Spear Teacher

Chapter 286

She hung up the phone and was giving a thumbs up to her strong anti-fraud awareness.

The next moment, the door was ringing with the "beep" sound of password input.

"Jiang Qiyu."

Qi Yu hurriedly pushed the door open, still wearing the formal suit he wore when he went out in the morning, and looked like he had just returned from the company.

"Qi Yu?"

Seeing it was him, Jiang Qiyu frowned in confusion:

"Why are you back at this time?"

The man standing at the door slightly curved his eyebrows.

"Jiang Qiyu,"

He did not change his shoes and enter the door, but just stood there and stretched out his hand to her, his eyes sparkling:

"Let's go, I'll take you to a place."



Five minutes later.

After casually changing into a simple white T-shirt and shorts, Jiang Qiyu sat in the passenger seat of the black Maybach downstairs.

While buckling her seat belt, she turned her head to look at the mysterious man on the left:

"Where are you taking me in such a hurry?"

Qi Yu turned the car around smoothly, steering with one hand, and used his free right hand to rub her hair.

Seeing her roll her eyes proudly, he skillfully took out a hair tie from the storage compartment of the passenger seat and tied it on herself.

The man's smile became softer, and he nodded with his slender index finger on the pure black steering wheel in a good mood, and then he said lightly:

"The gift I prepared for you some time ago suddenly arrived today."


Jiang Qiyu tied her hair into a simple high ponytail, and turned to look at the man who was quite complacent in the main seat:

"What gift?"

"...You'll know when you get there."


Hearing his vague words, she suddenly became alert.

Is Qi Yu going to propose to her now?

No, is it so urgent?

She is dressed like this now, without any makeup on. What if the proposal is a bit exaggerated and someone takes a photo of her without makeup and posts it online?

Those haters will be upset when they see that she is so beautiful without makeup...

No, no, now is not the time to think about haters.

If Qi Yu really wants to propose to her, should she agree immediately or pretend to hesitate for ten seconds before agreeing?

No, no, why are they all agreeing?

Is she going to refuse?

Isn't that polite?

Then agree.


Jiang Qiyu's mind was full of random thoughts, and she felt more and more that Qi Yu was very likely to propose today.

But why today?

And at this moment, she seemed to suddenly think of something.


She turned her head suddenly and looked at the man beside her who was dressed in a suit and looked refreshed. Even his hair was neatly done. He was so handsome from head to toe that he had no friends.


No, this is not right.

He proposed to her, and she was dressed like a gentleman, but he let her wear Crocs and shorts?


So scheming!

This man was hiding something from her!!!

The more she thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong. Jiang Qiyu simply leaned sideways and narrowed her eyes dangerously at him:

"Can't you tell me now?"

Qi Yu was concentrating on driving, not realizing that she had already gone off the deep end. He shook his head very principledly:


"Then tell me what it is about, and I'll guess."


"You haven't been seen for a while, so you're not going to do this, are you?"

"......Not entirely."

All along the way, no matter how Jiang Qiyu asked, Qi Yu kept his mouth shut and refused to reveal a single word about this sudden mysterious gift.

Finally, he was so annoyed that he turned to look at her while waiting for the red light. His eyes were clear and his words were firm:

"Jiang Qiyu, do you believe me?"


Facing the man's slightly fiery gaze, Jiang Qiyu lowered her eyes and thought for a moment before slowly uttering two words:



Qi Yu was too lazy to pay attention to her. The pure black Maybach sped all the way and soon brought the two to the place where he said he would give her a "mysterious gift".

"This is..."

Jiang Qiyu slightly widened her eyes and looked at the tall and solemn building in front of her, as well as the intimidating sign with black characters on a white background on the left side of the door——



Qi Yu couldn't help laughing when he saw her silly look.

He put his fist to his lips and coughed to hide his smile, then took her hand:

"Let's go, your gift is in here."


Jiang Qiyu was even more shocked when he heard this.

This littleHas the son become so powerful? He can actually arrange a proposal scene in a government agency? !

"No, buddy, you..."

She didn't have time to react, and could only be led in by the man's hand in a daze.

The two of them walked straight past the long queue of tax service halls, and walked in with a clear goal.

After getting on the elevator, they turned around and finally arrived at a door marked with a reception room under the guidance of Qi Yu.


Seeing that this man was pulling her to push the door in, Jiang Qiyu was completely scared, shaking her head and trying to lower her voice to ask him:

"Where are we going?"

"Don't be afraid."

And Qi Yu seemed to see through her timidity, and stretched out his long arm to directly hold her shoulders.

He lowered his head slightly and whispered a reassuring word in her ear:

"You just need to smile and nod after you go in, and I will take care of the rest."

After that, without waiting for Jiang Qiyu to respond, he circled her and pushed open the door of the reception room in front of her with a little force.



In the reception room, there was no grand scene as she had imagined.

There were only a few middle-aged men in uniforms and two women in professional clothes.

"Director Meng, I've been waiting for a long time."

As soon as he entered the door, Qi Yu took the initiative to shake hands with the person in the middle very familiarly.

Then he politely exchanged a few simple greetings with the other people one by one, and then introduced the person who was in charge, Director Meng:

"Director Meng, this is Miss Jiang Qiyu."

"Director Meng." Although Jiang Qiyu didn't know what was going on, she still insisted on her way of dealing with the world. She shook the man's hand and smiled:

"I've heard a lot about you..."


But who would have thought that as soon as these words came out, they would make those people smile at each other.

The deputy of Director Meng next to her joked:

"Miss Jiang, you may not have heard a lot about us, but we are looking forward to meeting you..."


She looked at the three people with a puzzled look, but the handsome and majestic Director Meng smiled again:

"Your name is, Jiang Qiyu?"

"Yes, it's me."

She nodded with a stutter.

But the next moment, Director Meng's words made her body tremble, and she was stunned on the spot:

"You are the one who smuggles human organs abroad? A kidney sells for 200,000?"


Not only Jiang Qiyu was stunned, but Qi Yu was also slightly stunned when he heard the words, and then he smiled suddenly and said to Director Meng:

"Director Meng, she is timid and can't stand being scared."


After hearing this, Director Meng smiled even more, and looked at the girl in front of him with a delicate face, but her face was indeed not very smart:

"You are timid and dare to report a big case of tax evasion of more than one billion yuan with your real name?"

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