Originally, Nomura thought that the side effect of "Transformation Ippo" was that once the Kamen Rider belt was used, it might cost one's life, but in fact, it sacrificed the "Kaixa Driver", which shows that his understanding of the drug was not comprehensive enough.

After Gao Li drew the formula of "Transformation Ippo", after in-depth research, he figured out its principle: it is a bit similar to the Ophi mark, and it is essentially a temporary deception of the driver system.

At the same time, the burden of being able to transform without the Ophi factor will be transferred to the driver, and eventually the driver will die after being used once.

If the transfer fails, the burden will fall on the transformer, causing the transformer to die after the transformation due to inability to bear the pressure.

After thorough research, Gao Li re-adjusted and changed the formula, so that the burden pressure is 100% completely directed to the driver, so that the transformer is no longer a probabilistic death!

"Faiz Driver, you have to hold on!"

After Gao Li installed the Faiz flashlight and Faiz camera, he lifted the belt and buckled it around his waist.

With a "click", Kamen Rider Faiz's belt was loaded!

"Give me the phone."

Tony threw the phone to Gao Li, who took it and smoothly opened the cover to enter the numbers.

"555... Enter! Standing by!"

The standby sound slowly sounded, Gao Li took a deep breath, and inserted the phone buckle into the belt!


The next moment, bright red photon blood flowed out from the driver, as if the blood-colored lines were suspended in the void, quickly covering Gao Li's whole body.


The electronic mechanical sound rose together with the bright light, making Tony unable to help but raise his hand to cover his eyes, even the little pepper hiding in the stairwell was no exception.

The glory came quickly and went quickly.

At this time, the person in front of Tony was no longer Gao Li, but a masked warrior covered with red-edged and silver-based metal armor, and even his face was covered tightly!

"Gori, what are you doing...!?"

Even the arrogant Tony couldn't help but widen his eyes at this moment, with countless questions in his mind.

For example, what is the principle of this transformation method?

G3 armor can only be worn in normal clothes, but the silver-red armor in front of him seems to appear out of thin air!

Nanoparticle technology?

Space compression technology?

Space folding technology?

Among the countless doubts that Tony raised, Gao Li only answered the most basic question he uttered.

"Kamen Rider Faiz...This is Kamen Rider Faiz!"

"...Kamen Rider Faiz?"

Tony moved his lips a few times, as if chewing on the words he had never heard of.

"Extending from that belt is...photon blood? Is this the military product of photon blood?"

"But I don't know how its data compares to the G3 system, but its portability exceeds that of the G3 armor."

While Tony was thinking, Gao Li moved his neck on the spot and shook his hands like a gangster.

"Next, it's the highlight moment!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Gao Li rushed out.

The terrorist's gunshot immediately landed on him, but it could only produce sparks on his body surface, and couldn't even slow down Gao Li's sprinting momentum.

The super-fast speed of 5.8 seconds for 100 meters allowed Gao Li to quickly approach the terrorists and punched out without hesitation!

"Hey, ah ah ah ah!"


The 2.5-ton punch force burst out instantly, and the two people flew out like rag dolls screaming!

Ordinary people in front of Gao Li seemed to have turned into 0.5 times slow motion, unable to escape, unable to run, unable to stop, unable to win, and in the blink of an eye, Gao Li knocked down three or four more.

On the other hand, the damage they caused to Gao Li was zero!

The terrorists who saw this scene were so surprised that they could not control themselves. Where did this killing god come from? ?

The guns were completely useless!

Gorri did several somersaults with a dexterity that was difficult for humans to do. When he landed, he kicked the leading terrorist and at the same time grabbed his body and knocked away five people around him like a windmill.

"He is so flexible even though he is wearing armor, and he also has an extremely superior bulletproof performance and power system!"

Even Tony, the boss of a military enterprise, took a breath of cold air subconsciously at this time.

Because he knew the data and situation of the war very well, Tony knew too well how devastating this weapon would be when it appeared on the battlefield.

