Besides, if Alec successfully gave birth to the second generation of the Son of God, then Abby would be promoted to the Virgin Mary, and Abby is a pure human.

Of course, Virgin Mary Zed is also a pure human, but she was arranged to have intercourse with the angels of heaven, so that the Holy Son born in that way has a special meaning, and it doesn't matter what race the Virgin Mary is.

"Alas... It's time to go to the headquarters of the Holy Crusade and see the scene of the Son of God's coming with my own eyes, so that I can feel more at ease."

The location of the headquarters of the Holy Crusade was told to Constantine by Richie before his death - Richie did not investigate anything.

When Constantine's soul wandered in the sky and came to a huge castle, long-lost memories began to hit his brain.

This is Glastonbury, the headquarters of the Holy Crusade, and he came here in person some time ago.

It was here that Constantine chose humans, betrayed his lover, and became a traitor to love.

Similarly, this is exactly the garbage idea that Constantine did not want to mention to the swamp monster, and even did not want to recall -

He polluted Virgin Mary Zed!

After being captured by the Holy Crusaders and taken back to the headquarters, Zed was confused for a while, but fortunately, he was cured by the Holy Crusaders.

The specific method is that they repeatedly cleanse Zed with holy light, making her body purer and more deeply understanding her mission.

Zed believes that becoming the Virgin Mary and giving birth to the Son is the right way, and the prophecy has planned her life!

Therefore, the people of the Holy Crusaders no longer restrict Zed's freedom, because even if Zed walks to a very far distance, he will never have the idea of ​​escaping.

Moreover, there are densely packed multi-layer barbed wire surrounding the periphery, even if Zed wants to leave, he has no ability to cross it.

"Hey, Xiaoze."

Today, Zed went out for a walk as usual, but heard a familiar shout.

Even Zed, whose mind has changed, couldn't help but get excited when he heard the voice, and felt his heart pounding.


Could it be him?

Zed looked into the distance and saw the figure who was always wearing a windbreaker and exuding melancholy charm.

That's right, even after Zed's consciousness was adjusted by the Holy Crusaders, he still couldn't forget the relationship between him and Constantine.

"It's me, long time no see," Constantine smiled at her, "Come with me, Xiaoze."

It must be said that the security of Glastonbury is as bad as that of the Kingdom of Light. The person in charge of this matter in the Holy Crusaders should be taken out and shot together with the director of the Technology Development Bureau.

In short, Constantine easily abducted Zed, and the two walked to a big tree with a tree hole inside.

"John, are you going to come and take me away?" Zed asked, "I won't go with you. Becoming the Virgin Mary is my mission."

Constantine shook his head and said, "No, just like before, even if I take you away, the Holy Crusaders will eventually find you. It's meaningless."

"Let's not talk about this for now... Xiaoze, do you like my big tree? It feels warm, right?"

Zed was stunned and said, "John, what are you doing here? I thought you..."

Constantine stared at Zed affectionately, and his eyes were filled with tears involuntarily.

"I won't force you to go against your will. After all, if I were you, I would do the same. Either be the queen in heaven or be a coolie in hell, what can you choose?"

Zed hugged Constantine gently, exuding the holy motherhood of the Virgin Mary.

"Don't cry, don't cry... John, I will always love you, and my love has not changed."

"I will also... always love you." Constantine said, "Then just like usual... No, just this time, okay?"

Zed was stunned and said gently: "John, that can only be the last time, and you must leave after that, this is also for your safety."

Zed also wanted to leave this last memory, and the two embraced and kissed passionately.

The subsequent development is indescribable.

In short, after the matter was over, Constantine left with double sorrow.

His plan has been completed, and the multi-line operation layout has been completed.

On the day when Gao Li visited the hospital, Nagel injected the demon blood of his hell lord into Constantine's body to make Constantine recover from his serious injuries.

Therefore, Constantine's body fluids have been in a state of being contaminated by demonic power.

And just now, he successfully shot the filth into Zed's body through passionate rolling with Zed.

The contemporary Virgin Mary is completely defiled by the power of the devil!

In this way, the original plan of the Son of Heaven to come could not be implemented at all.

Then the Son of Heaven with the highest authority could not be born, and the throne of the contemporary Son of Heaven would naturally fall to the child of Abby and Alex!

Although Constantine was always tormented by guilt and he was sorry for Zed, but...

Constantine had no other choice.

This was the best way he could think of!

Time went back to the winter solstice.

Gao Li watched Clark transform into Kamen Rider Wizard Earth Style, which was also a form that had hardly appeared in front of outsiders.

"Okay, Clark, follow me." Gao Li also transformed into Endless Style, "This grand ceremony that countless gods and demons are paying attention to is about to open!"

