Steve nodded and said: "Yes, if possible, I don't want to kill anyone, but I really hope to end the brutality of the Nazis and the pain caused by the war."

"Very good," Gao Li turned his attention to Bucky, "What about you? What do you think?"

Bucky laughed and said: "I'm not that great, but my general idea is similar to Steve's. I originally wanted to join the army, but I don't think so now."

"It was Reggio who made me understand that by shining in other fields, the contribution will be greater than if I joined the army, and it can also help more people."

Just after he finished speaking, Bucky scratched his head in confusion.

"By the way, why are you asking us these questions so seriously today? It's like we are conducting ideological censorship..."

"I'm just engaging in ideological censorship," Gao Li said openly, "because I want to confirm some things in advance and don't want to trust others."

As he spoke, Gao Li took out two boxes of jelly beans from the cabinet, poured two jelly beans from each on the table.

"On the left are two blue jelly beans, and on the right are two red jelly beans. Choose yours."

Steve and Bucky looked at each other in confusion, but their expressions were also much more serious.

"Choose blue jelly beans, which means you are satisfied with what you are doing so far. You are satisfied enough. Then you can treat today's conversation as if it never happened and there is no need to disrupt your existing life."

Gao Li pointed to the blue jelly beans and then to the red jelly beans.

"If you choose red jelly beans, your peaceful daily life will no longer exist. You may be reborn, or you may encounter something that makes you regret your choice today, so you must consider it carefully."

"But I have to say, there are not many people who have enough character for me to decide to take out the red jelly beans, but I don't want to force you into danger, so I leave it to you to make your own choice."

As soon as Gao Li finished speaking, he saw Bucky and Steve showing concerned expressions.

"You said there would be danger?"

"What danger? Will it harm you?"

"It's not that I'm in danger," Gao Li said with a smile, "I mean that if you choose red jelly beans, although you can gain power, there will be more dangers in the future."

Steve laughed and picked up the red jelly beans without hesitation.

"Do you still need to consider it? I have never been afraid of danger. If I have stronger power, I can help more people, but it doesn't mean that I can't do what I am doing now."

"It's just that I can do more things, so I can help more people. It's a great good thing, but the price is only possible danger, so it's a good deal."

Bucky also picked up the red jelly beans: "Steve and I have the same choice."

"Bucky!" Steve tried to dissuade Bucky, "You don't have to choose red just because I chose red."

"You are different from me. You can do more than me. Even if you don't pay this price, you can already help many people."

"You kid! Are you too arrogant?" Bucky smiled and punched Steve. "Who told you that I chose with you?"

"Steve, don't think too much. I chose the red jelly beans out of my own will and has nothing to do with you."

Steve said dullly: "Is this so... I'm sorry, it's true that I am too self-centered, and I subconsciously think that you are influenced by me..."

Bucky sighed helplessly after hearing this, admitting his mistake so honestly made him lose his temper.

No matter what dangers Steve might encounter in the future, how could he be reassured without him by his side?

"Now that you have all made a decision, then..."

Gao Li took out the desire drive and Jihu ID core and placed them on the table.

"Congratulations, from today on, you are Kamen Riders!"

"Ahem...I'm sorry, I got the wrong one, it's this one."

Gao Li coughed and put away the driver and core, and took out two pairs of belts from under the table.

They look like one is made of red leather and the other is made of white leather, with windmill-like mechanisms in the middle.

"I call them Typhoon 1 and Typhoon 2. They contain a set of full-body armor, which is enough to help you resist existing conventional individual weapons and can be maintained with the help of wind power."

The protective armor created by Gao Li this time does not need to consider increasing strength and only needs to focus on defense, so it is much thinner and smaller than the G3-X armor.

"If you are willing to become a Kamen Rider, then I will perform transformation surgery on you, so that you can combine the advantages of other creatures and become superhumans with amazing physiques!"

"Kamen Rider?" Bucky asked confused, "Why is he called Kamen Rider?"

