Spear Teacher

Chapter 28


Jiang Qiyu was not polite at all.

She was also very sleepy and wanted to go to bed quickly, but for some reasons, she wanted to wait until they fell asleep before she went to bed.

But Qi Yu was so enthusiastic that she couldn't refuse, so she immediately found a comfortable position and fell asleep.


The next morning.

The sun shone in through the transparent skylight above the tent, and the slightly humid air made the nose of the sleeping person slightly cool.


Jiang Qiyu gradually regained consciousness, closed her eyes and rubbed her sore nose, but subconsciously felt the strange eyes around her that were hard to ignore.

Slowly opening her eyes, she saw Jiang Mian, who had just woken up, staring at her without blinking, with an expression that was difficult to describe.

"Sister Qiyu..."

She lowered her head when she heard the words, and Fang Xubai, who was sitting cross-legged on the blanket at her feet, was looking at her with hesitation.

Jiang Qiyu was still a little confused at this time. Seeing this, she could only waved to the two subconsciously:

"... Good morning?"

As soon as she finished speaking, something terrible happened.

A voice with a little bit of repression in pain sounded under her:

"Jiang Qiyu, get out."

As soon as these words came out, not only did Jiang Qiyu tremble all over, but even the netizens who could only hear the conversation of the guests through the radio equipment were boiling.

[Family, did I hear it wrong? ]

[Qi Yu asked her... to get out? From where? ]

[What happened yesterday? Is there anyone who stayed up all night to eavesdrop here? ]

[I worked all night to finish the plan yesterday, and I only heard Qi Yu whispering to Jiang Qiyu more than 30 times, and Jiang Qiyu didn't say a word back. ]

[...Since no one has clarified, then I am spreading rumors? ]


The second day of the real battle royale.

Jiang Qiyu, who had eaten and slept well and was full of energy, put her bag on her back again and followed Qi Yu, who was now a little blue and gloomy, with a flattering face:

"Qi Yu?"

"Brother Qi?"

"Boss Qi?"

Seeing that the man just had a cold face and said nothing, she couldn't help but curl her lips and whispered to defend herself:

"Yesterday I took the initiative to say that I wanted to sleep next to you. It was you who wanted to sleep next to me. I also let you sleep first, but you insisted that I sleep first. You can't blame me for this."

Jiang Qiyu is a good person in other aspects, but there is one main thing, that is, she is very particular about her bed.

But her bed recognition is different from others'.

Other people are very particular about their bed, but they can't sleep in a different bed, which only hurts themselves.

She is very particular about her bed, but she is very dishonest when she changes the bed, which only hurts others and she sleeps like a dead pig.

Qi Yu, who was elbowed eight times, punched more than a dozen times, and kicked more than twenty times yesterday, didn't sleep well the whole night.

In the end, there was no choice but to control Jiang Qiyu, who had no sense of boundaries, to stay awake until dawn in order to prevent her from affecting others.

Jiang Mian and Fang Xubai lived a peaceful life, all because someone was carrying the burden for them.

In the end, Qi Yu took it all on his own.

He lowered his eyes and looked at the people around him who were chattering and arguing for him. Qi Yu sighed and said earnestly:

"If you know your situation, you should buy yourself some props to help you sleep in the future."

Jiang Qiyu's eyes lit up: "What props?"

"Restraint belts for psychiatry."

After saying that, Qi Yu took a long step, turned around and walked away without any hesitation.

He regretted it now, very much.

He wished he could travel back and slap himself to wake up last night.

If he had known that Jiang Qiyu would become a weird species when she slept, he would not choose to sleep next to her even if he froze to death or died outside.


The sense of crisis on the deserted island on the second day was even greater than the first day.

The remaining dozen coaches seemed to be completely relaxed, no longer restrained and pretending to chase them, but actually raised their guns to attack.

Fortunately, Qi Yu had foresight and led the three people to drill deep into the jungle on the first day, using the dense layers of trees as cover to avoid waves of attacks in the dark.

Relying on Qi Yu's keen observation and reaction, they not only found a large bag of supplies that were enough for them to eat for the remaining two days.

They also killed a coach who wanted to sneak attack them on the way.

The other team was not so lucky. They were unfortunately besieged by three coaches on the morning of the second day.

Not only was Jiang Ling, who was physically weak, eliminated for leaving the team, but the others were also chased away and lost contact with each other.

The AKA team, which had been living a peaceful life, got enough supplies and immediately adopted the plan of the chief of staff Jiang Qiyu.


They no longer searched for supplies everywhere, but focused onHeading deeper into the deserted island.

Prepare to find a place to hide, lie down and enjoy the next two days of leisurely picnic time.

Just as they were moving forward cautiously, Qi Yu, who was walking in the front, suddenly raised his hand:


Everyone immediately lowered their bodies and held their breath.

Jiang Qiyu pricked up her ears to listen, but heard a faint sound of quarreling coming from the front...

Several people looked at each other, and then decided to sneak to the place where the quarreling sound came from to see the situation.

As they slowly approached, the sound of the quarrel became clearer.

"You say... idiot..."

"... She is not... you idiot..."

And until they heard clearly what the two people in front were arguing about, everyone's expression froze.

Especially Jiang Qiyu and Jiang Mian.

If I heard correctly, the two people in front who were fighting fiercely should be their fans.

The content of their quarrel was very simple:

"Please stop disgusting me, Jiang Qiyu, this green tea girl only knows how to bully the gentle and kind Jiang Mian. If I meet her, I will definitely shoot her!"

"It's so funny, you're talking like an old lady with a sharpshooter. You're a second-rate guy who can't even hit the target when shooting, and you have trouble getting an abortion, and you still want to hit people? It's not your turn to comment on our Qiyu, you idiot, and I'll shoot you first!"

"Come on, who's afraid of who? I'll show you, you idiot. Look, even if I miss the target, I can still kill that green tea girl!"

"Then I will shoot your white lotus goddess to death, and I am annoyed by the sight of the crying monster!"


"You idiot!"

Just when the two were arguing and about to roll up their sleeves and fight, a crisp voice with a faint smile suddenly sounded:

"Be fair, each of you take a step back."

The moment they reacted and wanted to reach out for their guns, they found that two black muzzles were pointed squarely at their hearts.

Then, the bushes shook.

A figure nimbly emerged from it and stood in front of the two with a bright smile:

"You two are idiots, is this okay?"

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