Spear Teacher

Chapter 91

"Beating passers-by?"

Frowning, Jiang Qiyu clicked on the entry that topped the real-time popularity list, and saw the video with the highest number of likes and comments at the top.

Clicking in, it was a surveillance video.

In it was her, holding a glass bottle with excitement on her face, carefully approaching the man struggling on the ground from the side of the chaos.

After the man struggled to sit up...


The green glass shattered into glass shards the moment it collided with the man's head.

Amid the noisy sound, the audio track of her speech was deliberately turned up, and it came out clearly from the video:

"Look at this young man, he has a good body and falls asleep as soon as he lies down!"


The video stopped here.

And the content of this surveillance video has no cause or effect, and even the faces of other people are not shown.

Only she is very familiar with holding a bottle of wine and shooting people in the head like a gangster.

Although there is no copywriting topic, the directionality is very strong.

It was just short of pointing at Jiang Qiyu's nose and calling her a hooligan.

She raised her eyebrows and casually clicked on the comments under the Weibo.

There were very obvious rhetoric-leading water army:

[Isn't this Jiang Qiyu? Why is she like a hooligan? ]

[There were rumors that this sister bullied newcomers in the workplace of the crew, and her fans were crazy about defending her. Now it seems that it may not be groundless. ]

[Boycott bad artists! Ban Jiang Qiyu! ]

There are also true fans who spontaneously defend her:

[No comment without knowing the full picture. Before the truth comes out, I will always believe in Qiyu! ]

[If you have the ability, please release the cause and effect. What do you want to say with such a video without a beginning or an end? ]

[Funny, would our teacher Changmao fight with others for no reason? Do you understand self-defense? You scolded me first, and I scolded your whole family in return. Even if your ancestors came to the rescue, this is still self-defense! 】

But in addition to these, her silly fans in the comment area are also frequently popping up:

[Barbecue stalls, green wine bottles, who can be better than her spear? ! ]

[Four streets in the south and north of the city, Teacher Spear is the father! ]

[Spear, you are good, now there are people who buy hot searches to black you, you have made it! ]


Whether it is support or slander, any of the hot comments have hundreds of thousands of likes, and the replies below are mixed and bloody.


After reading this, Jiang Qiyu couldn't help but lower her eyes and think.

This video didn't explode earlier or later, but chose to explode when her love show ended and the limelight was at its peak.

In addition to such a leading malicious editing, Qi Yu, who was traveling with her, was also blurred.

All signs indicate that this incident must have been done by someone specifically targeting her.

But if something goes wrong at this critical moment, not only she, but also the program team will be implicated. Lu Heng is not so stupid as to sacrifice the program to punish her.

Who could it be...

"Yu, Sister Yu..."

Before the phone was hung up, Yu Xiaoyu tentatively asked:

"Are you okay?"

"No problem."

Jiang Qiyu came back to her senses from her thoughts, clicked on her Weibo homepage and joked:

"I'm a gangster, what can happen to me."

Yu Xiaoyu let out a long breath and then comforted her:

"Sister Yu, don't panic, the company is already doing its best to publicize this matter, don't make any response for the time being, wait for the company to notify you."

"Yeah, got it."

The other end of the phone was still chattering, but Jiang Qiyu didn't listen to it. She just said a few perfunctory words and hung up the phone.

Just when she was interested in looking through the comments under her Weibo, another call suddenly came in.

It was an unfamiliar number.


She looked at her place of origin, which was S City, and without thinking much, she casually clicked to answer the call.

"Who is it?"

She spoke first, but heard a cold snort and an arrogant female voice from the other side:

"Hmph, you are Jiang Qiyu, right?"


Faced with such a call that was obviously from someone with bad intentions, Jiang Qiyu did not answer, but immediately took the phone from her ear to her face.

She firmly pressed the recording button.

Then she put it back to her ear with a smile and continued:

"It's me, you are..."

The woman on the other end of the phone was still strong and spoke in a cold voice:

"You don't need to care who I am, I just want to warn you, if it's not yours, don't think about it casually, otherwise you won't know how you died."

Jiang Qiyu just smiled lightly and asked casually:

"Do you know how I died?"

AnswerWithout waiting for the other party to answer, he said in a tone of sudden realization:

"Then you should be a fortune teller."

"......What nonsense are you talking about?!"

The woman on the other side scolded lightly, and then sneered sarcastically:

"Jiang Qiyu, it feels bad to have your reputation fall apart right after you just started to become popular, right?"

"Fall apart?"

Jiang Qiyu slightly curled her lips, without any panic or urgency:

"Anyone will fall apart, except me."

She paused, and said slowly:

"Because I am a ruin."

Even if there was no such video, she would have been on the black-red route.

Now that it has been exposed, the company will do a little public relations, which will only make those who hate her hate her more, and those who like her like her more.

"Hmph, you don't need to act so pretentiously here."

The person on the other side said viciously:

"This video is just a lesson. If you continue to shamelessly pester others..."

"Hey (↗) wait a minute."

The person was just speaking harshly, when Jiang Qiyu suddenly called her and asked with a slightly puzzled tone:

"Who do you say I am pestering?"

"Hmph, you are pretending to be quite convincing..."

The woman said with disdain, smiled contemptuously, and warned her viciously:

"You'd better stay away from Qi Yu, otherwise, I won't be as polite as I am now!"

After saying that, she hung up the phone immediately.


Listening to the busy tone on the other side, Jiang Qiyu frowned slightly, and then without hesitation, packaged the fresh call recording and sent it to a friend in the WeChat list.

Within three minutes, a reply came from the other side:

[More than: ten minutes. 】

She sneered and didn't care, and sent a message to her agent Sister Chen:

[Whoever is poked with a spear will die: Sister Chen, remember to buy hot searches. 】

After posting this, she didn't care whether Sister Chen replied or not, and opened her Weibo homepage again.

Uploaded the video that was previously recorded and not deleted on her phone without any editing:

"Sorry, this is the first time I've seen a dog share a table with people today. It's very novel. Do you mind taking a photo?"

"You bitch, you're too nosy..."

"Don't worry about taking photos. Dogs don't have portrait rights."

After uploading, she added another post on this Weibo:

[@江绮遇V]: I'll hit you if you want, do I need to pick a day? [grin]

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