Captain America during World War II could only rely on a shield to protect himself from bullets, so he completed various incredible and difficult tasks and dealt a heavy blow to the German army many times.

And today's Gorri Parker is simply a completely bulletproof version of Captain America!

At the very least, Tony felt that the US military would not be willing to face such an enemy.

It is impossible for a single soldier to be his opponent, so he can only rack his brains to use heavy firepower to cover and strike, which is too difficult to fight.

"Huh, it feels really good to use faiz in actual combat for the first time!"

At this time, Gao Li felt extremely good. His five senses were respectively provided by the three components of Ultimate Finder, Extreme Nose, and Pin Fall Sonar, which gave him extraordinary detection capabilities.

The Smart PC IV in the Faiz mobile phone is the fourth generation of smart microcomputer that is not inferior to a supercomputer in its ultra-small size. It can collect and analyze combat information and feed it back to Gao Li on the spot!

Because of this, Gao Li quickly became aware of the whole scene. He suddenly stopped attacking, took off the camera that Tony had been curious about before, "clicked" twice, broke it into a fist glove and put it on his hand.

Later, Gaoli removed a chip from the phone case and loaded it into the camera glove, and a "Ready" sound was heard immediately.

"What does Gao Li want to do by making the weapons look like everyday items? Is it convenient for assassination?"

Tony felt ashamed, but the sound of "get ready" seemed to indicate that something was about to happen, making him subconsciously pay more attention.

At this time, Gao Li had already opened the cover of the mobile phone on his waist, and then clicked the "Enter" key. Photon blood immediately started to light up from the waistband!

"Exceed Charge!"

Photon blood, which symbolizes terrifying energy, is transported from the waist to the arms, and finally converges on the gloves.

The heartbreaking warning buzzer began to sound fiercely, and at the same time Gao Li started charging towards the terrorist armored vehicle!

"Punch me!"

Gran Impact huge impact!

A loud "boom" sound rose into the sky. In the dazzling white light, the heavy armored vehicle flew backwards and rolled like a toy car, knocking over countless terrorists along the way.

After the armored vehicle, which was about to become two sections, stopped, a blood-red "φ" symbol appeared out of thin air, and the entire vehicle exploded on the spot!

The huge fire explosion once again cleared away a wave of surrounding enemies, leaving Tony dumbfounded the whole time.

This was the first time that "Photon Blood" showed its true power in front of him, and it could actually increase the power of a punch to this level!

If the photon blood is applied to the kicking "Crimson Electric Drill", it can have the power to easily destroy a tank. Even if it is changed to a slightly weaker "giant impact", it can still easily destroy an armored vehicle.

"It seems that he really wasn't bragging..." Tony murmured to himself, "A new era is really coming! But it's not just caused by the photon blood, but by the entire combat system he revealed!"

Once this power called "Kamen Rider" appears on the battlefield, there are only two words left -


Chapter 6 The Villain’s Death Question


Tony had already overestimated it before, thinking that it was a one-man king that had to rely on heavy firepower to deal with it. Unexpectedly, he still underestimated Gao Li's invention at first glance.

The Kamen Rider itself actually has terrifying power that is enough to deal with heavy firepower!

Even Tony himself didn't notice that a few drops of cold sweat were already shed on both sides of his temples due to the anticipated scene.

But at the same time, on Tony's face was an excited smile as if he was meeting an opponent and meeting a good talent!

If Gauri is willing to sell it to the military, the Kamen Rider system will undoubtedly revolutionize the entire world's combat system and pose a huge threat to the military industry giant Stark Group.

However, Tony has never been afraid of this kind of threat. To him, it is like an invitation to compete, and his heart is full of eager expectations.

All he has to do is use his wisdom to surpass it!

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang...!"

What brought Tony's mind back to the battlefield was the sound of intensive fire coming from the front.

Tony took a closer look and could see Gao Li carrying two nearby large booths on his left and right sides, stacking them together, and using the bulletproof glass on them to create a simple bulletproof barrier for the hostages.

Obviously, all the enemies responsible for guarding the hostages were eliminated by Gao Li - it would be better to say that all the terrorists present were now gone.