105. Chapter 105 Beat up the Archangel!




Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, Susanoo... the main gods of Japanese Shinto gathered together, their eyes crossed the space, staring at Glastonbury nervously.

Their divine power was extremely active at this moment, as if symbolizing the mood of the gods at the moment.

Although the Son of Heaven seems to have nothing to do with other gods, this principle is the same for the Son of any god.

For example, if a Son of Heaven appeared in the Japanese god system, it would at most cause a sensation within Takamagahara, and it would definitely not attract the attention of all the gods and Buddhas in the sky.

But, that is the Son of Heaven!

This is like the next president of a small African country and the next president of a top power. Even if they are both presidents, their influence on the world is completely different.

"The Son of Heaven's Coming" has spread throughout the eight divine realms, and the gods all understand that after today, a new era is about to begin!



Odin sat on his throne, staring at the world with his one eye.

His wisdom and power are praised throughout the universe. He is the leader among the gods and the ruler of the Nordic world.

However, at this moment, Odin's mood is very complicated.

He is full of expectations and anxiety.

The birth of the Son of God will not only affect the mortal world, but also the balance of the eight divine realms!

Odin knows very well that the birth of the contemporary Son of God will definitely bring a new chapter in the future.

"It's a pity that the Norse pantheon can no longer intervene. The second generation of the Son of God may become the guide of mankind... God is really cunning."

If the plan of heaven goes smoothly, then the world of gods and the mortal world will be intertwined again!


On Mount Olympus, Zeus sat on a huge throne.

His powerful sight penetrated the clouds, crossed the starry sky, and stared at a small area of ​​the earth.

The gods of the Greek pantheon also gathered in different temples, passing information between them, waiting for the arrival of the Son of God together.

Apollo played beautiful music, Aphrodite stared at the earth with worry, Hera and Athena were closely watching the movements of Glastonbury.

"Is it about to start..."

Zeus frowned slightly, this moment was of great significance to the entire universe.

Because the birth of this Son of God will bring profound changes to the world as predicted!


Gori was right, this was indeed the biggest event that countless gods and demons were paying attention to.

Although it seemed to only affect humans, but...

That was the Son of God who was closely related to heaven and God!

From the perspective of the entire universe, the relationship was too important.

The most important thing was that this was still the contemporary Son of God corresponding to the giant beast.

The giant beast made the major divine domains stay indoors, and its fierce power covered the entire universe, while the Son of God could smooth out and heal the cosmic chaos caused by the giant beast.

It was also very important, and they couldn't help but pay attention!

"Let's say goodbye here. It's up to you from now on. Remember to be safe."

After taking Clark halfway, Gowry gave him the address of Glastonbury and said goodbye to him.

Although Constantine did not tell Gowry where the headquarters of the Holy Crusade was, now that the Son of God was about to descend, judging from the gathering fluctuations of power, one could know that the ceremony took place in Glastonbury.

Afterwards, Gowry, like all the gods and demons in the heavens, used magic to watch the Son of God descend, while not concealing his own mighty and powerful aura!

"It's the Lord of Endlessness!"

"The Lord of Endlessness appears again?"

"Does He want to interfere with the Son of God descending?"

"I don't think so. He's probably just paying attention to the Son of God descending..."

The gods and demons reacted immediately. No one could ignore a dignified Lord of Magic.

The elements between heaven and earth have begun to react. They gather into colorful vortices, with Glastonbury as the center, and condense a tornado-like light column.

This is just a prelude.

After a while, at the end of the light column, the gate of heaven opened, and angels came down from it in a mighty array.

The number of angels was so large that it looked like a vast white ocean from afar.

The angels sang hymns together, filling the entire space with divine power, and the holy light shone on the whole world as it bloomed!

"A miracle has appeared... It is a miracle!"

"Ah... Such a great miracle can be sent down!"

"This is the highest honor bestowed upon us by the Lord!"

The people of the Holy Crusaders came one after another, all kneeling on the ground, looking up at the sky, and shouting excitedly.

At this time, the Virgin Mary came.

Zed had already put on a white dress like a bride's wedding dress.

Under the guidance of the old priest, she walked to the center of the light column and sat cross-legged.

Above Zed, the power of the holy light had formed a vortex, as if a pure white hole had opened in the sky.

The believers around him all looked at Zed devoutly and sang hymns in unison.

Then, a large number of golden stars began to flash around the vortex in the sky.

That was a higher-level angel coming down to earth!

As expected, a blurry golden light appeared from the core of the holy light and quickly descended in the direction of Zed.

The knowledgeable gods and demons had secretly exclaimed, and couldn't believe who they saw.

"It turned out to be the Archangel Uriel!?"

"Isn't it God himself?"

"What is going on?!"

The real mastermind behind the Holy Crusade finally showed up.

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