Spear Teacher

Chapter 62

Since this thrilling one-day date, Jiang Qiyu has followed what they had agreed on.

She launched a self-righteous offensive against Qi Yu on the show.

Specifically, she only gave him full marks in the heart-moving value score every day, and sent him some dog-licking copywriting similar to harassing text messages before going to bed every night.

Another example is that she made a firm choice without hesitation during every two-person activity, and occasionally "gazed at him affectionately".

However, these are still child's play, and what Qi Yu found even more incredible is still to come.

During the fishing activity organized by the program team, she slipped and fell into the sea and was rescued by Qi Yu.

To express her gratitude, after returning from the activity, she excitedly made a big pot of soup with a beautiful octopus that she had carefully selected and brought it to his room.

If Qi Yu had not had a rich knowledge reserve, he would have recognized on the spot that the so-called beautiful octopus was actually an extremely poisonous blue-ringed octopus.

Maybe the love variety show would have turned into a legal program on the spot.


When the program team organized everyone to go to the temple to pray, Jiang Qiyu vowed in front of the camera that she would ask for a marriage fortune for herself and Qi Yu.

As a result, she changed three fortune sticks and broke sixteen bad fortune sticks without being able to draw a good one.

Finally, after the monks in the temple persuaded her that "this is all superstition", she reluctantly gave up this activity.


Later, the program team arranged for the guests to barbecue and drink together, with the purpose of letting everyone express their true feelings and thoughts together.

But after a few bottles of wine, Jiang Qiyu immediately turned into the disciplinary inspection committee of the wine bureau.

In her words, "My eyes are the ruler, no one can escape the drinking."

Seeing someone put fruit in the cup to escape the drinking, she shook her head in disappointment:

"Take your fruit and go to the table with the children."

Fang Xubai advised her to drink less, and she promised with the bottle of wine:

"If I drink one more sip, I will punish myself with three cups!"

As a result, everyone drank too much, more and more, and almost fell down in the end.

Only she, half drunk and half awake, hugged Qi Yu, who had not drunk a drop of alcohol because of alcohol allergy, and confessed with emotion:

"Master! You must believe me! Others are sincere to you, only I am after your money, Master!!!"



The program team asked the guests to make DIY tokens by themselves.

Others made engraved rings or customized earrings and pendants.

Jiang Qiyu measured Qi Yu's head and tail, and polished it for a long time, making a crooked but vaguely recognizable ——

pure silver tight hoop.

Qi Yu was not far behind, and took out a pair of ——

pure silver handcuffs welded together with a silver chain in the middle.

The two of them joined forces and exploded the entire token circle.


In the second one-day date, Jiang Qiyu and Qi Yu were still a group.

This time, Qi Yu learned the lesson from the first date, and he arranged the itinerary for the two of them.

On this day, Jiang Qiyu experienced the fancy ways of death that she could think of and could never dream of in this world.

Roller coasters and bungee jumping machines are just appetizers.

Bungee jumping, racing, paragliding, diving, skydiving, flying...

At an altitude of 100 meters, Qi Yu excitedly shouted in her ear:

"Are you happy?"

And Jiang Qiyu could only roll her eyes and reply with a weak breath:


All day long, various extreme sports made her wonder if Qi Yu wanted to show her affection in front of the camera.

Or was he waiting for revenge for the blue-ringed octopus case.


This week, the live broadcast of "You Know Love" has not only been extremely popular.

As soon as the essence of the edited version was broadcast, it immediately gained a large number of viewers, and the ratings of the program exploded again and again.

And Jiang Qiyu also tried her best to get the three million, and did everything she could to interact with Qi Yu in front of the camera.

But the harder she tried, the more sad the result was.

At the beginning, when the two had no intersection, the footprints of the long-eared CP fans could almost be said to be all over the Internet, and hot searches were one after another.

In the past, even their normal interactions would be recorded by fans, edited in slow motion and played back in a loop for fun.

But now it's her turn to really hype up the CP.

The situation developed in the exact opposite direction of her plan, running in the opposite direction like crazy.

The original hot search terms: #长耳CP是真实#

Gradually changed to: #长耳CP是真实?#

Later it became:

#长耳 CP解 人#,


#Don't go crazy, we won't support you anymore! #

After all the mysterious actions of the two, the fans finally agreed that:

Their inhuman actions were all demonstrations to the CP fans.

It implies that they don't want to be tied together, but because it's hard to say it, they hurt each other in such an extreme way.

The big fans of the long-eared CP super topic, one after another, recognized the reality and quit being fans in anger.

In just a few days, the CP super topic, which originally had nearly a million fans, has less than 100,000 fans left, and it is still decreasing.

Jiang Qiyu, who has been living in the apartment of love, has no mobile phone and is isolated from the world, but she knows nothing about this.

She is still working hard and sadly, seriously playing the role of Qi Yu's pursuer.

Today, the task given by the program team is: to show acting skills with random scripts.

The program team randomly gives a scene setting, and then several random guests play different roles and perform the situation drama according to their understanding of the plot.

Soon, Director Zhang gave the first scenario proposition:

"In a cafe, a man takes his new, rich, and beautiful lover to break up with his old lover."

After saying the topic, he randomly drew small balls representing everyone's names from the cardboard box to determine the roles.

"This man is our Lu Heng, the actor Lu."

"The old lover... Jiang Qiyu, played by Teacher Changmao."

"The new lover, Fang Xubai!"

When the list of these three people came out, everyone was stunned, and then there was another burst of laughter.

Fang Xubai looked frustrated: "Ah? Why is it me again?!"

The last time he dressed up as a woman, he was made into emoticons and ghost videos, which are still widely circulated on the Internet.

Why is he playing a woman again now?

Only Jiang Qiyu smiled and patted his shoulder to comfort him:

"It doesn't matter, everyone has their own taste."

"Sister Qiyu..."

Just as Fang Xubai was looking at her with a touching face, he heard the next sentence:

"I will try not to feel sick."

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