
Chapter 265 Wine is still warm

The successful trial production of the variable cycle engine means that there is only one last hurdle left before the first flight of the H-20:

Package test.

In this regard, Chen Nian was never worried about the level of domestic engineers.

After all, although the word "craftsmanship" has become a negative term full of irony in the era he lived in, it is now a real compliment to those workers who work hard.

You know, the workers in this country are all for the difference of a micron, and they can toss dozens of ruthless people day and night without sleep.

You can say they are stubborn, you can say they are mean, you can even say they are stupid, but you must never question their level.

In an era without precision machinery and high-performance computers, they could even achieve similar effects with their own hands and minds.

What they represent is the limit of what human beings can achieve.

And it's the same now.

What's more, a lot of advanced technology and equipment have been introduced into the H-20's manufacturing process. With the blessing of these things, they will only complete the original work better.

With such thoughts in mind, Chen Nian bid farewell to Chen Guo with satisfaction, left the office, and walked to the H-20 assembly workshop.

It was three o'clock in the afternoon, and the workshop was very busy.

At this time, he has no restrictions in the 603 Institute. If he wants, he can even directly treat the most core confidential workshop as his own home.

Tang Changhong had already prepared an identity for him, which was enough to explain the past both externally and internally.

The same is true today.

After Chen Nian entered the workshop, engineer Liu Xuejian who was checking the installation of the landing gear in the workshop noticed him, so he stood up quickly to say hello.

"Chen Gong, are you free to come and have a look today?"

In his eyes, Chen Nian is a talented young man who was specially trained by a brother's research institute. He came here specially for training and exchanges.

With this understanding, he has always been very polite to Chen Nian.

Of course, this kind of politeness was originally mixed with some slight sense of superiority.

After all, the era of "Jianmen Huzi" has passed, and the current second generation generally does not have much real ability.

At first, he thought that Chen Nian was also such a person.

But unexpectedly, after a few contacts, he was directly overwhelmed by Chen Nian's professionalism.

In addition, Chen Nian helped them solve a few difficult technical problems, and now his attitude towards Chen Nian can be described as sincere and clear admiration.

"Yeah, I heard that the variable cycle engine will be shipped over for assembly soon, let me see how everyone is preparing."

"Hey, you don't have to worry about me, just do your own thing."

"I'm so familiar, why do I need you to greet me?"

Hearing Chen Nian's words, Liu Xuejian smiled and replied:

"You have to say hello whenever you come, that's the rule."

"The titanium-aluminum joint riveting hole-making method you told us last time, we asked a master to try it, hey, guess what, it's awesome!"

"We specially found an old fitter master to test it, and none of the ones we learned said it was not easy to use."

"Master Liu Shiyong, do you know? He is our most experienced fitter, and even he said that anyone who can come up with this kind of operation must be an expert for at least decades."

"I told him that it was brought up by the young man, but he still didn't believe it. Didn't he sneak away to watch you last time? You didn't pay attention."

Chen Nian couldn't help smiling, and said slightly jokingly:

"Next time you ask Master Liu to come to me directly, maybe we can still communicate."

"Of course, I'm just talking on paper. If I were to practice it, I'm afraid I can't even carry the riveting gun."

In fact, although Chen Nian had never met Liu Shiyong, he was very familiar with this name.

From the beginning to the end, this person calls himself "an ordinary aircraft riveting fitter", but in fact, he has won honors, has countless project experiences, and even took the lead in undertaking the frame structure modification design of the J-10 reform project. Daniel.

The "titanium-aluminum joint riveting method" I proposed before is actually an extension of some of his research results.

However, during this period, although Liu Shiyong had outstanding abilities, he did need more time to accumulate and did not produce too many outstanding achievements.

It's no wonder that he still doesn't dare to talk to himself directly about technology—probably he still has some inferiority complex of "self-righteous bottom class".

With that in mind, Chen Nian added another sentence:

"I'm not joking. Find an opportunity to talk to Master Liu another day, and let him talk to me when he has time."

"The follow-up assembly of H-20 is very complicated. As the leader, he must know it well."

"If there is any difficulty, I will help as much as I can."

"Your words are enough, Mr. Chen!"

Liu Xuejian's expression lifted, and after a pause, he smiled embarrassedly again.

"Don't tell me, Mr. Chen, we really encountered a little trouble."

"If you have time now, why don't you take a look together?"

There was a trace of embarrassment in Liu Xuejian's expression, and there was also some imperceptible guilt in his tone.

What are you doing, I came here to study, but after studying for more than a month, I didn't bring anything back. Instead, I gathered a lot of "technical wool" from my side.

