"Shi, what did he just mean?" Kenzaki was puzzled.

Aikawa Shi was a little hesitant, not knowing whether he should tell him that he was the Joker and that "the world will be destroyed if the Joker wins."

"Shi-nii!" At this time, Tianyin's voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Tianyin-chan?" Shi was a little surprised.

"She wanted to see you fight, so I brought her along." Mavis said with a smile.

"You wanted to see it yourself, Mavis, right?" Tianyin complained, then took Shi-nii's hand and said, "Shi-nii, you are so handsome!"

Shi-nii looked at Tianyin's smile, and his heart was filled with warmth.

He definitely didn't want to destroy such a world!

"Mr. Mavis, does this card have the same effect as Tachibana-senpai's card?" Kenzaki asked, holding the Spade J.

"Well, if used alone, it can only charge your awakening machine (restore AP value). But if combined with category Q, it can burst out with powerful power!"

"Karasuma is making props in this regard, and it should be available soon." (Swiping the card alone does restore AP value, and Senior Tachibana mentioned this in a conversation with Mutsuki)

"Director Karasuma? I'm really looking forward to it!" Kenzaki said with a smile.

Although they have now left the Basic Research Institute, he still has the habit of calling him director.

"Come on, now only Tachibana can use it. You kid should find a way to seal category Q first."

"Huh? Why is this happening!"


At night, a couple walked on the street, talking and laughing.

Suddenly, a monster appeared and knocked the male in the couple to the ground.

"Ah!" The woman next to him screamed.

And the people around saw this and fled in all directions.

Just when the monster wanted to continue attacking the woman, Miyuki appeared.

She turned into an orchid undead creature and stopped the other party.

"Stop! Category J! You broke the rules!" She said coldly.

Yes, this monster is the Red Heart J, the wolf undead creature!

"I don't think so. Queen, don't think that you are really the administrator of this war just because you are ordered by a strange guy! I decide what I want to do!" The wolf ancestor said fiercely.

Almost all the ancestors were frightened by Mavis's power, but there are always a few stubborn ones.

At first, they were obedient, but after a long time, they chose to ignore it, and even dared to speak rudely.

"You can't question our adults! Even King dares not violate the rules set by adults. Do you think you are more powerful than King?" Miyuki sneered.

"Shut up! King is nothing? As long as I finish that thing, the victory of this war will definitely belong to me!"

"Hehe, you can't wait until then!"

Miyuki took action.

She used the creeper-like tentacles on her arms to continuously extend and attack.

Under her guidance, the two quickly moved the battlefield to another place.

"Are you okay? Someone come!" After the two left, the woman dared to step forward to check on her boyfriend's condition and called for help.

But unfortunately, the other party had completely lost his voice.

The woman seemed to be unable to accept this scene and began to cry.

At this moment, the man's "corpse" moved.

The woman thought he was not dead, and immediately turned from sadness to joy, intending to take out her mobile phone to find help.

But the next second, a green light flashed, and the other party turned into a werewolf!

"What's wrong with you? Ah!!"


"I'm sorry, sir, I let him escape because of my carelessness." Miyuki lowered her head and apologized to Mavis.

"Why are you still injured?" Mavis frowned and looked at Miyuki.

Some green bloodstains could be vaguely seen on her arm.

"I was scratched by his claws by accident." Miyuki lowered her head in shame.

Although she was not good at fighting, after being strengthened by Mavis, it should be easy for her to deal with a Category J.

But in the end, not only did the opponent escape, but she was also injured.

It was really a bit lame.

Mavis signaled Azumi to help Miyuki deal with the wound, and did not mean to blame her.

"Red Heart J..." Mavis's tone was rarely cold.

"Are you going to find it?" asked the second generation flapping his wings.

"Of course! Otherwise, would you keep it for the New Year?"


Wolf is notAfter escaping, the dead creatures continued to attack several humans, transforming them into werewolves, and at the same time controlled them to come to Kenzaki and others.

He appeared in front of Kenzaki and others in human form with several fully armed people, and eliminated the werewolves with guns, gaining their trust.

"You are Tachibana Sakuya and Kenzaki Kazuma, right? We are undead hunters, looking for a way to seal the undead even without using the knight system. My name is Xinming." Red Heart J introduced himself.

"Didn't expect that there are people fighting undead creatures besides us? But it seems that there are not many undead creatures left." Kenzaki said.

"Asshole! Even so, we want to do our part!" Xinming scolded.

As if he really wanted to sacrifice his life for humans.

"Private Marseille!" Kenzaki was bluffed.

Although Tachibana thought the guy opposite was a little strange, he still asked: "So have you found it? A way to fight against the undead."

"Of course! Please follow me! We really need your help now."


"Is this the 'Black Fang'?"

When Xinming led Kenzaki and the others to a completely black motorcycle, Tachibana recognized it at a glance.

"Do you remember it?" Xinming also smiled.

"Black Fang?" Kenzaki, who joined the Institute of Basic Research later, naturally didn't know about this thing.

"This is the strongest motorcycle we have worked hard to develop in the past. It has performance far exceeding the 'Blue Spade' and the 'Red-brown Cube'. But it was not fully developed at the time."

"That's right! Now it has become perfect. It's just that your motorcycles are equipped with the 'Awakening Card System', and we want to install this technology on it as well."

"Then, how about analyzing our motorcycles and learning from their technology?" The honest Kenzaki suggested without thinking.

"Then the completion of the black fangs will be even higher!" Xinming smiled happily.

I took the bait!

These guys are really easy to fool.

As long as this car is completely perfected, I can use it to seal other ancestors!

The original black fangs will only enhance its power, but it still does not have the ability to seal undead creatures.

But once the awakening card system is installed, it can simulate the knight system to achieve the effect of sealing! (This is a little second setting)


Although Tachibana senior is conservative about Xinming, when he saw the black fangs that he had participated in and was committed to protecting humans, his original vigilance was also put down.

"Then let's get started now!"

Seeing that both of them agreed, Xinming was a little impatient and planned to start immediately.

But an inappropriate voice sounded.

"I don't think it's okay!"

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