Spear Teacher

Chapter 80

A month is neither long nor short.

Soon, the phenomenal love variety show "You Know Love" will usher in the last day of the eight guests' cohabitation.

Before that, Qi Yu, who disappeared for three days inexplicably and came back inexplicably, also caused heated discussions among the audience again.

Those who said that he chose to leave without saying goodbye because he could not bear the harassment of someone were slapped in the face.

But the controversy about Jiang Qiyu and Qi Yu is still fermenting.

Someone broke the news that Jiang Qiyu has been removed from the Jiang family's trust institution.

She may have been kicked out of the Jiang family for some reason, so she must get close to the big tree of Qi family as soon as possible due to the situation.

Some people also said that Jiang Qiyu and Qi Yu have been tied together because of the script of the program team.

There is no spark between the two, and it can even be said that they are tired of each other.

Of course, there are still some people who are unwavering in their CP.

After these ups and downs, the CP fans who are still in the super chat have become extremely firm after repeated purification.

Now, unless both Chang Er and Jiang Qiyu announce their relationship, nothing can affect their CP.

But no matter how Chang Er and Jiang Qiyu are, Jiang Qiyu is the biggest beneficiary of the popularity of "Understanding Love".

From being abused by the whole network a month ago to having tens of millions of fans now, the commercial value is incomparable with before.

Not only the advertising endorsements that are coming one after another, many big IP scripts that are still in preparation have also extended olive branches to the company.

But more are variety shows.

Countless variety shows are waiting for the official end of "Understanding Love" so as to immediately grab the schedule of this variety talent.

Based on her performance in "Understanding Love", even without a script, this sister can take up 800 hot searches by herself.

Early in the morning, the program team gathered the eight guests in the living room on the first floor.

After enjoying the sumptuous meal prepared early, Director Zhang picked up his trumpet again:

"Today is the last live broadcast of our program, and it is also the last day for everyone to live together in Donglian Apartment!"

"On this last day, we want to give the time to you and allow you to use it freely."

"In the afternoon, we will invite everyone to have a separate interview one by one. In the evening, please gather in the open-air garden on the top floor to start our final confession night!"

[I reasonably suspect that the director team has too many tricks this month and can't think of any good games on the last day? ]

[Report the program planner for being lazy! ]

[I am looking forward to the final confession night tonight! I wonder who will confess to the other party first among my favorite CPs? ]

[Yi Lu Mianyan! I have been optimistic about Yi Lu Mianyan since the beginning of the program! Heng Shuai, come on!!! ]

[Is the long ear real? Can Brother Slap help me and let me realize my dream tonight! Please! 】


The bullet screen on the live broadcast kept scrolling, and most of the audience was still looking forward to the final confession night in the evening.

After Director Zhang finished speaking, he closed the speaker and signaled that everyone could start free activities.

Jiang Qiyu was not in a good mood after receiving the bad news last night. Now that she had the opportunity to slack off, she naturally wanted to go back to her room to catch up on sleep.

You know, there are no bad people who love to sleep.

People like them don’t even get enough sleep, and they don’t have time to do anything else. Sleepy people sleep when they have time. She sleeps when others are in love, she sleeps when others are cheating, she sleeps when others break up, and she still sleeps when others have a second child.

"Then I'll go to sleep..."

But before she could finish her words about going back, she was suddenly interrupted by Jiang Mian:

"Today is the last day for everyone to live together. Why don't we play a game together?"

As soon as she said this, Jiang Ling, who had been pretending to be polite and maintaining a superficial relationship, was the first to stand up:

"I agree!"

Song Yan also clapped her hands with interest: "Okay."

Seeing everyone nodding, Jiang Qiyu didn't know what to say anymore, and sat back down instantly without raising her butt.

Qi Yu, who had been secretly paying attention to her every move, saw this and curled his lips inconspicuously, with a happy expression.

Jiang Qiyu, who sat back with a disappointed face, accidentally met his gaze, and her eyes instantly sank.


When she saw this man, she thought of the contractor who owed wages to migrant workers, and her mood became even worse. She immediately widened her eyes and glared back.

(What are you looking at?)

Seeing her like this, Qi Yu's slightly curved eyebrows became even more smiling, and he tilted his head imperceptibly.

(Can't you even look at it?)

(It's charged.)

Jiang Qiyu narrowed her eyes, and her expression became even more unhappy.

(Then I won't look at it.)

Qi Yu instantly retracted his gaze.


This guy is really stingy. If a mouse steals rice from his house, he has to give him two yuan before leaving, right?

Damn capitalists...

After taking a sneak peek at her expression, Qi Yu immediately put his fist in front of his lips to hide the smile on his face.

Just as he was about to raise his eyes and smooth his hair again, he heard a deliberately low voice from the side:

"Brother Qi..."

Seeing the man next to him smiling, Fang Xubai, who didn't know what was going on, leaned over and asked in a low voice:

"What are you laughing at?"

Qi Yu, who was caught teasing people in public, just glanced at him lightly and said casually:

"Didn't you say we should play games? I'm happy."

As soon as he said this, his fans couldn't sit still.

Especially on the eve of the final confession night, any ambiguous words could be taken out and interpreted by them.

[What, when has Qi Yu ever been happy playing games? Is it because the person who suggested playing games is happy? ]

[Hiss... On the surface, you are flirting with Jiang Qiyu, but in fact, you are secretly having an affair with Mianmian, right? ]

[Jiang Qiyu is just a shield, Yumian is the true love. ]

[Are these people in front cheap? If you want to ship CP, just ship it yourself, but you want to drag down single female celebrities? Teacher Changmao is your dad, and you always talk about her? ]

[Sisters in front, it's good to scold, so you should be rewarded! ]

[You can quarrel as much as you want, the breeze blows over the hills, I am still unmoved, and the long-eared flag will always stay in my heart...]

Although the fans in the live broadcast room were arguing fiercely, the eight people on the scene were having a great time.

"Why not,"

Jiang Mian smiled and looked at everyone: "Let's play truth or dare?"

"Okay! I like this..."

Song Yan smiled meaningfully, and her eyes kept scanning between Qi Yu and Jiang Qiyu, as well as Jiang Mian and Lu Heng.

Seeing this, the others naturally nodded in agreement.

So, they asked the program team for a set of playing cards and drew eight cards.

Holding the eight cards in her palm and showing them to the camera, Jiang Mian explained the rules to everyone:

"There are eight cards here, and the joker is the king. You can designate the two with the smallest numbers to choose truth or dare."

As she said, she closed her eyes and cut the cards a few times at random, and turned the eight playing cards upside down on the table:

"Now, please draw in turn."

Following everyone's actions, Jiang Qiyu randomly touched a card and held it in her hand.

She really couldn't get interested in this game, because now she has a certain traumatic stress syndrome with the word secret.

Qi Yu's secret not only destroyed her tenderness, but also destroyed many dreams that a person needs to use money to realize.

Curiosity kills the cat...

She was holding the cards and daydreaming when she suddenly heard Jiang Mian's implicit laughter:

"Excuse me, everyone..."

Looking up, she saw that she was holding a colorful joker card, while Qi Yu and Zhou Shun were holding the smallest 1 and 2 respectively.

Qi Yu and Zhou Shun both chose truth.

Jiang Mian's smile did not fade, and her beautiful eyes moved, and her eyes fell on Qi Yu's expressionless face:

"Then I'll ask Brother Yu first."

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