"Because you need to wear a mask. Although you have full-body armor protection so that you are not afraid of attacks from others, the relatives and friends around you are not bulletproof."

Gao Li explained: "So if you want to use this power, you must conceal your identity and perform heroic acts in the name of a masked hero."

This young man, you don’t want your relatives and friends to suffer, right?

Steve nodded in agreement: "It makes sense. My relatives and friends should not be put in danger under any circumstances...but what is the transformation surgery?"

Bucky was just as confused as Steve about this. They had never heard of the technology described by Gowrie.

"This is my unique secret skill, which can give others superhuman power." Gao Li said lightly, "But as I said just now, I don't want to entrust it to the wrong person."

"If this power is mastered by good people, it can benefit the world. On the contrary, if it is mastered by bad people, it will cause countless deaths. Therefore, the transformation surgery is also a secret that you need to keep."

Seeing that Gao Li looked serious and didn't seem to be joking with them, Steve and Bucky nodded solemnly.

"I will protect this secret with my life!"

"I will take this secret to the grave!"

Gao Li smiled, stood up and took the lead to open the door.

"You don't have to say it so come with me first."

The transformation surgery is not done as soon as it is said. Gao Li also needs to measure their various signs and data in detail, and customize and adjust the transformation plan one by one to ensure its safety.

During this period, Gao Li also went to the warehouse built in Germany-that is, the temporary base hiding Dr. Erskine. With the help of alien technology, it is easy to take him across the border silently.

"Erskin, what do you want to do next? If necessary, I can get you an identity. As long as you don't participate in election activities or be investigated by intelligence agencies, there shouldn't be any problem."

Erskin, who was exposed by Gao Li about the hidden dangers of the super soldier serum, also became indifferent and looked calm.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in any elections, and I won't do anything that touches the intelligence agencies."

"I just want to live a peaceful life in the second half of my life, maybe teach occasionally, I'm tired of dealing with the country's top leaders anymore."

"Okay," Gao Li nodded, "I will get it done for you, and your living expenses will also be provided by the World Tree Foundation. If you feel sorry, you can join the World Tree Foundation's scientific research team."

"I'll consider it," Erskine stretched, "Thank you, Regido... But I don't want to do anything for the time being, I just want to drink a cup of coffee quietly."

After arranging Erskine, Gao Li began to devote himself wholeheartedly to the transformation research of Steve and Bucky.

In Kamar-Taj, far away from the United States, a bald monk who was meditating in mid-air opened his eyes.

"It has appeared again... the source that caused the drastic changes in the timeline a few months ago!"

But the bald monk was very confused. When he noticed the drastic changes in the timeline, he couldn't find the source at all. Why is it so obvious now?

PS: Thank you "Genius Xiaoyu" for the 1666 points of reward! ! !

90. Chapter 90 I am the Victory Team! I am TPC!



This person is the Ancient One of this era.

As the Supreme Mage, Ancient One has lived for many years and has long exceeded the upper limit of normal human life.

This is due to the power he borrowed from many dark dimensions, and also to the fact that Ancient One himself is very strong.

Of course, it is not like cultivating immortals, the stronger the strength, the higher the realm, and the higher the realm, the longer the life, but...

As long as there is enough power to defeat all the dimensional demons who are collecting debts, it means there is no creditor!

The biggest difference between the Marvel world and the DC world in terms of magic is that there is no debt collection law that even the God King cannot avoid.

In the end, the one with the bigger fist has the final say. Although the debtor will be at a disadvantage when facing the creditor, as long as he is strong enough to offset the disadvantage, there will be no problem.

But even if he is as strong as the Ancient One, who can see all the timelines with the Eye of Agamotto, he cannot pay attention to the changes in the timelines of all creatures in the universe.

There are a lot of interstellar civilizations in the Marvel world, and any of them has a much larger population than the Earth. The Supreme Sorcerer basically only looks at the Earth.

