
Chapter 222 THAAD System? You don't sell me!

"One building in three days, Huaxia has demonstrated terrifying infrastructure capabilities."

"555 Fulton may be reborn, and its ability to seize the lower-level market cannot be underestimated!"

"Significant reduction in the construction cost of residential buildings? Or a huge impact on the real estate market."

As one news report after another came out, the evaluation of this action, which was originally regarded as a "farce" and "show", instantly reversed two levels.

Everyone never expected that the 10 days they mentioned was actually a conservative estimate.

The real situation is that even if the construction starts on the 21st, the workers on the construction site can still make it in time for Thanksgiving!

Such a terrifying speed, such a terrifying ability, people can't help but have a question:

Why, our own company is so slow?

Did it really take so much time, or did they deliberately prolong the time and deliberately create the illusion of "high cost"?

Under such expectations, the stocks of many real estate-related companies in the US stock market fluctuated violently, and among them, Horton, the largest company, was included.

In the headquarters office, Horton looked gloomyly at the latest stock price forecast report, clutching his coffee cup tightly in his hand, his muscles so tense that he almost trembled when he lifted the cup.

Just in the past hour, Holden's share price fell by a full 3%.

This caused his worth to plummet by nearly tens of billions of dollars in an instant.

Although it is well known that this is only a temporary fluctuation, even if you look at the entire history of Holden, this situation is extremely rare.

He couldn't help being anxious, but he didn't have any coping methods.

The secretary sitting opposite him observed his expression carefully, and then said:

"The volatility this time can be seen as a concentrated release of market sentiment. Although it appears to be large in magnitude, it is short-lived."

"It will take at most a few days for the impact of this incident to be digested."

"At that time, our stock price will return to the normal range, and our other plans can continue to be implemented."

"Supplemented with the manipulation of the second-hand housing market, we predict that in the next month, the stock price of the entire real estate sector will have a rise of about 5%, and our company."

"That's not what I care about!"

Horton interrupted the secretary's words harshly, and then continued:

"The problem now is, they did leverage our market!"

"Whether it's a show or a long-term strategy they pre-ordered, the result is that they really challenged us with their cheap, crude, but efficient scary products just like in other fields. authority!"

"Yes, even now, the people and the market have not fully accepted what they call 'housing', but what about the future?"

"What would happen if they built not one house, but dozens or hundreds of houses?"

"Bad money drives out good money, and sooner or later they will take our cake—no, it's not just that simple."

"They are forcing us to become like them, and what they are challenging is the entire market price system!"

"I just said that things are not that simple. They just want to lower the price of the entire market. This is very dangerous!"

Hearing his words, the secretary sighed helplessly.

Then he said:

"At least now we have a clear idea of ​​their intentions."

"Next, as long as we respond according to the plan, we can maintain the stability of prices."

"In the second-hand housing market, we have already begun to take some action. At present, we have controlled most of the listings in Texas and have a part of the pricing power."

"At the same time, other companies are following suit, and the transmission effect is expected to appear within two weeks."

"At that time, we can also see a clear upward trend in the new housing market"

"be quick!"

Horton interrupted again.

"We don't have time to hesitate. It's like a tug-of-war between two strong men. If we are still in the trial stage, but the opponent uses all his strength, then we are likely to be knocked down in an instant."

"You can't give them any opportunity to speculate."

"Now, the field of second-hand housing alone is no longer enough. We also need to start from the financial direction."

"Let's find a way to continue to heat up the enthusiasm for subprime CDS. It is strongly bound to the real estate market. As long as it heats up, our market will continue to heat up."

"Understood, I'll do it now."

After all, the secretary got up and left Horton's office.

After he left, the instructions from this small office began to spread rapidly to every corner of the American continent.

The first thing to start is the operation on the second-hand housing market.

Many residents who plan to buy second-hand housing because the price of new housing is too high suddenly found that the speed of second-hand housing prices has risen far beyond their expectations. In some cities, prices have even appeared upside down!