Is this still communication?

Is it purely technical poverty alleviation?


Maybe he came here to help the poor with technology, but he chose such a name just to make the 603 look good.

Chen Nian nodded slightly, and asked:

"What's the trouble? Is it in the assembly process?"

Liu Xuejian shook his head and replied:

"It's not the assembly process, it's the material problem."

"We have tested the takeoff and landing system of the H-20 before, and found that the current landing gear is sufficient if it is used on other fighter jets or even other civil aviation airliners."

"But the H-20 is different. Because of the special airframe design, the approach speed of the H-20 is relatively fast when landing, and the landing impact is relatively large."

"If the previous design ideas are still followed, the stress concentration phenomenon of the landing gear will be more obvious."

"In this way, the life of the landing gear will be greatly shortened."

"Originally, this is not a big deal—at most, it is enough to replace the vulnerable parts of the landing gear regularly."

"However, the H-20's landing gear compartment and magazine compartment are interoperable in mechanical structure, and it is estimated that later maintenance will be very troublesome."

"So we're wondering if there's a way to solve this problem once and for all."

"We've been researching this after get off work for the past few days. Mr. Chen, I think you have some ideas, why don't you take a look together?"

Chen Nian scratched his head, and asked in a doubtful tone:

"Is this stuff still to be discussed?"

"Isn't this problem solved directly with the anti-fatigue technology system?"

"Surface quality improvement technology, surface strength enhancement technology, and edge finishing technology of structural parts. Eh? You don't know?"

Seeing Liu Xuejian's bewildered expression, Chen Nian suddenly came to his senses.

Boy, isn't this system here yet?

its not right!

Isn't the stress-free anti-fatigue technology system a concept proposed by Zhao Zhenshi around 2003?

Up to now, it will enter 2007 in a few days, is it possible that the improved 300M steel has not appeared yet?

He quickly stopped talking and asked instead:

"Is the 300M-2 type steel used for the landing gear now?"

"No! It's made of 300M steel."

Liu Xuejian replied with question marks all over his head.

what happened?

Obviously, he is already an expert in this field, but he has never heard of the concepts Chen Nian mentioned.

Seeing his reaction, Chen Nian's heart skipped a beat.


It really is.

The technologies I mentioned should be concepts that were only proposed by 410 in 2009.

Prior to this, domestic anti-fatigue technology has been supported by Zhao Zhenshi—and it has gradually shown a tendency to be insufficient.

After all, the hydrogen embrittlement problem of 300M steel has not been properly solved. It was not until 2012 when the finishing process matured that there was a solution.

I was really preconceived before and confused the two things.


Fortunately, I took a stroll around today, otherwise, such an important flaw in craftsmanship, I really let myself miss it.

Thinking of this, he quickly said:

"This question is not a small one. Fortunately, you raised it."

"Otherwise, it will be very troublesome to optimize later."

"To solve it, we must solve it from steel."

"300M steel has great defects in stress concentration and hydrogen embrittlement, which need to be optimized."

"In this way, you report to the higher authorities, go to the Western Polytechnic University to find Professor Zhao Zhenshi, and go to the 410 Institute to find Professor He Chenli, so that they can rush to the Materials Research Institute as soon as possible to prepare for the 300M steel optimization project."

"The technology of this thing is not difficult, what we need is an experienced engineer to take the lead."

"If all goes well, the problem will be completely resolved in two or three weeks."

"Two or three weeks? Is that enough?"

Liu Xuejian looked at Chen Nian in surprise, and asked in disbelief.

He knew that Chen Nian had a strong background, and he also knew that his technical strength was excellent, but saying such words still made him feel a little exaggerated.

Chen Nian nodded confidently, and replied:

"Don't worry, you report first, and I will go to say hello later."

"Before the material problem is solved, you concentrate on solving the process problem first."

"As for whether it can be done or not, it depends on us."

Let's talk, Chen Nian bid farewell to Liu Xuejian and turned to leave.

He doesn't want to waste any time now.

Only by solving the steel problem as soon as possible can H-20 be born in the most perfect posture.

A few hours later, Zhao Zhenshi from Xigong University rushed to Xicai Research Institute first.

As soon as he entered the laboratory, the first time he saw Guo Qi, who was in charge of the work of the Material Research Institute, he couldn't help but start complaining:

"Old Guo, old Guo!"

"Your teacher told me, did this task come from your side?!"

"In two weeks, let us complete the anti-fatigue optimization project of 300M steel. Isn't this pure nonsense?"

"How long have I been working on my stress-free concentration program? Almost 20 years!"

