not in court with the a-star fleet. , But letting the other side be afraid can already do it.

Liao () Ning is the first legend to rule a star domain as a ship maiden. Although her growth experience is under the shadow of the J star domain joint fleet, she is not as proud and wise as she is. Too presumably, purifying the abyss of erosion is the means she must get, only then will she not be too far behind in the competition with Veneto.

It’s just that Zhu Zhongxue isn’t quite sure whether he wants to rescue the joint fleet with the support of Liao () Ning, because he is also not sure whether Liao () Ning attaches importance to the technology of purifying abyss erosion. Regarding the relationship over there, it may be possible to obtain it through negotiation at a lower price.

What did not make Zhu Zhongxue think that Liao () Ning just agreed after listening to his intention, and also proposed to invite Lexington to put pressure on Chester William together, then Zhu Zhongxue had to change before 'S plan, decided to make Baishi firmly believe that the arrival is completely open, rather than private contact as previously discussed.

With the support of the leader of C Star Zone, Shiraishi firmly believed that although his entry was opposed by Chester William and the leading party of the current J Star Zone ruling party, he successfully arrived at the C Star Zone Duxing Military Airport, Liao () Not only did Ning and Zhu Zhongxue attend to greet his arrival, she successfully invited Lexington over, believing that this lady would let Chester William understand what is meant by the inevitable trend.

The predecessor of the c-star military airport was a dedicated airport for the royal family. All the modern facilities should be built with antique building materials. The Zhu wall yellow tile carved beam painting building, and the erosion of the wind and rain for hundreds of years has added a strong background.

The complexity of using the classical and luxurious building materials to complete the use of the airport has increased geometrically, but the hard-working and intelligent c-star working people still realize it with their own wisdom and spirituality. Although this star field is far behind in military strength Other Starfields, but in terms of civilian technology, are at the peak of another level. This military airport is only the tip of the iceberg. The more magnificent forbidden miracle is the highest crystallization of labor wisdom.

Bai Shi firmly believed that the moment when he walked out of the cabin door and saw the star sky of the c star field seemed to be another world, what appeared in his eyes were the big people who were once unreachable, and Kart and Zhu Zhongxue had given him guidance and nothing. The merciless people who abandoned him after using him were also welcoming him here.

He knew that he could rely on Xiao Meiyan for all of this, and perhaps Yue Zhong's ingredients were in it, but Yue Zhong's bad attitude and unkind language made him not want to list Yue Zhong as a grateful person.

During the long journey, he was always worried about the safety of Xianghe and even the joint fleet. Knowing that Xiao Meiyan was alone and heading to the bright galaxy, he worried about more things, but he understood that he was not qualified to worry about Xiao Meiyan. All I can do is to do my utmost to rescue the joint fleet. This may also provide Xiao Meiyan with some insignificant help?

"Bai Shi firmly believes that it is not the time for you to stay." Karting looked at Bai Shi firmly now, feeling somewhat sour in his heart. He had completely failed in the fight against Liao () Ning, and Chong () Qing's betrayal gave way Not only did he no longer have the possibility to fight back, but he also questioned himself, and Bai Shi, who had been playing with himself between applause, firmly believed that it was becoming more and more important. Unsurprisingly, he will become the governor of J Star Domain in the future, and himself I am afraid that they will be deprived of military power and live an ordinary life with the retired Yixian.

This time when he came to the c star domain, he did not meet Chong () Qing, the other party did not know whether he was deliberately hiding him or he had really been destined, otherwise Karting would like to ask why?

No matter how reluctant, Karting has already accepted this reality after the baptism of time, but when he sees Bai Shi firmly believe, there is a trace of reluctance in his heart again, and the tone of speech is inevitable.

Yixian gently took Kardin's arm and shook his head to stop him from talking. The world today is no longer their stage. Instead of being remembered, it is better to let people forget their existence~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Shiraishi firmly believes that he did not say anything after looking at Karting. He is not proud of the status change of both parties now. He even envyed him when he saw Yixian beside him, maybe Karting lost a lot. , But the most precious person in his life can still stay with him, is this not another kind of happiness?

If possible, he is willing to exchange situations with Karting, as long as Xianghe can settle down, he can not do anything else.

"The highest command of the Asian Galaxy hopes that Mr. Shiraishi can share the technology of purifying the abyss erosion, but before that, I hope you will let us understand the principle of this." Liao () Ning is a resolute and powerful ship mother, since Shiraishi firmly believes that he has gone When she came to her, she went straight to the subject and said.

Liao () Ning happened to be standing with Lexington when they spoke. The two belonged to different countries. Their blood and color were also very different, but their appearances were somewhat similar. They were dressed in white and refreshing. The navy military uniform also exudes a mature and calm charm, which makes Bai Shi firmly believe that there are some tricks like a sister.

"Don't worry, if the condition for handing over this technology is to rescue the joint fleet, I will let Chester William agree." Lexington said undoubtedly. 8

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