
Chapter 247 Early Occupation?

The consequences of the failure of the Los Angeles high-speed rail project far exceeded the expectations of the US government.

Compared to the size of the entire country, this was originally a very small thing.

However, due to the spare no effort in the early stage of publicity, in the eyes of many people, this project has become a symbol of "Let the United States rise again", but now, this symbol has fallen in such a way, no matter who it is, it is impossible to accept it.

The trend of economic decline is becoming more and more obvious, and since this project is directly related to the real economy, the impact on the real economy is even more exaggerated.

People's doubts about domestic companies and official capabilities have risen to the peak, runs have occurred everywhere, and material shortages have become more frequent. In Los Angeles, the budget that has been almost squeezed out by this project is becoming more and more stretched.

Even the subsidies that were originally decided to be distributed to the unemployed and bankrupt people hit by the financial crisis have completely disappeared.

More than 10,000 people have been put into existential crisis because of this, and this is definitely not a small number

Time entered August, and the high temperature in the northern hemisphere almost swept across the entire North American continent, but Los Angeles, which is located in the temperate Mediterranean climate zone, was still rainy.

On August 12, the first large-scale demonstration broke out. With the intervention of the police, the demonstration gradually turned violent.

That night, more than a thousand shops and residents were robbed, and the Los Angeles police's emergency calls were almost exploded.

On August 14, the riots continued, but the goals of the people gradually became unified.

Under the leadership of individual leaders, the crowd began to rush to the city hall, and the local military was dispatched to maintain order, but all of this was in vain.

In the early morning of the 15th, after the military opened fire, the situation was completely out of control. The people rushed to the city hall and occupied the city hall under the cover of chaotic firepower.

The national flags and state flags were all toppled down and burned, and the crazy crowd did chores wantonly, and even the walls were seriously damaged.

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the biggest riot that the United States has encountered was born.

After the news broke, the whole world was shocked.


Except Chen Nian.

In Xigong University, Chen Nian sat opposite to Chen Guo, shaking his head and thinking to himself:

I didn't expect Zero Yuan to buy so many years earlier than the previous life

What's even more outrageous is that Los Angeles actually broke Capitol Hill's record and became the first official institution to be occupied.

It's ridiculous!

I, A Chuan, got the credit just like that?

Poor comrades, before they have time to make a difference, they have been robbed of the limelight

Looking at the half-smile expression on Chen Nian's face, Chen Guo asked curiously:

"Why are you laughing there? What kind of coke do you have?"

Hearing this, Chen Nian couldn't hold back anymore.

He laughed and replied:

"Isn't this fun? Los Angeles City Hall is occupied, the next step is Capitol Hill, and the next step is the White House."


Chen Guo quickly interrupted him, and said:

"It's better for the U.S. not to get into a mess. Now we've managed to stabilize the situation, and the domestic economy is slowly recovering."

"If they are pushed too hard, and in the end they end up in a dead end, and they not only export the economic crisis, but also start exporting war, then we will be in serious trouble."

"...Well, they can do this kind of thing."

"Isn't it? It's not like you don't know about things in the Middle East."

Chen Guo said with a sigh.

Chen Nian was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that what he was talking about was the attack on the centrifuge equipment in Iran.

That incident was supposed to be the trigger for this large gunpowder barrel in the Middle East, but unexpectedly, because of the change in the military balance between the two sides, although the fuse looked scary, it did not detonate in the end!

In fact, from the perspective of the Iraqi side, it is not incomprehensible to choose forbearance at this time.

The reason is simple. Since Saudi Arabia acquired a large number of weapons and equipment from China, their right to speak in the Middle East has quietly changed.

There are so many quasi-third-generation aircraft, close to 10 third-generation and a half aircraft, and they are even equipped with weapons and electronic warfare systems that far exceed the level of local combat capabilities.

Not to mention those drones that can fly over your head anytime, anywhere.

If there is a real fight, the Iranian side will not get any benefits.