"The current result is just 300M steel!"

"You want me to make another breakthrough optimization in two weeks, do you think it's possible?"

Seeing Zhao Zhenshi's angry expression, Guo Qi smiled wryly, and was about to answer, but unexpectedly, the other party waved his hand to stop him, and continued:

"Yes, I know that He Chenli will also participate this time, and I also know that their recent project at 410 Factory has made some progress, but that is only theoretical progress!"

"We are engaged in materials, what is the most important thing?"


"There isn't even a single successful experiment, and the data is all based on theory. What do you think is useful?"

"It's really that simple. Will the development of materials science be so difficult?"

"Really, Lao Guo, you have a high status now, you have to speak for us."

"It's not that I don't want to serve the country. I also think that the performance of our fighter jets is getting better and better, but there are some things that I have more energy than I want!"

"You need to be determined, but you also need to respect objective facts, right?"

After the words were crackling, Guo Qi was both amused and helpless.

He gave Zhao Zhenshi to the sofa, poured a cup of tea, and then said:

"Old Zhao, I said that you are too impatient."

"Well, I only found out after hearing you just now. It has nothing to do with our Materials Research Institute."

"However, I also heard some problems when you said this long passage."

"You said just now that this project is related to aircraft?"

Zhao Zhenshi immediately nodded and replied:

"Isn't that? The H-20 project! That thing about landing gear fatigue!"

"Oh, I see."

Guo Qi had a confident smile on his face, and Zhao Zhenshi looked at him suspiciously and asked:

"You understand? Understand what?"

"Of course it is to understand why this project exists and how to do it."

"What? Are you dizzy? You don't even know where this project came from, so you know how to do it?"

Zhao Zhenshi asked inexplicably.

He carefully examined Guo Qi's expression, trying to find a clue of hypocrisy from his face, but obviously, it was impossible for him to find it.

So, he couldn't help hesitating.

Could it be that he really misunderstood the meaning of his superiors?

Is there really a story behind this project?

He hurriedly asked:

"Old Guo, tell me quickly, what's going on here?"

"I can't see through, I don't know the specific details of the project."

Guo Qi shook his head to answer, and then continued:

"But I can roughly guess where the source of this matter is."

"Besides, I also know who should solve this matter."

Hearing his words, Zhao Zhenshi's spirit was greatly lifted.

"Old Guo, what do you mean, there is a door for this project?!"

"It's more than just a door, let me tell you the truth, this type of project, there is nothing impossible."

"??? Why? You mean, the results of this project have already been released, and it was just given to us to get our qualifications for nothing?"

"That's not true. You just received the news. I don't think the results will come out so soon."

Zhao Zhenshi couldn't help feeling a little frustrated.

"Should we co-author or do it slowly?"

"You have to do it slowly, but this slowness may be a little different from what you understand."

"Let's do this, you sit here for a while, I'll call later and ask about it, and I'll know what's going on."

"Later? How long is the delay?"

Zhao Zhenshi hurriedly asked.

Guo Qi looked up at the clock hanging on the wall, and replied:

"In two hours."


".Don't you check the time? It's meal time!"

"No matter how urgent you are, you still have to wait for others to finish eating, right?"

"I reckon, after he finishes his meal, your problem should almost be solved."

An hour later, as Guo Qi expected, Chen Nian called him after dinner.

"Hey, Xiao Nian, you're talking about 300M steel, right?"

"Hey, haven't I just finished chatting with Professor Zhao, and I was thinking of calling you after seven o'clock."

"Have you eaten? Don't be so anxious, let's put this matter aside for a while. Oh, the document has been sent?"

"Okay, I see, then I'll tell him."

"Okay, okay, listen to you."

"Okay, let's do it like this. Don't be in such a hurry to eat, and pay attention to your body."

"Come and have a look at the institute in two days, we haven't talked for a long time."

"Then it's settled, you rest first, hang up!"

After hanging up the phone lightly, Guo Qi looked at Zhao Zhenshi who was at the side in a daze, and said:

"The technical documentation has been sent to me, and it will be transferred to you later."

"It shouldn't be a big problem—later, you just need to take the lead in trial production."

"You mean, the technical improvement document has already come out?!"

Zhao Zhenshi asked in a daze.

"Yes, what else?"

Hearing Guo Qi's answer, Zhao Zhenshi fell silent.

At this moment, he had mixed feelings in his heart.

WTF? !

Why don't you let me play warm wine and chop Huaxiong here? ?

In just one meal, I asked you to figure out the results that I haven't gotten out of after twenty years of research?

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