Hongshang Art Museum.

An ordinary young man named Eiji Hino chose to work here as a security guard for the next few days.

But what he didn't know was that his two colleagues were actually thieves.

Today, their target was the various artworks in the warehouse of Hongshang Art Museum.

In order to prevent Eiji Hino from disturbing them, the thinner of the two coaxed Eiji into drinking the drugged juice.

Eiji was also an honest man and drank it without much doubt.

As a result, he fell asleep.

It can only be said that young people have good health!

While they were moving things, they didn't notice that behind the sarcophagus next to them, a red coin felt their greed and began to shake violently.

Then, it gathered the cell coins next to it together to form a hand made of coins! (In the original plot, Anku's consciousness coin was outside from the beginning, which was very strange. It couldn't be that it just fell outside when the hand flew out, right?)

The hand slowly moved to the Oz driver on the sarcophagus that had turned into a stone statue, and twisted it hard.

As the driver was twisted, a faint light began to emanate from the sarcophagus.

The two thieves were dazzled by the treasure and did not notice it at first.

However, the energy sensors placed around felt the energy fluctuations, and the alarm sounded inside the Hongshang Foundation.

The foundation had a plan to deal with this, and a team was immediately dispatched.

The team leader held a pile of coins in his hand and distributed them one by one.

The team members who took the coins ran to the things that looked like vending machines and put the coins in.

The next moment, the vending machine began to transform and turned into a motorcycle.

They immediately sat on it and rushed to the art gallery.

The action team is on the way.

At this time, the light emitted from the sarcophagus in the warehouse became stronger. The next moment, it turned into countless cell coins and scattered in the air.

The two thieves finally found something wrong. They opened their mouths wide and stared blankly at the changes happening in front of them.

Those coins were attracted by the core coins of different colors, and then combined into four humanoid things. Then the four of them turned their heads and stared at the two people.

"Ah!" The two thieves shouted in fear.

The next moment, a roar sounded, and a motorcycle broke through the wall and rushed in.

After the car stopped, the man wearing a helmet sitting on it did not hesitate and immediately raised his gun and shot.

Unfortunately, it was useless.

Seeing this, the man in the car stopped attacking and reported to the headquarters: "I am Goto from the first squad of the vending machine motorcycle. The coins have begun to awaken. Please give instructions!"

Mitsuo Hong, who was making cakes, just said lightly: "Destroy!"


To be honest, if Mavis was here, he would definitely complain: "What's the difference between this and asking Benboerba to catch Sun Wukong?"

Captain Goto would naturally not disobey orders, turn the car around and temporarily withdraw from the warehouse.

And those weirdos made of coins, after a few flashes of light, turned into four greedy people.

After Goto withdrew, the rest of the team immediately raised the rocket launcher in their hands, and Goto also pressed the button on the controller in his hand, detonating the bomb placed in the warehouse of the art gallery in advance.

"Boom!" ×N warehouse began to collapse.

Seeing this, Metzl and the other three turned into piles of coins and flew away from here again, and only the silly Gamer walked out against the falling rocks.

"Vending Machine Motorcycle Team One, start tracking!" Goto ordered.

The team then split into three teams to chase the three Greedy Ones that flew out, and the rest dealt with Gamer here.

The result was obvious.

The team chasing Ufan and Kazali was completely wiped out, and no one survived!

As for the people chasing Metzl, they were just washed off the car by the water, but their lives were safe.

Although Metzl gradually forgot what "love" felt like after losing the power of Mavis.

But there was one thing she remembered.

That was that Mavis did not reject humans, and even liked some people very much, so she subconsciously showed mercy.

And those who stayed behind, their attacks could not penetrate Gamer's defense at all.

In the end, Gamer just scratched his head and left here with a few jumps.

His idea was simpler.

Mavis said, don't hurt humans easily, so Gamer should be obedient...

In this way, the battle ended with the Greedy Ones escaping and the Vending Machine Team losing half of its personnel.

On the other side, Mitsuo Hong looked at the number of casualties displayed on the system without any emotion.

After all, this was a result that he had expected long ago, and he was even relieved that not all the casualties were wiped out.Some surprises.

It seems that some of the Greedy are different from the rumors!

Is it because of that person?

Things are getting more and more interesting!

He smiled and put the finished cake in front of Satonaka, and Satonaka said bluntly: "I'm starting!"

Then he showed off!

Mitsuo Hongo celebrates the birthdays of his employees almost every day.

And today's cake is for the resurrected Greedy!

Everyone, become a stepping stone on the road to Oz's godhood!


On the other side, Hino Eiji, who was sleeping in the office, was hit on the head by a flying coin and finally woke up slowly.

He looked around with a confused look in his eyes, and then picked up the coin.

"What is this? Is it today's wages?" Maybe he just woke up, or maybe the effect of the drug has not completely passed, and Eiji is a little confused now.

"Thank you for your hard work!" He put his hands together, thanked the void, then stood up and began to take off his uniform.

When he hung the uniform on the wall, he heard a "crackling" sound from the wall.

Then the next second, there was a "bang" and the wall collapsed instantly, revealing a mess outside.

Eiji Hino, who was only wearing underwear, stared at the firefighters and police outside, both of them were stunned.

Eiji slowly raised his hands and laughed.


(The theme song continues here!)

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