Of course, the remaining terrorists would not miss this perfect opportunity and poured bullets on Gao Li with all their strength. Sparks appeared on his body every moment.

"Tony, take them to a safe place!" Gao Li shouted.

Even Tony, who was in different directions, was a little bit unable to reach out due to the splash of bullets. He had to hide behind the pillar and shouted: "Don't continue to be targeted by fire, your body will not be able to withstand the impact!"

"Don't worry," Gao Li said leisurely, "For this armor, I used Solmetal solar metal 228, a more advanced technical reserve than G3. Its hardness can be said to be second only to diamond among all metals!"

"And I also installed Flex Bellows flexible buffer tubes to help me absorb and absorb shock to ease the impact of the bullet. I plan to use the regular version of Sun Metal as the flagship product of my new company in the future..."

"Stop explaining and advertising, I'm not your investor yet!" Tony felt that he had too much to say, "Let's deal with those terrorists first!"

Gao Li was about to answer when a string of blue-purple light flew from a distance and whipped him away like a whip!

"That's enough, I'll take action."

The blue-purple light flew back following the sound and returned to the hands and arms of the speaker.

Only then did Tony see clearly that the body of the blue-purple light was actually ten metal rings engraved with mysterious patterns.


This rapidly changing situation surprised Tony for a moment. In his opinion, Gao Li was already strong enough, and his appearance in a terrorist attack was an absolutely invincible advantage.

I didn't expect to be beaten back in the blink of an eye. The person who attacked was... a handsome Asian?

"You have no martial ethics. You actually sneak attack me! I'm a teenager! Is this okay? This is not good!"

Gori appeared in the smoke and dust in the distance, cursing, and several energy bullets appeared with the sound!

It's rude not to return the favor, so he also sneak attacked!

It's a pity that the opponent seemed to be experienced in many battles, and he was used to this little trick. He waved his hands casually and used the ten rings to form a spherical energy barrier to block all the attacks.

"What kind of trick is this?" Gao Li paused his meaningless attack. "Who are you?"

"Oh?" The Asian man was surprised. "You sounded full of energy, which proves that you were not seriously injured... Has modern technology developed to this point? It's really amazing."

"It seems that my subordinates lost just right, and you deserve my name and I am ready to fight. I am the leader of the Ten Rings Gang, Xu Wenwu, and I have many titles... Boy, who are you?"

Wenwu's surprise was not without reason. The Ten Rings are all-purpose and easy to use for attack and defense. The power of the Ten Rings used just now is not inferior to that of a tank's main gun.

In ancient times, when attacking a city, he even used the Ten Rings to blow down the city gate and the city wall at once. It can be seen that the power is at least comparable to that of a missile!

Thanks to the defense provided by Faiz, Gao Li was not seriously injured, but the blow just now was indeed very painful.

"I am..." Gao Li pondered for a few seconds, "A man with a burning heart of revenge? A man who guards his promise with his life? A cold-blooded robot bull killer? A man who protects the affection between children and mothers? A retired monster expert? A man who bleeds for love?"

Gao Li changed several titles in a row, and Wenwu and Tony were confused.

What the hell are you talking about?

Do these titles sound like anything to do with you now?

Finally, Gao Li shook his head in contemplation: "Forget it, it seems that none of them are very suitable for me, so just treat me as a Kamen Rider passing by...Ah, if you think about it this way, I am indeed just passing by Stark Building..."

Wenwu frowned slightly, so this "Kamen Rider" is just a passerby who was affected?

In the past, when the Ten Rings Gang took action, it did sometimes affect the surrounding people, but it was too unlucky to provoke such a powerful enemy all of a sudden.

Kamen Rider sounds unheard of, and its strength is also beyond what Wenwu has seen in the past.

Although Wenwu is at least several thousand years old, he is not an old antique who does not understand modern technology. In fact, he has always been aware of the changes in world science.

The Ten Rings Gang's terrorist attacks have not lacked cutting-edge military equipment, so Wenwu believes that he knows a lot about this aspect, but...

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