After all, he had already fought. If it was blasphemy, then there was no turning back for his actions. It was too late to stop now.

Oh, by the way, he must not reveal his identity, and it would be best not to implicate Mr. Wayne!

So the only thing Clark, who was not good at speaking, could do was to fly up to the sky in silence and reach the same height as Uriel.

He didn't like being looked down upon by Uriel's condescending eyes.

"Silence?" Uriel wiped the blood from his mouth and nose, "How dare you ignore me like this! Then I will regard it as a provocation!"

Clark just waved his hand and wanted to explain, and then he saw Uriel burst out with divine power.

After all, the words he said just now were just Uriel's excuses. He just wanted to say some polite words and then use all his strength to avenge his previous shame!

You know, this is the Son of God's Advent Ceremony watched by countless gods, Buddhas and masters!

He was completely embarrassed just now!

Therefore, even if Clark said he didn't want to fight anymore, Uriel would never let him go!

"Go to hell! Sinner!"

Uriel shot out flames all over the sky, and even the space was burned and distorted.

However, in Clark's eyes, this attack speed was about the same as a turtle jogging. He easily avoided it with a few random dodgers.

To the outside world, it was as if Clark's figure suddenly appeared behind Uriel in the sky.

"So fast!"

Uriel was startled and hurriedly distanced himself again.

Although he was powerful, he had personally experienced Clark's threat and felt his unparalleled power with pain.

"Lord Uriel! We..."

An angel came forward to ask, but Uriel raised his hand with a cold face to interrupt the angel, and his refusal was very obvious.

What a joke, if he couldn't kill by himself, but had to rely on the army of angels, how could he avenge his previous shame?

Even if he won, today's shame would become a joke in the eight divine domains and would be passed down forever!

Thinking of this, Uriel condensed the sword in his hand and prepared to meet Clark's challenge.

"Come on, sinner!"

"Then I won't be polite!"

Clark's answer was also very fair. The next second, the battle between the two broke out in the sky!

Clark's fist and Uriel's sword shone together, and countless explosive flames were shot out. The spreading power was so great that even the angels could hardly get close.

Clark's speed and strength were unmatched. He quickly dodged Uriel's attack, and then punched Uriel's body hard one after another.

Angel feathers fluttered everywhere, and Uriel was forced to retreat in the face of powerful kinetic energy, and he experienced Clark's overwhelming power more deeply.

"Damn! Why is he so strong and so fast!?"

There is no doubt that Uriel has begun to be a little bit trapped.

What a great Lord of the Endless, the knight magic he created can be cultivated so strongly?

However, Uriel is not so easy to defeat.

After forcing Clark back with a sword, Uriel began to mutter a sacred spell.

It can be seen that powerful energy began to emanate from around His body, and dazzling light shot up into the sky, wrapping the sword in Uriel's hand layer by layer!

This is the power embodied by Uriel's power. It will no longer be defeated by Clark's iron body as it did at the beginning, at least it will not be broken in the battle.

"No, he seems to be going to use some big moves!"

Clark was not stupid either. Seeing this, he rushed over and raised his fist to hit Uriel fiercely.


A huge pressure wave erupted in the air, and Glastonbury finally couldn't hold on and began to collapse on the spot.

Fortunately, all the people of the Holy Crusaders came outside because of the ceremony. No one was inside at the moment, and the broken buildings and flying rubble did not hurt anyone.

However, these could not interfere with the tense atmosphere of this duel!

Clark's fist collided with the lightsaber, making a deafening sound, but it did not play a big repulsive role as before.

And Uriel did not retreat but advanced. With a flap of his golden wings, he actually swung Clark directly with his sword!

After Clark rolled several meters in the air, he stopped by his own strength, which made Uriel frown slightly.

"How is it possible? It's just this little effect?"

It seemed that Uriel had successfully counterattacked, but he felt a huge pressure from Clark!

The attack that gathered his own power had little effect, which really made Uriel's heart more and more stressed.

"But... at least it's useful! I can do it! I can win!"

Uriel was not to be outdone, and this time he used all his strength to try to give Clark a head-on blow.

The battle full of light started again, with explosions and shocks one after another, as if the whole world was occupied by their conflict!


Clark flew over and hit Uriel's body with a powerful fist, making a deafening roar.

Uriel was hit back by this blow, and his golden wings vibrated wildly, trying to stabilize his body.

However, Clark did not stop, he quickly chased after him, and a series of punches, knees and elbows poured down like rain.

He has become more and more skilled in fighting, and finally has an opponent who can't be killed for a while, who can help Clark get familiar with his greatly improved strength!

Since upgrading at the Fortress of Solitude, Clark has never exerted his full strength so fully, and he feels extremely comfortable fighting now.

In other words, Uriel is equivalent to Clark's sandbag!


Uriel roared angrily. Although he tried his best to resist, Clark's power was almost impossible to resist. Each of his blows carried destructive power.

There was a loud "boom", and Clark hit Uriel's chin with another fatal uppercut.