Experts immediately interpreted this situation. They said that this means that housing prices still have room to continue to rise. The reason why they were inverted was because real estate developers were less sensitive and had no time to adjust their pricing.

So, fueled by these experts, the rush to buy second-hand housing began to rise.

Those speculators who had been gearing up for a long time finally waited for a new opportunity, and rushed up like a pack of wolves seeing their prey.

Under the secret joint manipulation of several major real estate companies, the price of second-hand housing rose astonishingly. In just two weeks, the city with the highest increase actually reached 10%!

The whole society is advocating that real estate is the best financial management tool, and it is also the easiest way for ordinary people to participate in getting rich.

The market is hot and everyone is in a frenzy.

Along with the booming real estate market, there is also a booming financial transaction market.

CDS holdings have been rising all the way, and the scale has expanded by 5% compared with a month ago.

At the same time, the average transaction price and turnover rate of CDS are also rising, and its discussion popularity in major media even exceeds that of traditional stocks.

Moreover, after years of development, CDS is no longer the high-ranking wealth management product that only institutions can participate in.

MBS packaged from CDS is packaged into a new generation of wealth management products, open to all bank customers.

In the environment of soaring housing prices, the annualized income of MBS has rushed to an astonishing 40%.

What is this concept?

Even for Warren Buffett, the stock god, his annualized rate of return is only around 30%.

As long as you buy MBS, you surpass Buffett.

Under such a temptation, the entire market began to show an extremely abnormal prosperity.

The Federation has obviously noticed this anomaly, but the officials who have long been kidnapped by capital are unable to take any restrictive actions.

Because they know that the entire market is now a pot of hot oil.

If you pour cold water into it rashly, there will only be one consequence.


However, they dare not add water to the oil pan, but on the other side, someone has already started preparing ice cubes

In Chen Guo's office, Chen Nian looked at the latest report and asked curiously:

"So this was your plan, or was it just a spontaneous reaction from the U.S. market?"

Chen Feiyun who was sitting on the side smiled and replied:

"It should be said that this is within our plan."

"However, the other party's reaction was much more dramatic than we expected."

"In other words, your judgment is correct."

"The major financial losses in the early stage have indeed increased the volatility of their financial markets, and there are many more endogenous unstable factors than under normal development."

"Under reasonable speculation, we believe that their financial building is close to the brink of collapse."

"As long as there are more disruptions, we don't even need to siphon off their foundations to destabilize their entire economy."

Hearing what Chen Feiyun said, Chen Nian nodded slightly.

Chen Feiyun is indeed the leading "financial warfare" expert in China. His judgment is basically consistent with the situation when the financial crisis actually occurred in the previous life.

Back then, the subprime mortgage crisis only started with small-scale defaults and bankruptcies of small banks.

At that time, everyone thought that it was just a normal market fluctuation, and no one could have imagined that this storm would eventually sweep the world and bring the whole world into the abyss.

"So what are you going to do next?"

he continued.

"There are several directions."

After thinking for a while, Chen Feiyun stood up, and began to sort out the plan of the economic port with a tree diagram on the whiteboard beside him.

"The first thing that can be determined is that we must continue to deepen the impact of 555 Fulton."

"Our infrastructure capabilities have already impressed the other party, but there is still only one set of demonstration buildings."

"In the later stage, we will continue to expand the scale of the project, and use the same method to wash away the cognition of ordinary people time and time again."

"Of course, there may be some troubles in the process. The Federation has already reacted. They will inevitably restrict our actions through the media, policies, etc., but it doesn't matter. We just need to be prepared in advance."

"In addition, the most critical point is that we need to continue to undermine the other party's policy foundation."

"Actually, we all know that the rise in housing prices in the United States is based on expectations for the U.S. economy."

"We intend to send some negative signals, such as selling U.S. Treasury bonds, selling core stocks, etc., to further reduce the expectations of the entire financial market."

"The third point is also the most critical point. We plan to put an ice cube in this boiling oil pan for them."

"Ice cubes? How?"