Therefore, the final result is that the two sides have spoken harsh words several times, conducted several exercises, and after showing off a wave of muscles, nothing is left.

It is precisely because of this that the impact of oil production cuts is far less than expected by the United States, which has also caused their economic recovery to be greatly slowed down.

Thinking of this, a strange idea suddenly appeared in Chen Nian's mind:

Perhaps cutting back on arms isn't the only way to make the world peaceful.

Distributing the same weapons to the hostile two sides, so that their strengths are equal, can reduce conflicts even more.


Hey guys, what kind of Lord of War idea is this?

If Huaxia really goes on like this, it is estimated that it will become another "kind doctor" in this century

After a moment of silence, Chen Nian said:

"It's really a serious problem."

"Actually, even if they don't collapse in the short term, exporting war is a certainty."

"What we have to do should not be how to maintain the situation and avoid exporting wars."

"It's about finding a way to kill the signs of war they caused in the cradle."

"Although we now have all kinds of advanced weapons, it is clear that the number of these weapons is not enough, nor can they achieve effective deterrence."

"No. 001 is going to speed up, and at the same time, the naval equipment has to catch up quickly"

Hearing Chen Nian's words, Chen Guo nodded solemnly.

But then he shook his head and said:

"The navy still needs time, especially in terms of combat effectiveness. It is impossible to form a formation-based combat capability in the short term."

"We might as well continue to focus on the Air Force, the Army."

"On the one hand, there are missiles, on the other hand, fighter jets."

"These two problems are solved, at least in terms of homeland defense, we can achieve the maximum combat effectiveness."

"Indigenous defense cannot be a deterrent."

Chen Nian interrupted Chen Guo's words, and continued:

"If you want to do it, you still have to do strategic bombers."

"How's the progress on the H-20?"

Chen Guo turned on the computer and turned the screen to Chen Nian's side.

"At present, the wind tunnel tests have been completed, and the airframe is fully finalized."

"The next thing to tackle is the variable cycle engine."

"The 606 Institute has joined forces with the 603 and is working on this project. It is expected that within 4 months, a prototype of the variable cycle engine will be produced."

"Within six months, the H-20 should be able to fly for the first time."

"However, its test period will be very long, and you also know that this aircraft is a variable-sweep wing aircraft, and at the same time, it has to take into account the stealth design, and its structure is very complicated."

"It's okay to be slower."

Chen Nian said thoughtfully.

"However, after the Chinese New Year next year, we should indeed give everyone a New Year's gift."

Meanwhile, 605.

Tang Changhong looked at the latest report with a frown, and said solemnly:

"This design doesn't work. The variable-sweep wing already compresses the space of the wing's fuel tank. The design of the fuel tank itself is already extremely complicated. If the gas filling device of the Tu-160 is used again, it is likely to fail due to low efficiency. resulting in insufficient air pressure in the wing."

"In 2003, isn't that the reason why Lao Maozi dropped the Tu-160? Why is the plan brought over now still unchanged?"

"They really don't plan to go any further? The plane just gave up?"

The assistant Gao Yongyu on the side shook his head lightly, and replied:

"I don't know what they think for the time being. Anyway, in this project, they only played some role in the marginal field."

"They don't have access to the core design. They give us whatever technology we want."

"I reckon that they just brought us the old Tu-160 plan, that's why it looks so backward."

"These old men. Why are they so careless in their work? Do you still want the technology of the engine?"

Tang Changhong looked a little displeased. While talking, he quickly flipped through the documents at hand, and when he saw the stamp of "Tupolev Design Bureau" on the last page, he couldn't help cursing out sound.

"Damn it, it's really an old design! Look, it's still stamped by Tupolev!"

Gao Yongyu went over to take a look, and couldn't laugh or cry on the spot.

The Tupolev Design Bureau is indeed the design bureau of the Tu-160, but the problem is that this thing was before the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

After the disintegration, the Tupolev Design Bureau was reorganized into the Russian United Aviation Manufacturing Group. Although the framework has not changed, the title has changed after all.

