Spear Teacher

Chapter 96

Qi Yu had already guessed what this person was going to do, and he didn't feel that he was being teased when he saw the back figure leaving happily.

He didn't rush to chase him, but took out his mobile phone and opened the WeChat address book with good temper.

He changed the normal name note on it to——

[Mei Yangyang]

Then he slowly turned off the engine and got out of the car.


When they arrived at the hotel's catering department, the two of them were led to the luxury box by the reception staff as soon as they appeared.

When ordering food, it was really seen that she was not frugal as before.

She was just stingy.

When she paid for it herself before, she would order beer in bulk and only ordered two pounds of chicken offal for barbecue.

And now...

"Aolong? Try a one-meter-long one."


"King crab? Come! A big one!"


"White truffle caviar? Give me some to see the world."


"Buddha jumps over the wall? Give me two servings."


When the waiter was there, Qi Yu just looked at her quietly without making any comments.

After the waiter left the room, he raised his eyebrows slightly and said with a smile:

"You ordered so much, can you finish it?"

"If you can't finish it, I'll pack it up."

Jiang Qiyu carefully arranged the plate in front of her, and then looked at the customer opposite seriously.

With her hands clasped together, she looked like a devout believer:

"No matter how bad a person is, he can't be that bad. This is my view of good and evil. The gate of b-mouths will last forever!"


Qi Yu curved his eyebrows, his tone was filled with undisguised joy:

"You believe in quite a lot..."

"That's right, I also believe in the sect of greed, the sect of returning money, and the sect of crazy..."

She raised her chin with pride instead of shame, squinting her eyes and deliberately said:

"Why, you just realized that your filter for me is disillusioned now?"


Qi Yu leaned back slightly, staring straight into her eyes, and said calmly:

"I like it more."


This kid...

I don't know why, facing Qi Yu's words.

The person who originally looked at her teasingly, his heartbeat froze for a moment, and then the rhythm became stronger.

To be honest, hearing Qi Yu, a well-rounded hexagonal warrior, say "I like you", Jiang Qiyu must be lying if she says she is not moved.

Not just now.

That month in the love show, on the deserted island, on the suspension bridge, in front of the transfer contract of the two-yuan shopping mall, in the chaos of the barbecue stall...

Especially the explosive remarks of "I'll give you half" at the final confession night, which almost made her fall into the sugar-coated bullet of capitalism.

Although she didn't know how much the 15% shares of Qi's shares were, the fact that they could easily take out 10 million to sign a spokesperson for a project showed the strength of Qi's.

This is still the branch in City A. It is conceivable that the entire Qi Group, let alone a small star like her, is hard to match even the entire Jiang family.

In addition, this boy really has a good appearance that is naturally seductive.

Although he is a top boss, in this world dominated by bosses, Qi Yu really doesn't have the shadow of Mary Sue.

Rebellion is like a big bug in this world.

But even so, Jiang Qiyu still couldn't understand or figure out the young master Qi in front of her.

Qi Yu vowed to pursue her. What was his purpose or was it just for fun?

She had no way of knowing, and she didn't dare to accept it casually.

She was moved, but not much.

This little bit of illusory throbbing was not enough to make her run towards Qi Yu stupidly.

But putting these aside, at least the five million this guy gave her was real.

Jiang Qiyu was very happy with this, and she was more satisfied with the man in front of her.

But Qi Yu didn't know her ups and downs at this time.

He just thought it was interesting that the way this man looked at him changed again and again. He slightly curled the corners of his lips, slowly leaned over and supported his angular chin with the back of his hand.

The smile and tone were all full of seduction:

"What? Are you already fascinated by me?"

Jiang Qiyu came back to her senses after hearing this. Facing his slightly teasing eyes, she nodded without hesitation:



Now it was Qi Yu's turn.

He stopped teasing and raised his eyebrows slightly:


"Of course it's true!"

Jiang Qiyu spoke without blushing:

"Master, you are the perfect incarnation of human beings here, a work of Nuwa's showmanship. Order another steamed fish later. I only eat the fish head. What else?What? You asked me why I didn't eat the fish body? Because I want to keep the fish body to serve the young master..."


Qi Yu's expression became more and more indifferent, and only his hand tightly grasping the tablecloth curtain revealed his level of patience at this time.

After a long time, he squeezed out a sentence from his teeth:

"Who asked you?"

Jiang Qiyu bared his teeth and laughed:

"I ask myself."

"I think your cerebellum is dislocated. "

As soon as Qi Yu finished speaking, the door of the box behind him was knocked, and several waiters came in one after another to serve the dishes, and then left one by one with their eyes downcast.

Looking at the man who said he was treating him to a banquet, but in fact he was eating and drinking at public expense, Qi Yu felt that he had a long way to go.

Other people are indifferent to oil and salt, but she is only interested in oil and salt.


Just then, his cell phone rang suddenly.

Qi Yu lowered his eyes to look at the screen, then looked at Jiang Qiyu who was oblivious to the outside world, and answered the phone in front of her openly.

Jiang Qiyu was busy eating and drinking, but she still pricked up her ears seriously under the trend of curiosity.

But the man who had originally had a dark face because of his half-hearted flattery, his expression suddenly became soft after answering the phone.

It was like a large beast with a ferocious nature suddenly restrained its sharp claws and fangs to someone, becoming gentle and friendly.


"Well, eating. "

"Not busy..."

He responded softly, with a gentle smile on his lips unconsciously.

Jiang Qiyu on the other side lowered his head to drink soup, while guessing who the person on the other side was.

It can make people like Qi Yu restrain their fierceness and become gentle.

Could it be... that unmarried person who has only heard of her name but never seen her...


Her aimless thoughts suddenly braked, and she looked up in surprise.

"What's the matter with you?"

Although the tone of the man on the other side was a little helpless, the smile on his lips did not fade.

He pinched the phone with his slender knuckles, and suddenly looked up at her as if he had sensed something, with an elusive emotion in his eyes.

Qi Yu's tone was indifferent, and it was clear that he was talking to the person on the other end of the phone, but it seemed more like he was deliberately saying it to the person in front of him:

"I'm here."


"Across from me."


"Eat." ”


“It smells good.”


“Yes, it should be easy to raise.”

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