Spear Teacher

Chapter 188

The two chatted until late, drinking one cup after another.

But water can't make you drunk. In the end, Gu Xunjian was so sleepy that she insisted on going downstairs to sleep in her double room.

Jiang Qiyu knew that her sleeping posture was not very presentable, so she didn't force her to stay.

She was also very sleepy. She forced herself to wash up and fell asleep on the bed.

What she forgot was not only the mobile phone at the entrance, but also a man far away in a foreign country.


The next day, Jiang Qiyu was woken up by Yu Xiaoyu before dawn.

The makeup artists and stylists of the program team took turns to fiddle with her, but she was still too sleepy to open her eyes.

And because she drank too much water before going to bed last night, even if she used an emergency swelling mask to put on makeup, some traces could still be seen.

The same was true for Gu Xunjian.

Fortunately, although Yu Xiaoyu, the assistant, was sometimes not very smart, he was very considerate and thoughtful.

I ordered her iced American coffee to reduce swelling in advance, so that she would not look out of shape in front of the camera.

The program team booked more than one hotel for the guests, including Jiang Qiyu, Gu Xunjian and Jian Ziyi, the male second of "Big Times 4".

In addition, several resident MCs of the program were on the same route.

Several people sat on the bus of the program team, and introduced themselves to each other under the leadership of the resident MC, and the atmosphere was quite lively.

Talking and laughing along the way, the bus arrived at the destination quickly.

Several people lined up to get off the bus one by one, and when they saw the towering trees with lush branches and leaves around them, they couldn't help but express surprise.

This place is far away from the city, with shades of trees covering the sky, and all the tall trees with deep roots and lush leaves are seen.

If it weren't for the wide lane in the middle, it would give people a wonderful feeling of being in a primeval forest.

The program director, who had been prepared here for a long time, went forward to greet the guests one by one. When it came to Jiang Qiyu, the smile on his face deepened a little:

"Teacher Jiang, thank you so much for coming to save the show this time."

"It's my duty. It's all small things."

Jiang Qiyu also took the opportunity to shake the director's hand and smiled sincerely:

"It's mainly because of the increase in money."

This temporary rescue and the invitation process, the notice fee has more than doubled. She is willing to take advantage of the leak for this reason.


The director was stunned by her too real speech, but he quickly reacted and covered it up with a smile.

Soon, another bus arrived with the remaining guests.

Jiang Qiyu smiled and greeted Director Yuan, but when she saw Lu Heng, she pretended not to see him and directly ignored him.


And Lu Heng naturally didn't look happy when he saw her.

However, when the guests were lining up to choose their positions, he deliberately walked to Jiang Qiyu and said with his back to the camera:

"You still love to steal other people's things."

This sentence is very clear, referring to Jiang Mian's main guest position.

Jiang Qiyu did not indulge him at all, and rolled her eyes at him, and then shouted sincerely:

"Lu, did you eat leeks this morning? Why is there a leaf on your teeth?"

Lu Heng lowered his voice when he spoke, but Jiang Qiyu did not.

As soon as she said this, almost everyone around him turned their heads to look over here.


Lu Heng was caught off guard and met everyone's gaze.

Almost subconsciously, he closed his mouth tightly, and then remembered that he did not eat leeks in the morning, and wanted to refute immediately.


But he just opened his mouth and had no time to speak, and Gu Xunjian, who was standing next to Jiang Qiyu and had a low presence, also spoke at the right time:

"Makeup artist! Where is the makeup artist? Bring a mirror over, there is a leaf stuck in the teeth of Mr. Lu!"


This voice was even louder, not only the guests around, but all the staff on the scene heard it.

Lu Heng's face changed, and before he could say anything, he saw his assistant rushing over from outside the camera and thrusting the mirror in front of him:

"Brother Lu! Mirror."

Seeing this, everyone turned around immediately for fear that he would be embarrassed.

So that this "cold actor" who ate leek dumplings early in the morning could sort out his image.


Lu Heng, who had no way to defend himself, glared at his assistant with a sullen face.

He now had no leaf.

This episode did not affect everyone's progress. According to the arrangement of the program director, five guests and five permanent members lined up at the entrance.

The director began to introduce the venue behind everyone off camera:

"Behind everyone is the venue for our wildlife protection tour today. This is an area of ​​about two10,000 mu of semi-open wildlife reserve, of which 3,000 mu is a wildlife ecological park, and the rest is a national wildlife nature reserve. "

"In this beautiful reserve, relatively complete natural secondary vegetation and native plant communities are preserved, with 34 species of mammals, 140 species of birds, 8 species of amphibians, 19 species of reptiles, including endangered rare species such as national first and second class protected animals. "

"Today, our "You dare to play so much, do you want to die?" will lead everyone into the world of wild animals!"

"Now issue the first task!"

"Please ask the guests to take off their shoes and stand on the acupressure board, and say ten idioms about animals. The requirement is not to repeat. Whoever finishes first can go to the next task location first!"

"Now, start! "

At the director's command, several regular members who often participated in the program began to get ready.

After a scramble, the first regular member stood up.

On the acupressure mat, he quickly finished saying ten idioms with animals, and ran happily to the next task point.

Jiang Qiyu immediately exchanged glances with Gu Xunjian.

In this game, the first one to go up has the advantage. By the end, all the idioms have been said by others.

"Now, start! ”

The remaining nine people retreated to the starting point. The director gave another order. Jiang Qiyu didn't care about her image and ran to a small acupressure mat ten meters away.

Just as she was about to stand on it, her clothes suddenly tightened——

Looking back, it turned out that Lu Heng, the lingering pretender, grabbed her coat.


The people who were fighting next to her were about to catch up.

In a flash, Jiang Qiyu didn't think about it, stretched her arms back directly, and the whole person broke free from the wide coat.

Then she stepped on the acupressure mat——


Foot The uneven touch of the bottom instantly made her feel like her soul was leaving her body, but fortunately she could still grit her teeth and hold on.

After the director confirmed that she was the one to answer, she took the microphone and turned around in small steps.

Facing Lu Heng, who was holding his coat in his hand and only one step away from her.

With a slight smile, she continued:

"Worse than pigs and dogs, wolves and dogs, dogs relying on the power of others, stealing chickens and dogs, chicken-crowing and dog-stealing, sly eyes, short-sighted, beastly in human form, colluding with wolves and wolves..."

She deliberately paused for the last word, and grinned in Lu Heng's increasingly gloomy eyes:

"A beast in human clothing."

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