The gods and demons knew that there was nothing interesting to watch, so they all turned their eyes away.

However, they still had the deepest doubts in the end.

So... what is the coming of the Son of God now?

Is this considered a success? Or a failure?

If Heaven failed, what about the Son of God of the present generation?

Is he still born? Did the prophecy not come true?

Unfortunately, the Son of God is related to God, and the relationship is quite deep, so this is the strongest timeline in the whole Tianyi.

No one can check the fate of God, not even the fate of the Endless Family itself!

Therefore, even those supreme God Kings cannot know the changes by checking the timeline.

Only the Council of Life was ecstatic!

"It's done! It's done!"

"I didn't expect it to be true!"

"I never dreamed of it!"

"Thanks to Knight Magic!"

It can be said that the Council of Life was full of excitement.

The Son of God, who belongs to them, the Green of All Things, is about to be born!

Compared with the red of all living things and the black of decay, this is far ahead!

Alex and Abby were also very emotional.

They had already learned the result of the Son of God's Advent Ceremony. They never expected that Constantine said that heaven would fail, and it really failed.

Now they have become the Holy Father and the Holy Mother, with a more honorable status, but they still don't feel it at all, just like in a dream.

"Alex, is this true?" Abby asked foolishly, "I have become the new generation of the Holy Mother?"

"Ah, of course it's true, my dear..."

Alex kissed Abby deeply, and Abby asked in a daze: "But why don't I feel anything? Is it such a plain sign that our child has become the Son of God of the present generation?"

Alex was a little confused when he heard this. Even before the Son of God came to heaven, the pomp and circumstance were already full, and there were strange phenomena all over the world.

Why didn't they react at all when it came to their Son of God?

It's not that Alex had to have some grand and spectacular scene of heaven and earth, but at this moment he didn't feel any changes in the elements. Everything was as usual, too calm.

"Don't worry," Alex could only comfort Abby, "On the winter solstice, no one's child can have higher authority than our child under the premise of meeting the prophecy... He must be the contemporary Son of God!"


On the other side, Gao Li went home after watching the excitement.

Speaking of which, due to the event of the Son of God's advent, and Gao Li borrowed magic power for a month, he didn't do much research for a whole month.

This was the first time for Gao Li. He missed his laboratory very much, and the first thing he did when he returned was to rush straight to the secret laboratory.

Ah, this is his eternal home!

However, as soon as he entered the laboratory, Gao Li's eyes widened at the first glance.

"Fuck!? This...!"

He walked quickly to the front of the phantom magic maker in disbelief, repeatedly checking the progress displayed on it to make sure he was not mistaken.

Since when did it start jumping so fast?

Did he accidentally travel to the future for many years, or was he attacked by the Crimson King's Stand?

Gao Li looked at the current time again, and the progress bar that was soaring at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If this speed remains constant, then...

"Just before 23:59 today - that is, before the end of the winter solstice, the progress bar will reach 100%!"

Gao Li was really confused, what on earth was going on?

However, after thinking about it carefully, Gao Li couldn't help but fall into deep thought.


Wait a minute...

Could this be...

Combining various signs and coincidences in time, Gao Li had to infer a fact-

Perhaps the prophecy was not unfulfilled, and the contemporary Son of God was still born.

In his laboratory!

108. Chapter 108 Illegal and criminal, Father Gao Li



Gao Li carefully recalled the prophecy.

On the day of the prophecy, the combination of nature and supernatural will give birth to the Son of God...

Natural and supernatural?

In a small sense, the means of making phantoms is a means of reproducing magic through scientific research, which is a perfect combination of nature and supernatural.

In a big sense, the phantom making machine is essentially a kind of technology, and the power of God is the strongest supernatural power in the whole Tianyi that cannot be explained by science...

It is still a combination of nature and supernatural!

"Plus I use the origin of God as raw material, and there is no existence in the universe that is more qualified and authorized to become the Son of God than this group of power..."

Gori looked up at the sky and sighed.

From the computer records, the rapid improvement of progress started from zero o'clock.

In other words, since the winter solstice, this phantom that is being made has automatically obtained the position of the Son of God!

Even if the advent of the Son of the Holy Crusaders cannot be stopped, and Uriel and Zed still give birth to children smoothly, they will definitely not be able to compete with Gori!

