Spear Teacher

Chapter 309

This was our first fight, on the third day after I started pursuing her.

Of course, strictly speaking, it wasn't a fight.

She was unilaterally criticizing me and re-educating me.

"I knew you must have been holding back if you agreed so readily."


"Didn't I just let you lose face and pretend to chase me to get some revenge? Do you have to put a city-wide wanted list for me?"


"I'm hiding from place to place now, afraid that I'll be recognized and die socially. I don't even dare to go to the company in the morning, and I can't even go home tonight. Are you satisfied now?!"

"Calm down first..."

"Can't you calm down a bit! Qi Yu! You are the culprit who destroyed my life. Don't you know I'm very fragile? Don't you know that one sentence can break my last line of defense? You don't know anything! You only care about yourself! Just like you don't care about my crazy, desperate and collapsed mood now! Okay! I'll let you know the consequences of bullying me! I want Let you live in guilt for the rest of your life!"

"... Then what do you want me to do?"

"As we all know, people's physiques cannot be generalized. I have shed hundreds of tons of tears when I was extremely sad. You may not know that the Pacific Ocean used to be a desert. Let me live in your house. Now it has become an ocean and has given birth to so many lives..."


"It depends on my sadness again and again... ah?"

"I said, when will you move, is it okay now?"

"Qi Yu... you are really in a hurry sometimes."

"Well, I am impatient."


The day after the city-wide wanted incident, the inexplicably socially dead Jiang swaggered into my house with his bag.

Her original words were:

"I went to see a Chinese doctor a few days ago, and he said that I was timid. After such a big incident, I probably need to rest here for a while. But don't blame yourself too much. I am a broad-minded person and I am not the kind of person who cares about trivial matters."

As for why she went to such great lengths to pretend to be jade-like and wanted to live in my house, I didn't dare to think too deeply about it. I simply found Zhao Jin to talk to her.


"Mr. Qi, red roses are so vulgar. This green rose is called Xiao Qiao. It is a domestic variety that I carefully selected. From the perspective of uniqueness, beauty, and flower language, this scene can instantly kill most varieties of roses on the market."

"Very good."

"I think so too..."

"At least you didn't buy a truckload of radishes and dump them directly downstairs of her building."

"Mr. Qi..."

"Forget it, what about the fireworks you mentioned?"

"This...Fireworks are prohibited in all areas of S City, so I activated plan b, is to combine the idea of ​​fireworks with the LED screen with the highest exposure in S City. It is not against the rules and can achieve the same exposure effect as fireworks, so that everyone can see your feelings for Mr. Jiang. Set off cyber fireworks and be a romantic man! "

"The idea of ​​combining fireworks with LED screens you mentioned... is to use fireworks special effects to create a work ID photo?"

"Mr. Qi, how can you understand it this way? ! The meaning of this video is that Mr. Jiang is as dazzling and brilliant as fireworks in your heart! Just like your position in my heart! Of course, this is just a little selfish of mine, you don't have to take it to heart..."

"I can see it."


"You have wanted to blow me up in the sky for a long time."

"How, how is it possible... Could it be that Mr. Jiang was not moved by the romantic surprise of the century that I carefully arranged? !"

"I don't know if he was moved or not, he almost fought with me."


Finally, in Zhao Jin's tearful wailing, I resolutely passed his so-called ultimate move - "Ten Thousand Drone Matrix Confession Plan".

And sent him to the president's office to answer employee complaints for Jessica for a week.

After handling the company's affairs in one go, I didn't go to the gym to stretch my muscles as usual.

I just took off the frameless glasses that I only wore occasionally when reading documents, and then picked up my phone and clicked on the avatar at the top of the chat list.

The chat conversation stopped when the other party sent a photo this afternoon.

The layout of the room in the background of the photo is very familiar to me. It is the third-floor guest room of Building 21 of Huazhou Court.

My home.

This villa has been under my name since I became an adult, and now everything inside and outside belongs to me.

And the only thing that does not belong to Qi Yu in this photo is

a white and beautiful hand with well-proportioned knuckles in the middle of the photo.

She made a "V" sign.

After such a long time together, I pride myself on my meticulous observation of Jiang Qiyu.

Her shortcomings, strengths, preferences, personality, even zodiac sign, blood type, I think I know enough about them.

But sometimes I still don't understand her.

Like now.

No matter how much Zhao Jin fools around, he never makes such a big mistake when it comes to things I give him.

The kind of low-quality template videos on popular editing software that cost 15 yuan a month for members to get 8,000 for free.

It's not nice to say.

Zhao Jin uses his butt to hold the Apple Pencil and clicks a few times, and it's a hundred times more exquisite than what she did.

In fact, this matter can be guessed with a toe.

Cabbage roses, fireworks videos, who else can do these unconventional things except Jiang Qiyu?

It's a good thing she can think of it.

Going around in such a big circle, using that brain that doesn't work very well to come up with such a self-defeating trick.

Did she go through so much trouble just to move into my house?

Could it be...

She fell in love with the house in Huazhou Court?

That is indeed the most suitable set under my name at present, but seeing how much Grandpa Qiao cherishes her, he would not be willing to spend 200 million, right?

