
Chapter 275

Indian border post.

Rekesh is an ordinary military officer, his life has always been very ordinary, nothing more than eating and drinking in the barracks, if necessary, he will take a sedan chair carried by the inferior to wander around the border.

Although it was difficult to make meritorious deeds, for a Kshatriya with a deep background like him and already had a retreat, the so-called military merits were actually not important at all.

As long as he stays on the "front line" honestly and has enough time and qualifications, he can return to the capital smoothly and embark on the road to promotion.

Therefore, with such a mentality, he has always been extremely indifferent in border affairs.

But recently, his indifferent mentality has changed.

The reason is simple, through some special channels, he got a message:

The relationship between the United States and China is about to become more tense, and confrontation may become the mainstream in the future.

The credibility of this news is extremely high. After all, according to his understanding, the two sides have already fought in the Darfur region of Africa, but it has not escalated to a direct end of the conflict.

Then, in this case, it seems that I suddenly have an opportunity that I can't meet.

If you can show your loyalty to the United States through certain things, then what you can get will definitely not be less than Darfur

You know, Darfur is far away in Africa, but I am in China's backyard.

If they can do something, can't we?

The more Rikesh thought about it, the more excited he became, and he almost couldn't bear to act immediately.

So, just tonight, on the traditional New Year's Eve in China, he quietly planned a sinister mission.

He planned to lead his subordinates to the border to send a special "New Year's blessing" to the Chinese soldiers stationed there.

As for the presents, of course they are stones and ice cubes.

It is not that no one has done such a thing before, but there is absolutely no time, better than the present time.

The new year is the time for the other party's family to reunite, but those border guards still have to stand guard.

Their morale must have been extremely low, right?

Once he succeeds in the sneak attack, he might be able to achieve major results.

And myself, with this victory, will become the youngest and most courageous officer in India.

The road to promotion will become extremely smooth, and even his father's political opponents will no longer be able to embarrass himself.

The desire in his heart became stronger and stronger, to the extent that it devoured his reason, so in the afternoon of that day, Ricksh organized his team and prepared to organize a "routine patrol".

It took him half an hour to explain the action plan, and another half an hour to boost morale.

After everything was ready, the team set off.

Along the way, trekking is hard, especially when the sun is about to set and the temperature is getting lower and lower.

But at the same time, Ricksh's heart is hot.

Because he knows that the great future is only one step away from him, as long as he crosses it, his whole world will become different.

Two hours later, he finally saw the Huaxia outpost in the distance.

It was less than half an hour before it got dark, and he planned to wait until it was completely dark before carrying out his sneak attack plan.

In his opinion, that is the safest strategy.

While waiting, the guards helped him set up a simple windproof tent and made hot tea. He comfortably enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the sunset, imagining the refreshing feeling of trampling those Chinese people under their feet arrogantly after occupying the outpost. Even the warm tea seemed to be boiling hot.

Come on, come on, it's only ten minutes

He looked at the afterglow cast by the setting sun in the eastern sky, and beat the beat in his heart.

However, just before the sun was about to set completely, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared in his line of sight.

That black shadow dragged a long flame and wake, rolling in with majestic thunder.

In just a few breaths, the black eagle came to the top of his head.

That is, during these few breaths, Ricksh understood what he saw.

It was a stealth strategic bomber.

It was the one Huaxia just reported some time ago.

What is it doing here?

How did it fly so far, isn't it in the northwest?

Is it here to protect the outpost?

Or...his purpose was originally himself?

A series of questions emerged in Ricksh's mind, and the complexity even exceeded the limit of information his brain could process.

He just stared dumbfounded at the plane circling above his head, and then watched it speed up and turn away from him.

All the lofty ambitions disappeared without a trace. When the snow on the mountain peak rustled down due to the huge explosion, Ricksh suddenly understood a truth:

The world has changed.

The balance of power on this so-called marginal line has been disrupted.

And all Indian soldiers still stationed on the border will be forced to face the same problem:

Ghost-like bombers fly overhead all the year round, but there is no way for our own side to track and attack them.

Ricksh shivered, and a dangerous instinct rose from the bottom of his heart.

How will the future develop?

Is the conflict really still limited to stone?

Would that plane, its magazine, suddenly open on one unusual afternoon?

Ricksh didn't dare to think about it any more.

He returned silently with his party, and no one questioned him.

And the first thing he did when he returned to the camp was to call his father.

He only said one sentence:

"I want to go home."

Vietnam, ship port.

After experiencing the last confrontation, Ruan Yongliang's status in the army has seriously declined.

He desperately wanted to find a breakthrough to regain his things.

But the reality is cruel. Our own side has neither military advantages nor can we obtain more powerful foreign aid.

Even one's own aircraft was blocked inland by the opponent's fourth-generation aircraft formation, and did not dare to take a step towards the sea to the east.

The power he can mobilize is really too little, so little that not to mention changing the situation, even fighting for a little bit of dignity for himself has become an extravagant hope.

So, he had to sit in the office day after day and study his opponents through various channels.

From politics to economy, from military to culture, we will not give up a single one.

His purpose is only one, that is:

When one day, his own research is thorough enough, he will seize the other party's flaws without hesitation, and launch a counterattack with the force of thunder.

For such a counterattack, he has been operating secretly.

This includes not only the upgrading of equipment, but also the will training of the soldiers under the opponent.

He is confident that under his own training, it only takes two more months for those soldiers who were originally softies to be transformed into real fighters.