Chen Nian asked curiously.

"The market is integrated, and when one area takes a big hit, the whole market moves because of it."

"We know that among the several pillar industries in the United States, the military industry accounts for a huge proportion."

"Then, if we can give them a major negative expectation in this industry, we are sure to cool down the crazy burning momentum of the entire US economy."

"And the first thing that bears the brunt is real estate."

"Therefore, our military export activities need to be further accelerated."

"Military exports?"

Chen Nian repeated it subconsciously, with a slightly surprised tone.

"Can this still be related?"


Chen Feiyun nodded as a matter of course, and then explained.

"According to our report, the total arms exports of the United States in 2005 will reach more than 15 billion US dollars, of which 70% will go to Asia."

"For them, this is not just a pure economic and foreign exchange gain, but in fact, it is more like a proof of national strength."

"In the eyes of many people, the arms trade is actually the main way for the United States to export its influence abroad for a long time to come."

"As long as it exists and continues to expand, the influence of the United States can also continue to expand."

"If we can intercept them in this market... think about it, how will things change?"

Chen Nian frowned and thought for a moment, then replied:

"The arms dependency scheme they use will fail completely."

"Arms vassalization! This word is too accurate!"

Chen Feiyun looked at Chen Nian in surprise and said:

"If you're not technical, I really want to drag you into my own team. That's right, it's the arms vassal."

"In fact, the US's Asia-Pacific strategy has shown a clear trend in recent years. They want to control the entire Pan-Pacific region under their own hands by virtue of expanded arms trade and military cooperation."

"Among them, Japan, South Korea, India, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Singapore should be their main targets."

"Of course, now Vietnam has been knocked out."

"So, as long as we get a few other countries, we can basically break their arms vassalization plan—at least, to a certain extent."

"Understood, this is your ice cube."

Chen Nian said thoughtfully.

"You are actually thinking in the opposite direction. By suppressing the other party's arms trade, you can create an illusion that the other party's influence is declining—maybe it's not an illusion, but let's not discuss this."

"In conclusion, financial markets are sensitive and the slightest sign of trouble can cause them to overreact."

"The setback of the arms trade may be just a small ice cube to the hot oil in the US economic market, but as long as it is thrown into the pot, it can trigger a huge chain reaction."

"Because the bedding on the real estate has already heated up the fire very hot"

"That's it."

Chen Feiyun nodded solemnly.

"Then where do you plan to start? At present, the United States exports the most weapons in the Asia-Pacific region. Apart from the Patriot, F-15, F-16, and Aegis, there seems to be nothing else?"

"In these aspects, our competitiveness is not superior."

"This needs to be discussed and decided by Poly and Beigong. I can only provide directional suggestions."

Hearing Chen Feiyun's words, Chen Nian frowned.

No way.

At present, although several new domestic equipments are very competitive and powerful, none of them can be exported to grab the market.

Do you sell DF-17 to Thailand and Malaysia?

Did you sell J-22 to the island country?

What a joke.

But if you sell inferior products, people really don't like it.

After all, East Asian monster rooms are different from those in the Middle East. They have really seen good things.

If we want to break the arms vassalization strategy, we must come up with a piece of equipment that is far ahead but not threatening to ourselves.

It must be defensive equipment, but its effect must be "killer" level.

Whether it is Patriot or Aegis, they all meet this feature.

So what do we have?

Or, where can I start?



Chen Nian suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

In fact, the core of the arms vassalization plan is neither Patriot nor Aegis, but the THAAD system.

Since you will deploy THAAD in Japan and South Korea sooner or later.

Then I sold it in advance, what can you do with me?

A smile appeared on the corner of Chen Nian's mouth.

He realized that this way of solving the problem might be the best way

The concept of Sade that came out of other people's hands is different from that of Sade that came out of one's own hands.

However, before selling this "strongest shield in history", you have to take out the "spear that can definitely break the shield".

After all, our purpose is to break the U.S. arms dependency program, not to break our nuclear deterrent and kill ourselves.

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