So why did she do this?

It can't be that she suddenly fell in love with me under the control of the world consciousness and tried every means to get closer to me, right?



This is too ridiculous.

I stopped my endless speculation in time and was about to put away my phone that had been turned off for a long time and go home after get off work.


A slight vibration came from my palm, and a new message came in, and the phone screen automatically lit up.

I almost clicked it uncontrollably.

[Spear dipped in shit, whoever is poked will die]: [Voice]

I never dreamed that one day my heart would beat faster for this vulgar online name that I had sincerely disliked eight hundred times.

A short five-second voice bar.

I swiped my fingertips across it, and then quickly put the phone to my ear.

After a short silence, a familiar and refreshing voice sounded in my ears.

"Qi Yu, you won't stay home from working overtime to avoid me, will you?"

"Qi Yu, you won't stay home from working overtime to avoid me, will you?"


I might really be a little tired.

A short voice on the phone actually sounded like a two-channel surround sound effect.



It was as if I suddenly realized something.

I raised my eyes suddenly and looked straight into a pair of beautiful eyes.

The eyes looking at me were clear and bright, just like the first time I saw them, so bright that people were dazzled.

My throat moved and I was speechless for a while.

The next moment I heard her unique lazy tone with a faint smile:

"Qi Yu, how do you say coward in Japanese?"


My unrealistic guesses that I dared not think about, believe in, and were unrealistic.

Until this moment, they fell to the ground with a bang.


As if I had just found my lost vocal cords, I looked at the person who came and went in my office as casually as if it were his own backyard:

"Why are you here?"

Jiang Qiyu didn't treat herself as an outsider at all. She sat down on the sofa and picked up the cup to pour herself a glass of water. She lowered her eyes and sipped a few times, then slowly raised her eyes to look at me.

Her attitude was always lazy and casual, but her eyes were serious as I had never seen before:

"Qi Yu, I'm too lazy to pretend with you. I know you can see it. I went back this afternoon and thought about it carefully. Suddenly, I felt that this was quite boring."


I didn't say anything, just looked at her steadily.

She didn't seem to expect to hear anything from me. She held the glass in one hand, and her index finger unconsciously rubbed the rim of the glass:

"We are not children anymore. There is no need to play those ambiguous guessing games."


"Qi Yu, I only ask you one question, do you..."


I answered quickly.





"I can't tell you the exact time. When I found out, it was already like this. I didn't dare to tell you."

In fact, I was afraid to hear her say that humans and cuckolds are reproductively isolated again.


"Or whatever you want to hear, I will say it."

I won't pretend anymore.

It's time to show my cards.

I, Qi Yu, am just a slut. I am just slapping people in the face.

But Jiang Qiyu is not much better than me.

She likes cuckolds.


But she suddenly laughed, gently shook the cup that almost dropped from her hand, and her tone was as bright and flamboyant as ever:

"What are you talking about? I just came to ask if you want to go back together?"



"Hey? What did you say just now? Who do you like?"


The real heartbreak is not the quarrel.

"Don't leave... Qi Yu?Qi Yu! Wait for me, let's talk while walking..."


True disappointment is not about crying.

I should have known that Jiang Qiyu would start a dyeing factory if I gave her some color.

Just now I was actually worried that she would be thinking about it and feeling sad because I came home a little later from get off work?

I really deserve to die.

She deserves to die even more.

Since we both deserve to die, two negatives equal a positive...then forget it, let's not die.

I grabbed my coat and left, relying on my legs being longer than her life to get into the elevator first.

I pressed the door-opening button indifferently, waited indifferently for her to follow in with a grin, and pressed another button indifferently.

I raised my head indifferently and ignored her, and when she quietly put her hand into mine, I coldly I clenched my fist indifferently.

Today I must let her see how cold-blooded and ruthless our bosses can be when they are ruthless!

But Jiang Qiyu is a man with a thick blood bar.

My cold barb not only did not scratch her at all, but made her more excited.

I didn't drive today, so I just held her hand indifferently all the way and listened to her chattering in my ear.

She said a lot, neither coherent nor logical, just saying whatever she thought of.

And I listened carefully to every word, if it wasn't for my phone in my left pocket and my left hand holding hers.

I even wanted to take out my phone and record it word by word.

"Qi Yu, you are not only a difficult fish to catch, but also a stubborn donkey."


I won't record this sentence.

"I guessed that you knew something like me, so you packed up and ran away before I showed up, like a turtle. ”


After saying that, she just smiled secretly with her eyes bent, and then suddenly looked up at me:

“I was quite surprised when I first saw you in the B&B. I thought I would never have any intersection with you in this life.”

“I don’t…”

Before I finished speaking, she clasped my palm tightly:

“Qi Yu, do you know? When I saw you for the first time, a line of comments popped up in my mind.”


“Lady Qi is stupid, but really beautiful.”


She said: “You are the one I see most among all the people I fall in love with.”

She said: “Whose love do you think you have received? It is the love of a god!”

She also said: “I am like this. People who like me like me very much, and people who hate me will not live long.”

She said a lot along the way.

I listened to them one by one, and prepared to review them slowly in the future for a long, long time.

After all, I will live a long life.

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