What's more, if he looks around everywhere in the universe and sees some supreme beings that he shouldn't see, even the Supreme Sorcerer will have to pay a heavy price.

Therefore, the Ancient One did not find the source of Gorri before.

Gorri originally had the talent of blurring the timeline. When he first came to this era, the Ancient One did not even find him.

Even if the World Tree Consortium was established later, it did not cause much turmoil in the timeline.

The Marvel Universe is, after all, a world of superheroes and supervillains. Compared with their influence on the timeline, no matter how big the changes in the mortal world are, it is difficult to change the timeline.

So later, Gowrie joined Hydra, put the blame on Hydra, and then took away the Space Gems. The timeline finally erupted with a huge wave that Ancient One could not ignore!

It is easy to say what will happen to Hydra. With Ancient One's calmness, he does not care about this change.

The Sorcerer Supreme does not see the development of a fixed time. They can only see a lot of future possibilities, just like Doctor Strange saw 14 million developments of the final battle.

Therefore, Ancient One does not think that Hydra should have been like this. If there is a change, it may be one of the possibilities in the future.

However, the Space Gems are different!

Although the Infinity Gems are decorations outside the universe, they are indeed important nodes in their respective universes.

When Ancient One found the abnormality and wanted to check, Gowrie had been teleported to outer space, so he naturally saw nothing.

Now that Gorri has returned to Earth, it is equivalent to stepping into the territory of the Supreme Sorcerer. Ancient One immediately realized it!

"His approximate location should be..."

Ancient One pinched the magic formula with both hands, and the Eye of Agamotto lit up, searching for Gorri's trace with all his strength.

Gaoli is like the mist on the long river of time, covering a large area on the river, making it difficult to see anything clearly.

But after Gao Li abducted the space gem, it was equivalent to setting off a huge wave somewhere, and he could immediately assist Gu Yi in positioning.

"America, New York!"

Gu Yi suddenly landed on the ground and drew circles in the air with one hand.

The specific location has been determined!

Although the fog is still shrouded in fog, making it difficult to see the actual appearance, Gu Yi believes that he will be able to find the real owner in a short time.

New York, Brooklyn.

In a secret laboratory, Gao Li made the final confirmation to Steve and Bucky on the operating table.

"Are you all sure? Once transformed, it will be difficult to go back."

Steve was speechless and said: "Regedo, you have asked me many answer is always the same."

Bucky thought for a while and asked, "Excuse me, will there be any hidden dangers in the transformed body that you haven't mentioned yet?"

"No more." Gao Li shook his head.

"That's right!" Bucky clapped his hands, "All the original functions of the body are still retained normally, and even enhanced. There is no change in appearance except for the increase in muscles and physique..."

"Then why are you hesitating? Aren't there only good things? I can't wait!"

"Okay, let's start the transformation surgery."

Gauri shrugged and started the automation.

Just like when he transformed himself, the whole process was completed automatically by the machine, which was convenient and fast without any side effects.

By the time Steve and Bucky both stepped off the stage, they had transformed into two muscular men!

In fact, Bucky has not changed much. He has a relatively toned and excellent figure. The most exaggerated thing is Steve, who is completely different from the past!

"Now we are... the Kamen Riders you mentioned?"

Steve touched the muscles on his body, as if in a dream, it felt so unreal.

"Although in a sense, yes, but..." Gao Li paused, "Whether you can become a real Kamen Rider or not depends on your own actions."

"But I believe you can do it, so I will give you the chance to become a Kamen Rider. In this case, you will be the first Kamen Rider and the second Kamen Rider on the earth besides me."

Gao Li carried two typhoon belts and two red scarves over and handed them over to them in a ceremonial manner.

"So, I give you the titles of Kamen Rider One and Kamen Rider Two! Don't live up to the name of Kamen Rider!"

Bucky asked curiously: "So you also had transformation surgery on yourself? Then why are you not Kamen Rider One?"

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