"The moment I successfully defeat despair and gain hope, my own demon will be tamed and become the source of magic power, and will be directly integrated with my magic power!"

Chapter 20 Unsuccessful and Successful Prophecies


If in the beginning, Madam Xanadu, Constantine and Zatanna all stayed because of the Wayne family's money-making ability, then most of the reasons now have become curiosity and interest in the new magic system.

Of course, there are also interests closely related to the magician - if we can make good friends with the new master of magic, wouldn't it be possible to borrow magic without any hidden dangers?

This is not their fantasy. The title of Lord of Magic is not given by anyone, but comes from the recognition of the will of the universe.

Once Gao Li's magic system is officially launched, and it is new enough and is not of the same origin as any power that previously existed in the universe, it will automatically be included in the records of the Sea of ​​Laws!

This is equivalent to the recognition of Gao Li by the DC Universe. Gao Li can take this step to ascend to heaven and become the master of a new kind of power at the level of law!

"This is definitely something that has never happened again in at least the past ten thousand years... no, maybe even in hundreds of thousands of years and millions of years!"

Even Mrs. Xanadu, the oldest and calmest person present, could not help but murmur excitedly at this time.

The various powers in the universe have already divided their respective masters in ancient times, but the new power without masters has not been born for a long time.

Therefore, what the three of them have to do now is to assist Gao Li to become an official magician and let this power truly come to light!

In the next three months, Alfred, who watched Gao Li and the others busy all the time, went from being anxious about whether Gao Li had strayed into a cult, to being shocked that his world view had been refreshed, to finally becoming unable to see anything at all. Numbness to understand.

Even a butler like him, who can do a little bit of everything in the decathlon, still has trouble facing magic that he has never been exposed to.

If you want Alfred to believe in magic, it's actually very simple. Zatanna can just show off her skills.

Some earth-shattering magical powers, such as instantly washing the grass outside the door with a four-element storm, are effects that normal people know logically cannot be achieved with magic mechanisms.

Finally, the day came when everything was ready.

"The 114514 model magic stone bio-making machine has been inspected and can be put into use at any time."

Gao Li looked at the piece of meat in front of him, which was larger than his fist and covered with various catheters, showing an expression of relief.

"It was too difficult. I wanted to make it have no self-awareness, but also meet all the physical signs of a phantom... Fortunately, I succeeded in the end."

"I wanted to ask before, isn't this the crystallization of the input of magic power?" Constantine put a cigarette in his mouth, "Why is there self-awareness?"

"I've told you so many times that smoking is not allowed in the laboratory."

Gao Li waved his hand and slapped the cigarette from the corner of Constantine's mouth, and then explained: "Because the input magic power was transformed by my device and became the alien magic power I invented."

"Alien magic is simply what you call 'new magic'. Whether it is this kind of magic or the formation of phantoms, they are closely related to emotions."

"Generally, under extreme despair, new magic will be affected and condense into phantoms. Then of course, phantoms born from emotions will also have self-emotions."

Zatanna wondered: "Isn't that equivalent to creating a new life? It's not a bad thing, right? Why do you try to avoid it?"

Gao Li put his hands into the pockets of his white coat and took a faint sip from the Pocky biscuit stick in his mouth.

"Creating new life is a very heavy and serious topic even for scientists. It may not be approved by the Science and Technology Ethics Committee..."

"I'm going too far. I actually think it would be better if a life like a phantom demon were not born. Phantom demons born out of despair will lead to their inherently evil nature, and it would be bad if they endanger humans in the future."

"Instead of worrying about humans, why not worry about yourself," Madam Xanadu asked with a little worry, "Have you really decided to do this experiment yourself?"

"After all, as you said, once a magician under this system fails to overcome despair, he or she will turn into a demon and die, which is a very high risk."

Gao Li's expression immediately became tense upon hearing this, and he glanced around guiltily before he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't say this in front of Alfred. He doesn't know the consequences of a failed experiment. It would be terrible if he hears it..."

Zatanna said amusedly: "He is just your housekeeper, and you are his young master. How can a young master be afraid of a housekeeper?"

Gao Li's eyes widened, his neck stiffened, and he argued: "This... this isn't fear! It's respect! Do you understand respect?"

"There are only young masters who respect the housekeeper, and there is no young master who is afraid of the housekeeper... And can the young master's fear be called fear..."

Feeling the subtle looks from the three people opposite him, Gao Li quickly stopped mumbling and coughed to change the subject.

"If you are really worried, madam, just help me divine the success or failure. I can pay for it."

Mrs. Xanadu shook her head: "I have done this in private a long time ago, but I can't see anything clearly. It's like a layer of fog has enveloped you, full of chaos."

Gao Li was not surprised by this result.

The Supreme Mage Ancient One, who is even more powerful than Madam Xanadu, says that he cannot see his future clearly, let alone Madam Xanadu, who does not have plug-in items like the Eye of Agamotto?

"It's okay, I'll take care of the money." What stood out about Gao Li was that he was wealthy.

Mrs. Shangdu smiled and said, "Thank you for your generosity, but I think that not being able to predict your future is a successful prediction in itself."

Gori asked curiously, "What do you mean?"

"Under the circumstances where I am unwilling to pay a huge price, I cannot predict the existence of a higher status than me." Mrs. Shangdu explained, "And the owner of a brand new power will obviously have a higher status than me now."

Gori smiled and said, "Thank you for your good words... Let's get started without further ado."

After that, Gao Li took out the wizard driver - strictly speaking, it was a peak and full-time wizard driver pro max plus manufactured using the Wise driver specifications.