Time, just need to give him some more time.

Time is so tight that even on the special day of the Spring Festival, when he is having a New Year's Eve dinner with his family, he is still thinking about future plans.

For a time, his confidence was high, thinking that as long as he worked hard enough, he would have a chance to come back.

However, just this evening, a small incident shattered all his fantasies.

First of all, at the dinner table, everyone heard a continuous and strange roar.

Everyone thought it was air force training, but when they ran to the window to check, the sky was clear.

Nothing could be seen, and the low, distant roar seemed to come from the void.

Everyone was wondering about this, but Ruan Yongliang didn't care.

He was just studying his training plan while eating vegetables.

The nightmare came because my youngest son turned on the TV.

And this satellite TV is connected to China's TV station.

The Spring Festival Gala was going on there, out of curiosity about the opponent, Ruan Yongliang followed suit.

However, it was these few glances that made him understand where those roars came from.



It flew over.

Moreover, it is not like it was said in the party, just wandering around a small island.

It even took some time to fly to the top of its own side.

However, our own air defense radar did not find any problems from the beginning to the end.

This is definitely a serious insult.

The sound can be heard, and even the naked eye may see it, but the radar cannot catch it

This is no longer a question of technology generation gap.

Your own army is like a naive child, who wants to fight against the enemy with real knives and guns with a few toys in his hand.

That's right, after the birth of the H-20, all equipment on one's side has been reduced to toys.

Ruan Yongliang suddenly realized.

He realized something:

Our own side has no chance, and even the right to "confront" has been completely lost.

It's too late, and it can also be said that it is "over".

Ruan Yongliang finished the New Year's Eve dinner in silence, and then he picked up the phone and dialed the headquarters.

On the phone, he only said two sentences:

"There is no need to suspend special training."

"I am applying to resign from my current position, I am going back to retire"

On the other side of the sea, in the turret office.

Bob silently watched the edited Spring Festival Gala program, his already wrinkled face was almost twisted together.

He looked at the assistant on the opposite side and asked:

"So, according to the current credible information, the opponent's strategic bomber completed the ultra-long-distance agitation within five hours, and did not even carry out mid-air refueling during the process?"

The assistant hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded helplessly.

"Yes, this is an extremely exaggerated performance."

"According to the data they released before, the maximum speed of this fighter jet is more than Mach 2.2, and the maximum range is more than 12,000 kilometers."

"We have already accepted this data. After all, it is amazing enough for the first strategic bomber."

"But we still underestimated them."

"If it is really this data, then it is impossible for them to complete so many 'location collections' in such a short period of time under the premise of continuous high-speed maneuvering."

"The maximum speed of this aircraft is indeed Mach 2.2, but at least Mach 5 more."

"The maximum voyage is also more than 12,000 kilometers, but it is very likely that there are more than 6,000 kilometers."

Hearing the assistant's words, Bob sighed heavily.

Afterwards, he couldn't help opening his mouth, cursing viciously:

"These damn Chinese people, I have known for a long time that they cannot be so open and honest."

"They have already had their own reliance, and now, relying on this reliance, they have gradually begun to get involved in our vested interests"

"That's right."

The assistant also sighed.

"According to their programming, this H-20 only flew over their airspace."

"But in reality, the aircraft made additional flights both to the south and to the west."

"There is no doubt that this is putting pressure on their opponents - and, the opponents who are pressured, have already begun to compromise"

"Why? How did you compromise?"

Bob continued to ask.

"India first, several officers in charge of the border camps asked to leave, they were completely intimidated by the H-20, everyone was worried that the bomb would fall on their heads through this plane."

"Secondly, in Vietnam, the officer in charge of training and resource allocation is Ruan Yongliang, and he has already applied to leave."

"If he leaves, Vietnam will completely lose its chance of a comeback."

"What's even more exaggerated is Darfur. They are convinced that China can 'cross thousands of miles to target them'. The prestige we had managed to gain through technology and military assistance has disappeared. It won't be long before the international Maybe this chaotic place will really switch to Huaxia because of fear."

The assistant's expression became more and more solemn, while Bob's side blamed all the blame on the May Society.

Yes, if it wasn't for their distorted information, how could it be so difficult for our own side now?

It is too late for military mobilization, and equal deterrence cannot be realized, so now, the only option is one:

Unprecedented, turning a blind eye to China's "provocation".

As if they had done nothing, they were able to accumulate strength with peace of mind, hoping that after the Darfur incident was over and the impact of the economic crisis was completely digested, they would then use their absolute military dominance to try to get rid of the face they lost in China and Benefits come back.

Thinking of this, Bob couldn't help feeling a burst of sadness.

Once upon a time, this strategy should have been implemented by Huaxia!

It should have been them who endured humiliation after humiliation, the incomprehension of the people, and the great disappointment of "not as good as others"

But now, the person who did this has turned into himself.

how ridiculous

Bob clenched his fists fiercely. At this moment, he even had a crazy idea:

Don't engage in counterpoint deterrence with Huaxia anymore.

Otherwise, just bet everything and break with them completely.

However, this idea just turned around in his mind before disappearing completely.

Because he knows that in the current situation, even if there is a complete break, his side will not be able to take advantage of it.

Bob sighed one after another, and after a long time, he said to the assistant with great reluctance:

"Put this video down."

"Don't let people in Congress see it."

"We're just going to pretend that none of this...had happened."

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