(I snatched Maya away hundreds of years in advance! Since I wanted to meet Maya earlier, the time span of the kiva part of the plot was a bit large. This chapter specifically made a setting about the speed of time flow, which was actually mentioned briefly in the previous article Sword World. The overall impact is not great)

"Child, so you were attracted by our piano music?" Antonio Lucio Vivaldi, the famous Italian violinist, looked at Mavis in front of him with a loving face.

Succubus physique activated!

"That's right, did I disturb you?" Mavis asked in Italian, looking a little embarrassed.

It was indeed a bit rude to walk into the door without the owner's permission.

"Oh~ It's okay, I just happened to be teaching my two students. Child, are you interested in music? Do you want to stay and study together?" Vivaldi invited enthusiastically.

"Although I haven't learned it before, it doesn't mean I have no interest at all. I just need to ask my mother for her opinion?"

In fact, Mavis felt that he might not stay here for long, and learning is definitely not something that can be done in a day or two, so he declined in disguise.

But Vivaldi took it seriously.

"Can I talk to your wife? I think you are a very smart child, and you may be suitable for this path."

Ah this...

"I'll ask when I get back." Mavis could only agree casually.

"Teacher, can we continue teaching?" One of the two girls with a slightly cold expression reminded.

"Oh, okay, sorry."

But in the following time, the violin master liked Mavis more and more, and the two girls also looked at him sideways.

Because he was just an auditor, Mavis could not only quickly integrate the knowledge that Vivaldi taught, but also express his own opinions.

It is hard to imagine that he is really a person who has never studied music as Mavis said.

In this regard, Mavis said that it was just his mother's gift that made his learning ability stronger by a "hundred million" points!

Not worth mentioning.

After today's teaching, Vivaldi was still excited: "You are too talented. No, I have to convince your family to let you become my student!"

After that, he went upstairs.

From the looks of it, he should be writing a letter. He probably plans to write a three or four-page essay to his mother to persuade her.

"You are so amazing. My name is Maye, what is your name?" Maye asked curiously.

Although loyal to her duties, she does not show a dislike for humans like other vampires. Among the things created by humans, only art has been evaluated by her.

She will actively communicate with people related to art, and naturally became interested after seeing the extremely talented Mavis.

It's really Maye!

Mavis had already guessed after seeing Maye's face and hearing Vivaldi's name.

She herself has mentioned that she once learned violin playing from Vivaldi and violin making from Stradibari.

But now she looks a little smaller than in the show.

"My name is Mavis."

"Why don't you stay with us? If it's you, you will definitely go a long way in music in the future." Maye asked doubtfully.

"I just have a little interest, but if I really want to make it a career, I don't think I can do it." Mavis told the truth.

Compared to music, he still prefers to go to other worlds for fun.

Maye couldn't understand it.

After all, in her eyes, the only thing that humans can be praised by her is art.

"Ahem!" Just when she wanted to say this, another girl interrupted her.

This was to remind her that if she wanted to continue communicating with Mavis, it would be better not to tell him about her non-human nature.

Mayu understood what the other party meant and changed his words: "It should be okay to just learn a little bit, right? I also want to have another person to exchange music with."

Mavis was a little embarrassed: "Uh... next time?"

"Okay." Hearing that he meant to refuse, Mayu's expression did not change, but there was still a hint of regret in his tone.

"I'm going home. See you again if we're lucky."

Just when Mavis wanted to leave here, Vivaldi rushed downstairs.

"Wait a minute, kid, please give this letter to your mother. I hope she can agree to let me be your teacher."

Mavis was a little helpless about his perseverance.

The teacher begged to accept the apprentice, reallyIs this the treatment for a genius (hanging on the wall)?

After saying goodbye to the three people, Mavis returned directly to the core of the earth.

After returning to her mother, she was told two amazing things.

"Can you still communicate with other mothers?"

"The time flow in this world is so different from that in other worlds? I have experienced a whole day here, and only one minute has passed in those worlds?"

Mavis actually knows a little about the second point.

Due to the existence of the Zhulong coin on her body, time and space will occasionally be disturbed after arriving in the new world.

The most intuitive manifestation is that the time flow rate of the two worlds will be different for a period of time, until a certain point in time will gradually return to normal, and then synchronize with each other. (Actually, it is the time when the plot starts)

"That means that one day there is almost equal to four years in the Kiva world? Then I think I can stay and study with Maya and the others!"

But I have to tell my wife about this first.

"Then mother, will there be any problems when you communicate with the others?"

After all, the "delay" here seems to be relatively high.

His mother told him not to worry, because when their consciousnesses were connected, they were synchronized.

Noble and unaffected!


"So, you plan to stay here for a long time to learn music?" Mavis pulled Mazel to the world of kiva and told her some information.

"Yeah, but because of the different speed of time, you should have only been there for a few days. But I thought I'd tell you."

"Oh? Is it really just to learn music?" Mavis narrowed her eyes, with an expression that said I've seen through you.

In the story just now, Mavis mentioned the existence of Maya.

"Well, of course!"

"Humph! In that case, we'll come here too!"


Mavis and Ling Yuan can be said to be the ones who have known Mavis the longest among the women.

But they have only been with Mavis for ten years.

If he stays here, he might have to stay with other women for decades before going back. Wouldn't he be outdone by others?

Even though Mazel knew that Mavis had deep feelings for her, she would inevitably feel a little jealous.

No, it's a big crisis!

Mavis naturally couldn't guess her thoughts, otherwise she would definitely complain about being wronged.

In fact, he just wanted to stay for a few years and then go back, which was about one day in the Sword World.

But he was also very happy that Mazel and others were willing to stay with him.

"Then it's decided!"

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