Mavis brought Metzl and the others back to the mansion that Hongshang had prepared for him.

"Let's live here together from now on. I will pass on the methods of using these things to you directly." Mavis said with a smile.

"Okay. But can we go out and get some cell coins? Sometimes we get bored."

"Okay, don't go too far. After all, this is also a gift from Lingyuan to me."

"I know." Metzl nodded gently.

She also liked Lingyuan, the little girl, very much, so she would not do anything out of line.

"As for Gamel, forget it. The Desire Devourer you created is too troublesome. If you make a mess, Lingyuan will be angry." Mavis warned.

"Will Lingyuan be angry...? Okay~ I know!" Gamel nodded vigorously.


Eiji was still worried about Izumi Shingo.

Anku took three popsicles from the hawker's cart nearby.

Then Eiji paid awkwardly under the scolding of the uncle selling things.

"Wait a minute! Answer my question just now!" Eiji said dissatisfiedly.

"We were born from the core coin made eight hundred years ago, named Greedy..." Perhaps seeing that Eiji paid for him, Anku also explained a little.

"Wait, wait a minute! I don't understand what you are saying! I'm asking about the policeman!" Eiji didn't care about Anku's origin.

"Tsk. Don't worry! Just eat something like this occasionally, he won't die for the time being!" Anku licked another popsicle and said.

"Eat, eat?"

"What? I have a sense of taste too!" Anku said unhappily.

In fact, he lied.

Although he could feel the coldness of the popsicle in the possessed state, he still couldn't taste it. (I remember Anku said this in one episode. I could only feel the coldness but not the sweetness. I don't remember it clearly.)

He missed the various delicacies he had experienced when Mavis was still here.

Let's just make do with it for now.

"So, Mr. Policeman, he will die without you?"

"That's right!"

Eiji could only sigh helplessly.

"Hey, your name is Anku, right? Continue to tell me about your origins." Since there is nothing to do now, I can only listen to the story.

"Humph!" Anku did not refuse and told Eiji about the cell coins and core coins, the greedy and the greedy monster.


While the two were talking, Wu Fan was making trouble in the city again.

He found the thin man among the two thieves.

The thin man wanted to rob the money truck and was trying to persuade his companions.

Unfortunately, his companions said they were unwilling to continue after this disaster.

However, the greed of the thin man attracted Wu Fan.

"I'll liberate your desires." He said, and threw a coin.

A blank Desire Devourer immediately crawled out of his body and headed for the target.

It first stopped the money truck that the thin man had taken a fancy to.

After overturning the truck, it took out boxes of banknotes and started eating them directly.

That's not enough!

It then ran to the bank, broke open the vault, and ate all the gold bricks stored inside.

"Huh?" Anku felt the power of the cell coin, grabbed Eiji and started to hurry: "Follow me!"

"Wait, wait!"

The two soon arrived at the bank.

"Is this the monster you mentioned?"

"Ah, yes, this is the Desire Devourer."

Eiji stretched out his hand to Anku.


"Coins, isn't it going to transform?"

Anku slapped his hand away: "It's not time yet! It will grow after eating. You can get more coins by defeating it after it is full."

So, Eiji watched the Desire Devourer shed its skin and turned into a large insect Desire Devourer.

Weevil Desire Devourer!

After the transformation, it jumped out of the bank and rushed into a building next to it.

"Hey! Is it okay now? Give me the coins!" Eiji said anxiously.

He wanted to kill the monster before it caused casualties.

"Don't worry, it will be almost done after it eats up this building." Anku still didn't give it.

"You, don't you care about human lives?"

"Ah, so what?" Anku has his own judgment criteria.

I still remember that Mavis and Anku talked about this "Sakura Country" eight hundred years ago, and they often said that some people on this island were simply beastly.

But Anku listened for a long time, and his ears had their own ideas.

He defined this “some people” asIt expanded to "all people".

Therefore, when I heard Eiji say that this place is "Sakura", I didn't take the lives here seriously.

But Anku didn't listen carefully at that time. Eiji said "Sakura Province"!

At this time, an old lady next to him saw the monster rushing into the building, and she couldn't help but kneel down, put her hands together, and muttered something.

"How could such a monster appear in our China! Lord Lingyuan must protect our country in peace!"

Anku's eyes widened at once!

"Eiji! What does that old woman mean? What do you mean by 'our China'? And what about Lord Lingyuan?"

"Anku, your question is too strange, isn't it? This place was already included in the territory of Empress Lingyuan hundreds of years ago!" Eiji was still secretly anxious. Hearing Anku's question, he rolled his eyes and said speechlessly,

"Damn, that girl can actually do this? Hey! Eiji!" Anku took out the Oz drive and the core coin, "Take it!"

"Eh?" Eiji was stunned for a moment.

"Hey, what are you waiting for? Go save people!"

"Ah? Oh!" Eiji took the coin and the belt and said, "Although I don't know why you suddenly changed your mind, thank you this time."

Eiji changed into the "Eagle Tiger Locust" form and rushed into the building.

"Anku... It's a bit touching." Mavis, who had been secretly observing Eiji and the others since just now, smiled dumbly.

He naturally knew that the reason why Anku's attitude changed was because of him and Xiao Lingyuan.

"In that case..."

With a flash of golden light, Mavis flew away.

At this time, Goto Shintaro was riding a motorcycle towards Anku.

He received an order from Hong Shang Guangsheng to deliver something to Oz.

Suddenly, Mavis blocked him.

"Squeak!" Goto hurriedly stepped on the brakes.

"Hello, is this Mr. Goto Shintaro?" Mavis greeted politely.

"You are? Greedy!" Goto immediately took out his weapon and looked at him vigilantly.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not a bad guy who wants to destroy the world."

"You are not those greedy people in the art gallery, who are you? Why are you looking for me?" Goto questioned.

"I'll tell you my identity next time. Now, can you please give me the thing that Hong Shang asked you to bring? I'll give it to Oz in person. You can ask your boss, I'm not your enemy."

Seeing that Goto had the idea of ​​refusing, Mavis suggested that he contact Hong Shang.

After Goto got the confirmed news from Hong Shang, he handed him a long box with doubt.

"Thank you! I hope your wish will come true one day. See you next time." Mavis flew away again.

Goto looked at his departing back with a complicated expression.

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