Spear Teacher

Chapter 178


Meng Hanqiu slapped Meng Wanyu without holding back, causing her to stagger and almost fall to the ground.


The woman who had been sitting next to Meng's father and pretending to be a quail stood up and supported her with a distressed look on her face.

Holding her mother's arm to stabilize her body, Meng Wanyu felt a buzzing in her left ear and a burning pain on the left side of her face.

She paused for a moment before covering her face and looking at her sister in disbelief with a cold expression in front of her. Tears rolled down her cheeks as if they were free:

"You actually hit me?!"

There are three siblings in the Meng family, Meng Hanqiu, Meng Ji, and Meng Wanyu.

Only Meng Hanqiu is the daughter of Meng Jun's original wife. Meng Ji and Meng Wanyu, to put it bluntly, are the children of the third party who got promoted.

The three of them did not grow up together and had no family affection.

Meng Hanqiu looks cold and indifferent on the surface, but in fact he holds half of the Meng family's property.

Not only Meng Ji and Meng Wanyu were polite to her, but even Meng Jun was reluctant to provoke this daughter.

It was just that Meng Hanqiu did not grow up in the Meng family, and she married her childhood sweetheart Qiao Jingshen in her early years. Meng Wanyu just didn't dare to provoke her, but she was not really afraid of her.

At this moment, she was slapped in the face, and Meng Wanyu couldn't stop shaking all over.

From childhood to adulthood, her parents and brothers have always spoiled and coaxed her, and no one has ever touched her!


But facing the shocked and angry eyes of the mother and daughter, Meng Hanqiu was not moved at all, and even her eyes were as cold and peaceful as always.

It was as if the loud slap just now was not her hand.

"I don't care who taught you to be unreasonable regardless of the occasion. If you do it again, it will happen again."

In front of everyone, she didn't give the mother and daughter any face at all:

"You just stay abroad and don't have to come back."

"Meng Hanqiu!"

Meng Wanyu was so angry that she confronted her with half of her face swollen:

"Dad didn't say anything, why do you care about me?!"

And Meng Hanqiu just glanced at Meng's father indifferently, with a noncommittal tone:

"You can try."

"You are not my relative--"

"Shut up!"

Seeing that his little daughter was about to speak wildly again, Meng Jun spoke in a deep voice, his face was blue and white, and he said to the woman who was supporting Meng Wanyu:

"Is this how you teach your daughter?!"

He really loved this little daughter and was particularly indulgent to her, but it did not mean that he would allow her to do such a thing in such an occasion.


Meng Wanyu had never suffered such grievances before. Seeing that her father, who had always been kind, did not help her, she could no longer hold back her emotions, covered her face and burst into tears and ran away.


He Hao, who had been paying attention to her, was anxious. Just as he was about to chase her, his father saw the clues and whispered:

"Sit down!"

Just as He Hao was hesitating.


He Chuyang, who had been pretending to be invisible, suddenly spoke in a low voice, as if talking to himself:

"I don't know if Sister Wanyu will be upset..."

He Hao couldn't hear this. He was so anxious that he didn't care about anything else. He gritted his teeth and said to his father:

"Dad, I'm worried that Wanyu will get into trouble alone. I'll go see her."

After that, regardless of his father's objection, he stood up and chased in the direction Meng Wanyu left.


He Zhongli and Meng Jun, two brothers in distress, looked at each other, and they couldn't tell who was worse at parenting.

They had lost face in front of Mr. Qiao today, so how could they stay any longer?

After apologizing to Mr. Qiao and Qiao Jiangyun, they fled with their wives and family members.

Only He Chuyang, who had always pretended to be invisible, gave Jiang Qiyu a vague look when he left.

He mouthed to her (see you next time).

But before she could see it, someone leaned forward slightly as if inadvertently, and turned around and mouthed back to him:


And Jiang Qiyu could only see the back of Qi Yu's head with thick hair.


After the Meng and He families left, the round table suddenly became empty.

Meng Hanqiu said goodbye to the elders properly, and took Qiao Xinxin, who was reluctant to leave, upstairs.

He Rong and Qiao Jiangyun were about to get up, but the old man in the main seat called them:

"Jiangyun, you stay."

Jiang Qiyu felt that the atmosphere was a bit strange. When she was about to ask Qi Yu and the others if they wanted to leave, she heard Old Man Qiao speak again:

"Qiyu, can you come with me to the study? Grandpa has something to tell you."


Jiang Qiyu pointed at herself, and a trace of confusion flashed across her face.

She had never encountered such a situation before, and she didn't know whether she should agree at this time, so she made up her mind.Shi turned to look at Qi Yu beside him.

Qi Yu was also tangled in his heart at this time. Feeling her confused eyes, a complex look flashed in his eyes.


After a while, the man curved his lips to comfort her, and then took the initiative to look at Mr. Qiao:

"Grandpa, we are just here to have a simple meal today."

His meaning was very clear, he didn't want her to go.

Qi Yu knew what Grandpa Qiao wanted to talk to Jiang Qiyu about.

The engagement between the Qi family and the Qiao family was something that only the adults of the two families still kept in mind.

When he disappeared quietly in Donglian for three days, he went to find his father to lay out the matter and make it clear.

For Qi Yu, whether to get married or who to marry, no one else's words counted.

But Qi's father was an old-fashioned man who valued engagements very much. He would definitely be furious if he was asked to cancel the "child marriage" between his father and his old comrade-in-arms.

But he beat and scolded him, but Qi Yu was thick-skinned and stubborn, and he just wouldn't give in.

Xie Mingxue felt sorry for her son and asked him if he had someone he liked, but he said no.

He simply didn't want to carry a false engagement on his back.

Even if the engagement partner could never be found, no one would take it seriously if the two families didn't mention it.

That didn't work.

With his mother around, Qi's father had no choice but to say that he didn't care about him.

But Qi Yu was a stubborn guy who just didn't want to, and he had to drag his father to the Qiao family to talk things out between the two families.

So during the three days he disappeared, he first made a big fuss in his own family, and then took his father, who was as embarrassed as the bottom of a pot, to the Qiao family to cancel the engagement.

Fortunately, Grandpa Qiao was open-minded and informal. Upon hearing this, he immediately waved his hand and personally decided to cancel this imaginary marriage.

It's just that not many people know about this, so neither family mentioned it publicly.

Meeting Meng Wanyu today was indeed beyond everyone's expectations.

And the reason why Qi Yu didn't want Jiang Qiyu to go to the study with Grandpa was that he felt there was no need to let her know about this.

First, the relationship between the two has not been officially settled yet, and he doesn't want to mix up the trivial things in his family between them.

Moreover, he did these things for himself, not for Jiang Qiyu.

The engagement is his business, and breaking off the engagement is also his business.

None of this is what she needs to care about.

It's like an interview.

The interviewer only needs to score your performance during the interview.

As for what preparations you made behind the scenes to participate in this interview, how much effort you put in, and how much energy you spent.

These should not be added points.

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