Are you kidding me... Even if he is one of the four great archangels, a mere archangel, how can he have the authority to be higher than the origin that the giant beast himself condensed and reversed?

"The phantom demon is my creation. To use the common description in the scientific community, I am the father of the phantom demon. So, I am the new generation of the Holy Father?"

Or the Holy Mother?

Gory fell into deep thought. It can't be the Holy Father and the Holy Mother in one, right?

But strictly speaking, one of the parents should be the giant beast, and the giant beast is the opposite of God, so it can barely be considered the child of God.

In short, the relationship has become so complicated.

Gory waited quietly until the time was over, and transformed into the endless style in advance.

At the moment when the progress bar ran to 100%, an amazing wave spread out!

"Sure enough!"

Gory had prepared a multi-faceted barrier long ago, surrounding the laboratory from all sides.

The wave hit the barrier composed of endless magic power and was successfully intercepted, without spreading the earth-shaking vision.

Otherwise, according to the perceived strength, Gao Li inferred that this scale would at least be known to the world!

It's not that there will be any phenomenon like a pillar of light rising into the sky. In that case, even if the pillar of light is high and big, people in the other hemisphere will not be able to see it at all.

The real talent of the contemporary Son of God is to calm and heal the world.

In other words, all the elements in the world will resonate with the Son of God at this moment!

If the Son of God can fully grow up, maybe he can even control the elemental power of the entire universe.

Fortunately, Gao Li stopped him in time. He was not interested in attracting the attention of too many forces.

The rest is...

"I wonder what the second-generation Son of God looks like?"

Gao Li looked over curiously.

In a sense, this is his child.

I saw that the origin of God disappeared in the Phantom Demon Maker.

Instead, it was... a white puppy.


Gao Li was stunned.

Why is it a dog?

Where is my Son of God?

And it doesn't look like a Phantom Demon. It doesn't have a messy appearance like a monster.

Instead, it looks like a puppy that is no different from an animal in nature.

After being shocked, Gao Li hurriedly tested it with various instruments.

After repeated comparisons by the computer, Gao Li found that he had made a wrong judgment.

This is not a dog at all.

This is a wolf!

No matter what details and biological structure, it is no different from a normal wolf, but it is very young.

"What is going on!?"

Even if it is not a dog but a wolf, it can't completely solve Gao Li's doubts.

Isn't it still a canine!

In fact, Gao Li's idea really hits the point.

From the previous giant beast, Gao Li learned that the God's body has left the Wantian Instrument.

Then at this time, among the remaining multiple God's powers in the Wantian Instrument - if one must replace the previous position of God, it must be "God's humility"!

Unlike the high-level workers like the "Angry God" ghost, how much God's power the ghost obtains depends entirely on God's will.

And "God's humility" is, to a certain extent, God's will!

"God's humility", as the name suggests, is the humble part of God, which has been separated out separately.

Because of his excessive humility, the great God actually showed himself in the appearance of a puppy, which can be called the Puppy God.

Puppy God is not a spokesperson for God. He can be said to be God himself, or an important incarnation of God. When the angels in heaven see him, they will kneel down and call him "Lord".

Even the archangels who have reached the highest realm are no exception. In their eyes, when facing the Puppy God, it is just like facing the original body of God, and there must be no negligence.

But for ghosts, they call them by their names or "ghosts", which shows the difference.

Of course, the Puppy God also has tremendous power and can really do many things that only God can do in the eyes of outsiders.

Therefore, if "God" is mentioned in Wan Tianyi at present, it can be directly considered to be talking about the Puppy God. The Puppy God represents the existence of the "God" of the current Wan Tianyi.

And the Son of God is nominally the Son of God.

Because of the origin of God as the raw material, he is actually the Son of God.

Then of course the son follows the father!

However, although the God's essence used by Gao Li is purer than that of several archangels, it is ultimately the God's essence provided by the giant beast and reversed.

So this God's essence, like the giant beast, has the characteristics of "both God and not God".

If God personally gave Gao Li the power of the essence, then what Gao Li would create now would be the puppy Saint Son.

But if the giant beast personally gave Gao Li the power of the essence, then the Saint Son would become "the same canine family, even genetically similar to the point of no reproductive isolation, it is the same species, but in fact it is different" Little Wolf Saint Son!

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