Uriel let out a scream, and golden light erupted around his body, but he failed to stop him.

He was still knocked high into the sky in the air waves, leaving a bright trace of light.

And Clark followed closely behind, chasing Uriel and beating up the drowning bird!

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang...!"

In the high air, Clark continued to launch a fierce offensive, dealing merciless multiple blows around Uriel.

Punch after punch was like a violent storm. Even though Uriel tried his best to resist, he was still beaten with blood flying everywhere.

The fierce battle between Clark and Uriel was so full of fire that the clouds in the sky trembled and dispersed.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see the extremely powerful power Clark displayed and how the battle is developing.

Even though Uriel tried his best to resist the violent Clark, he could not stop this power no matter what!

"Even if it's a Dharma God, there are very few who are so strong, right?!"

"The upper limit of knight magic is so high!?"

"It is truly a new power system that is completely different from the old magic!"

"Maybe the knight magic gods will generally be stronger than the previous magic gods!"

The gods and demons were talking a lot, and everyone was shocked by this battle.

It’s really unexpected!

Uriel was famous in the past, and because of this, the amazingness of the knight magician became even more obvious.

No, it’s not just amazing, it’s earth-shattering!

As for heaven, I am also confused. Is there anything wrong? Your majestic "God's Light" Uriel can't even defeat a mage?

No wonder they responded too slowly. Firstly, Uriel had previously expressed his refusal to assist, and secondly, the battle was fought too fast.

The speeds of both sides were unknown, exceeding the speed of sound by several times. In just the blink of an eye, countless moves were exchanged.

Similarly, in just a few breaths, Uriel was completely at a disadvantage!


A dazzling light pierced the sky, and Archangel Uriel was hit by a powerful force, hitting the mountain peak like a meteorite.

In an instant, the entire mountain was flattened, and the boulders collapsed into pieces under his impact!

"Ahem...I am the 'Light of God'! The Flame of God! There is no way I can be defeated by a little knight magician like you!"

Uriel stood up with difficulty. His angel wings were very messy and his body was covered in bloodstains and was in a miserable state, but his expression remained firm.

"Uriel, surrender! I don't want to kill you!"

Clark's voice was cold and firm.

In his opinion, he was in the absolute upper hand and offered good-intentioned words to persuade him to surrender.

However, this made Uriel even more unacceptable, and he was completely unable to lose face and beg for mercy!

"I will never bow to sinners who blaspheme the sacred!"

Uriel rushed forward like crazy. Under the gaze of countless gods and demons in the eight major divine realms, he had no choice but to rush forward.

The war started again, but it didn't last long, maybe not even a few seconds.

By the time the Heavenly side made up their minds and rushed to support and could no longer embarrass Uriel... Clark had already hit Uriel hard in the chest with the final punch.

Clark's infinite power triggered a huge air explosion, impacting Uriel into the ruins in the distance!


Uriel's figure disappeared into the smoke, leaving only chaos, but he was never seen getting up again.

The magic masters who are always paying attention to this place are also dumbfounded. Damn it, this knight magician's costume...

They all recalled Gao Li's vague words that day and couldn't help but look at each other with confusion in their eyes.

Could this be what the Lord of Endlessness calls "leaning towards the human side"?

If this is not a tendency, then it is fine. If it is a tendency, it is astonishing.

It would be okay to just kill Uriel!

Although there is no evidence, they speculate that the Lord of Endlessness must have supported the knight magician, otherwise there is no way to explain why he is so strong.

You must know that the magic power of knights has only appeared not long ago!

It is even very possible that this knight magician is the disciple of the Lord of Endlessness!

Not only the magic masters think so, many forces have speculated on this.

Although there is no evidence, the Lord of Endlessness must have a close relationship with the knight magician, maybe a master-disciple relationship, right?

Otherwise, why would the Lord of Endlessness be so dedicated to helping him increase his strength?

It can only be said that Gao Li was very innocent. He was blamed for nothing by the gods and demons, and he had a disciple who was regarded by some as a heaven-defying disciple.

However, Gao Li had actually expected it. As long as the evidence chain was not enough to clearly point to him, there was nothing to worry about.


Clark let out a long breath. He actually didn't kill Uriel, so the battle dragged on for so many moves.

After all, his parents' religious beliefs still had a lot of influence on Clark. It was difficult for him to completely regard angels as non-human creatures like demons. Naturally, there were restrictions in his subconscious.

Moreover, Uriel was very resistant to being beaten, and he was not seriously injured until now and fell into coma.

At the same time, in Gaoli's exclusive secret laboratory in the Feidian Group.

Because he focused all his attention on the big event of "The Coming of the Son", Gao Li failed to notice——

After zero o'clock on the winter solstice, the progress displayed on the Phantom Making Machine, stimulated by some unknown source, changed from the previous sluggish pace and began to surge upwards!

"58%, 58.5%, 59%, 59.5%, 60%, 60.5%, 61%, 61.5%, 62%..."

Can't stop!

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