In the original drama, although both were manufactured by Fumuzou, it is obvious that Fumuzou would not be stupid enough to make a father for himself, so the performance of the Wise driver is higher than that of the wizard driver.

If Gao Li used it himself, he would definitely max out all the configurations. In order to avoid accidents when replicating Soma Haruto, he tried to build it in the direction of the wizard driver.

Constantine, Zatanna, and Lady Xanadu were not idle either. They stood in three directions, forming an equilateral triangle around Gowrie.

Under their feet, a huge magic circle was drawn - a simplified version of the Witch's Night Banquet.

Since only one person needs to be forced into despair, rather than the entire city, there is no need to meet the eclipse conditions or gather four human pillars.

After everyone stood in place, Gowrie's "Request" magician ring was activated, and the magic circle began to light up.

"Hehe... Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Gowrie suddenly showed a very painful expression, and his mind sank into his own spiritual world!

Chapter 21 Steins Gate


"This is..."

Gowrie blinked and looked at the scenery in front of him like a sleepwalker.

This is the laboratory where he and Tony parted that day. Obviously, Gowrie has returned to the Marvel world.

"Hmm? Am I really back, or am I in my spiritual world?"

Gorrie couldn't come back to his senses for a long time, and felt... he forgot what he had experienced later faster and faster.

Just like most dreamers, they are completely unaware that they are in a dream. This is also the case for Gorrie at this time. He is constantly forgetting that he is in the ritual of the witch's night banquet.

Just a few seconds later, Gorrie forgot everything and touched his head in confusion.

"Huh? What am I doing standing here?"

At this time, the world turned over, and Ancient One appeared and dragged Gorrie into the mirror space!

The development later-

After a period of well-reasoned debate and verbal cannon, Ancient One agreed to let him find a way to save both the world and himself.

The two did not fight, and Gorrie was directly released back to the real world by Ancient One. That night, he urgently woke up Tony and discussed the matter with Tony.

Tony was skeptical about this, but he finally believed Gao Li - the most important thing was that a bald man suddenly emerged from the fire circle to testify for Gao Li.

"If I am the absolute time point, then can't I take the initiative to replicate this experience myself?"

Tony first proposed this solution, but Gu Yi and Gao Li shook their heads and rejected it.

"No, from the moment I decided to discuss it with you, it is equivalent to giving up the solution of reproducing the experience and looking for other methods."

"Because once you know this, it is difficult to change your mentality, and if you accidentally die because of the replicating experience, it is also equivalent to losing the absolute time point."

Tony pondered for a moment, and had to admit that this was the case, so he could only busy looking for other methods with Gao Li.

The two of them worked day and night to study and abandoned countless plans, until one day, the timeline made a silent noise that was overwhelmed -

The entire universe began to collapse!

The way of collapse was very simple. Wherever Gao Li saw, there were dark holes everywhere, and they expanded outward rapidly.

Presumably, the whole universe was like this. Even Tony became missing arms and legs, and fell down powerlessly in front of Gao Li.

"Is this... what you said... the world collapsed?"

Gao Li felt cold all over, and didn't know what to reply to Tony for a long time.

We failed?

We failed!

No... I failed!

"It's all because of you!"

A fire circle suddenly appeared in front of Gao Li, and Gu Yi struggled to climb out of it under the protection of the green light of the time gem.

"I shouldn't have believed you at the beginning! If I didn't believe you, I wouldn't have come to this point!"

Seeing the angry Gu Yi, Gao Li suddenly shuddered, as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw.

"By the way, didn't you tell me before that you can control time? Then quickly turn back time and let the world go back to the past!"

Gu Yi's anger stagnated and turned into bitterness.

"It's useless. The power of the Eye of Agamotto comes from the Time Stone, and as one of the Infinity Stones, all of its powers rely on this universe."

"In other words, as long as the Time Stone leaves this universe, it will only be a beautiful stone... Now it is exactly like this, the Time Stone is about to lose all its power."

As if to confirm the words of the Ancient One, as soon as he finished speaking, the green light of the Time Stone quickly went out, and the Ancient One was also swallowed by the void.

"How could this happen..."

Gori moved his lips a few times, and suddenly a light bulb flashed in his mind.

"By the way, I can also turn back time!"

Because he didn't fight with Ancient One at the beginning, and he continued to invest in research afterwards, Gao Li never used the experience card of Kamen Rider Kronos.


In the world of accelerated destruction, Gao Li turned into a black and green savior, bursting out all his energy.


The world burned under the cover of two-color flames, and the backward clock turned everything forward!

Gori went all the way back to the moment after he reached an agreement with Ancient One, and the experience card of Kamen Rider Kronos also became unused because he returned to the past.

"No, I can't tell Tony the truth this time. I have to find a way to let him replicate the original experience."

Gori readjusted his plan and cooperated with Ancient One to implement it.

However... failed.

Just like Doctor Strange in that parallel universe, Tony failed to become Iron Man because of the appearance of Gao Li-this matter seemed to have become a new absolute time point, which could not be changed in any way!

Gorri turned back time again and adjusted his plan again.

Tony invented the Iron Man suit, but his mentality at this time was still more inclined to the playboy billionaire with the Iron Man suit, rather than the superhero Iron Man in the regular timeline.

"No, this can't be the cornerstone! It's just a false absolute time point!"

Accompanied by the desperate voice of Ancient One, the universe began to collapse again.


Gorri transformed numbly, and then activated his ability to go back to the past.

Plan again.

Fail again.



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