Spear Teacher

Chapter 213


Shocked by the words "I'm sorry" from someone who is famous in the domestic entertainment industry for being as thick-skinned as a city wall.

Qi Yu didn't even drink the water, and swallowed the antipyretic medicine that was stuffed into his mouth.


The strange thing is that the medicine tastes bitter when it enters the mouth, but after swallowing it, a strong sweet taste comes out in the mouth.

Perhaps this magic medicine works very quickly.

Qi Yu immediately felt that his head was no longer dizzy, his eyes were no longer blurry, and even his body, which was so weak that he couldn't stand up just now, regained strength.

Looking at the woman who was half-sitting on the bed with an uneasy look on her face, he slowly spoke:


"Hey (↗)"

Seeing that he wanted to speak, Jiang Qiyu was annoyed and simply covered the man's slightly open lips with the hand that fed him the antipyretic medicine.

The warm lips touched the soft palm, and both of them shuddered.


Jiang Qiyu looked at his slightly red eyelids due to fever, narrowed her eyes and threatened:

"If you make those dead noises again, I will call Zhao Jin immediately and ask him to pick you up."


Hearing this, Qi Yu's upper body, which was leaning on the head of the bed, stiffened.

But when his eyes swept across the red mark on her collarbone that was almost disappearing, he suddenly relaxed and looked at her with a crooked eyebrow.


Seeing that he was quiet, Jiang Qiyu rolled her eyes at him and wanted to give him some water to help him swallow the antipyretic medicine he had just swallowed.


But before she could pull her fingers away, she felt her wrist and waist tighten at the same time, and her eyes were spinning——


2 23-story apartment building.

Master bedroom.

On the bed.

Jiang Qiyu blinked.

She looked down at the head that was trying to arch to her shoulder, and then glanced down at the arm that was tightly wrapped around her waist.


She sighed and released the force of subconscious resistance.

She put her head back on the pillow and stared at the ceiling, and her whole body looked like a salted fish that could not struggle.

Her tone was leisurely, but she was not embarrassed or angry because of the sneak attack:

"What do you mean?"

As soon as the voice fell, she felt the hot arm around her waist hugging tighter.

Unlike the previous restrained hugs, this hug used three points of real strength, and she even had difficulty breathing.

Qi Yu hugged her more tightly and buried his head in the crook of her neck. His voice was muffled and hoarse:

"Don't talk, I'm embarrassed too."


Jiang Qiyu almost laughed out of anger.

Who the hell said embarrassed and kept biting someone's neck?

You better be really embarrassed, kid.

Feeling the itchy and numb force coming from his neck, Jiang Qiyu was not afraid at all.


With a sneer, he directly touched the chest of the man next to him who was only wearing a thin shirt.

With just this one touch, the head arched in the neck stopped, and the originally relaxed body suddenly stiffened.


She tilted her head closer to his ear, and the arc of her lips gradually widened:

"I also want to try 39.8°——"

Before she finished speaking, the hand on the solid chest was pressed tightly.

Qi Yu was reluctant to let go of the arm that was wrapped around his slender waist, so he could only raise his head and tilt his neck back slightly.

The other hand pressed her chest together with his own, looking at her with his dark eyes shining with water.


After a long time, the man finally uttered an ambiguous sentence:


"You are too kind..."

Jiang Qiyu, whose hand he had taken advantage of, was not in a hurry. She pointed to her waist with her eyes and smiled maliciously:

"You too."


Qi Yu knew he was in the wrong, and after a pause, he gently relaxed the strength in his hand.

But he was still reluctant to let go, and pressed his still feverish forehead against the round shoulders of the person in his arms, whispering:

"I just want to hug you, I asked the Bodhisattva, and she said it was OK."


Jiang Qiyu's face was full of disbelief, and she glanced at him:

"Which Bodhisattva did you ask?"

Qi Yu didn't look up, but just picked up her softened hand.

He pinched her soft fingers gently as if playing with them, and then slowly spread out her soft five fingers, covering her white back with his big hand, touching her with the tips of his index finger and thumb:

"A female Bodhisattva."

After saying that, his slender five fingers slowly and firmly intertwined and closed with the fingers of the "female Bodhisattva" with strength and aggression.

Finally, the roots of their fingers were tightly pressed together, inseparable.


He sighed softly.

He gave a hot kiss to the interlocked fingers, and deposited his rootless heart here.

Qi Yu heard himself say:

"Jiang Qiyu, I'm sleepy."

Being tired againBefore he was completely devoured, he heard the answer of the female Bodhisattva:

"OK, go to sleep."


A dreamless night.

No, at most it was midnight.

He regained consciousness the next day.

It was still dark outside the window at this time, about two or three o'clock in the morning.

Rather than saying that Qi Yu woke up naturally, it would be better to say that he was awakened by a burst of laughter beside him that he tried to restrain but had little effect.

"Hehe... Hehehe..."

To be honest, it was dark and he was awakened by a woman's weird laughter in the middle of the night.

Even Qi Yu, who dared to play flash with the King of Hell and was a daring suicidal person, couldn't help but feel a tingling scalp.

Especially when he was still a little hazy and couldn't distinguish between reality and dreams.

"Hehe... K... Hehehe..."


Another snicker, Qi Yu shuddered.

Woke up completely.

With the dim light of the night lamp beside the bed, he could see the source of the strange voice:

"Jiang, Jiang Qiyu?"

Last night's consciousness gradually returned, and he was completely out of temper.


I almost forgot that this person would become a weirdo if he didn't sleep well, and would talk in his sleep if he slept comfortably.

Thinking of this, Qi Yu blinked his eyes and a faint arc appeared at the corners of his lips.

He simply propped himself up lightly, and in the dim light, he used his eyes to carefully describe her eyes, eyebrows, nose, cherry lips...

And the mark on the collar that he had privately branded last night.

As he watched, he seemed to be bewitched by the scene in front of him, and he propped himself up carefully.

Inch by inch, inch closer.

Nothing else, just want to steal a kiss.

Just once.

Even her breathing almost stopped, and her lips were so close that he could touch them with a slight movement.

But suddenly, the person who was still sleeping unconsciously opened his mouth slightly, and his dry lips parted at the touch.

The next moment, Qi Yu heard the obscene laughter that was close at hand:

"Hehe... Little security guard, you still fell into my hands, right?"


I didn't expect that she could ruin the atmosphere even when she was asleep.

Qi Yu resigned himself to his fate and stepped back, glancing at her speechlessly.

But who knew that the person's sleep talk became clearer and clearer, and his tone became more and more rampant:

"You scream, aren't you usually very powerful?"


"Hehe... I put a cleaning sign at the door in advance, even if you scream your throat out, no one will come to save you, hehe..."


"Captain Qi, you don't want the fact that you were tied up in the toilet by a little cleaner to be spread out, right?"


"Be obedient, I'll be gentle."


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