Therefore, if the gas filling device required by 605 this time is an improved version from the Russian side, it should be stamped with the seal of United Airlines.

But now, above Tupolev's chapter

The ghost knows which archive they dug out from to make up the number!

In fact, the inert gas filling device of Tu-160 had been redesigned as early as 2003.

In that year, a Tu-160 crashed at an altitude of nearly 2,000 meters due to a fuel tank explosion. After investigation, it was found that the cause of the accident was that the filling device did not fill the wing fuel tank with inert gas in time.

Since then, United Airlines has redesigned the aircraft's gas filling device as quickly as possible, and gradually replaced all the old devices.

It is precisely because of this new design that similar accidents have never happened again.

But now, they are actually reluctant to give .

"This is too perfunctory. In business talk business, although we are only doing technical exchanges, we can't be mean to this extent."

Gao Yongyu shook his head and said.

"Whether they are perfunctory or not, call back and tell them it's useless."

"When will you come up with a design plan that can match, and when will you come to us again."

"If you can't even solve this small problem, then I will directly notify Chengdu and stop their PAK FA cooperation project."


Gao Yongyu nodded quickly.

After a pause, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Mr. Tang, what you are saying now is really tough. You will stop other people's projects at every turn. If those old men hear this, they will probably be so angry that they will slap the table."

Tang Changhong laughed loudly, and then replied:

"We have been aggrieved for so many years, and now we finally have something in our hands, how can we hold our breath?"

"I'm not really making things difficult for them. As you said, it's just business talk."

"When we begged them in the past, it was a technology that exchanged ores and materials for trains of trains."

"Now we don't care what they want. For technical exchanges, we must have the appearance of technical exchanges. What's the matter with hiding them?"

"That's true."

Gao Yongyu replied in agreement.

"After all, they are still begging us now."

"Without their technology, we'd be slower at best."

"But without us, I guess their fourth-generation machine can be produced. At least in the stealth design, there is no chance."

"PAK FA program so bad?"

Hearing this, Tang Changhong was a little surprised.

In his impression, although Russia is not leading in fourth-generation aircraft, it still has accumulated technology.

But now, listening to Gao Yongyu's words, it seems that this project has ended before it even started.

"Very bad. I have communicated with Chengfei. In the initial plan, they used a central lifting body + tandem magazine, which had a great impact on the structural strength."

"Cracks in the fuselage's structure already appeared in the first air blowing hole. After analysis, it was found that the belly of the fuselage caused by the tandem magazine is too fragile to withstand the impact of high-intensity airflow."

"However, the PAK FA's belly air intake design is the most complicated design of the belly airflow. These two problems are superimposed, and it is almost an infinite loop."

"In addition to this, there are problems with stealth design."

"Combined with the turbulence of the boundary layer airflow that has been blown out now, it is conceivable that after the engine is put on the machine, the unstable function of the air inlet will definitely cause the engine to surge."

"Look, there are already three questions."

"Besides, these three issues are still the most important ones, and there are a lot of others."

"so serious?"

Tang Changhong's eyes widened.

He scratched his head subconsciously, recalling the development process of J-20 and J-22.

It seems that from the beginning to the end, I have never heard of any major design problems in these two projects.

They all start manufacturing immediately after getting the drawings. There may be some small optimizations, and of course there will be defects that must be accepted, but they all belong to the category of "the machine is not complete".

In the case of PAK FA, it is true

That's right, after all, they don't have Chen Nian.

Clearly, situations like the PAK FA project are the norm for aircraft design projects.

People like myself are just taking advantage of Chen Nian.

Thinking of this, he let out a sigh of relief.

Before that, he also lamented the incredibleness of this young man named "Chen Nian" many times.

But at this moment, when the progress of the PAK FA project was in front of his eyes, he really realized what this young man had brought to him, to the aviation industry, and to this country.

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