Special effects: Starting from Ultraman Tiga

Chapter 100 Plasma Magnetic Confinement Field, Demon God Enemina (Xiu)

Some time has passed since the Mechanical Island incident, and the Earth has entered a relatively stable and peaceful period.

Time slowly passed from early April to mid-April.

During this period, Shen Yun was very busy.

In addition to redrawing the design drawings for the new Zaperio amplifier, he also started to develop magnetic field devices for the Kirieloids.

Although he knew that the Kirieloids were spiritual life forms, he knew nothing about the details of the Kirieloids.

At the beginning, he chose to fight the Kirieloids with the intention of collecting information about the Kirieloids.

After the Kirieloid incident, he had been studying the life form of the Kirieloids.

Moreover, his research on the life form of the Kirieloids had made a breakthrough a long time ago.

He had already studied the life form of the Kirieloids and found ways to capture and restrain them.

It was just that various studies and the manufacture of mechas during this period took up most of his time.

Now that he was free, he was able to develop these magnetic field devices for the Kirieloids.

"Although the Kirieloids are spiritual life forms, to put it bluntly, they are just a special kind of plasma energy life."

"Since they are plasma energy life forms, the Kirieloids themselves must have a special magnetic field."

"Even if these Kirieloids enter the human body, they still cannot conceal this special magnetic field."

"We only need to search for this special magnetic field to lock the location of the Kirieloids."

"Also, the plasma magnetic confinement field can perfectly isolate the Kirieloids' ability to shuttle freely."

Because these detection and force field devices are not very large.

With Kallen's assistance, Shen Yun only took half a month to manufacture them.

Just wait for the Kirieloids to come out and make trouble again, and then catch them all in one fell swoop.

Moreover, he has also drawn the design drawings of the new Zaperio amplifier.

With previous experience and data fed back by the Zaperio amplifier.

Shen Yun designed two modes for the new Zaperio amplifier based on the deformation mechanism of nanometal materials.

A general mode using fighting skills and palm light.

and the light pattern of the Zaperio beam.

Because the new Zaperio amplifier is made of nanometal materials, it can switch modes in a very short time by deforming.

In this way, there is no need to overlap two energy circuits, which greatly saves space and increases power again.

However, these nanometal materials need to be made by himself.

This doesn't matter. He has completely analyzed the technology of Giga and it is not a big problem to reproduce it.

Although Giga can be used as a substitute, Shen Yun plans to keep those Giga to build Mechanical Golzan.

Although Zejing has not agreed to the plan of Mechanical Golzan yet, the frequent staff meetings in the past half month show that TPC is still very entangled in the plan of Mechanical Golzan.

Sabre Athena itself is a melee mecha without any long-range attack means.

The only thing worth mentioning is the strong defense.

This kind of mecha only targets monsters and cannot pose a threat to human peace at all.

This is also the reason why Zejing agreed so readily.

But Mechanical Golzan is different.

Although they all use the existing firepower of TPC, Zejing is still worried. If the mechanical Golza is built, will it lead to the arms race of the old defense army era?

The earth finally ushered in peace, and everyone laid down their weapons and united to face the outside world.

If an arms race occurs again, it is tantamount to reversing history.

This hard-won peace will also be destroyed.

This is what Zejing is most worried about.

Although Zejing has never expressed his position, Shen Yun is not in a hurry.

He understands Zejing's concerns, and he also does not want the peace of this earth to be destroyed.

The people of this world are happy, the per capita quality is very high, the technology is extremely advanced, and there is the potential to achieve an ideal society.

This is also one of the reasons why he studies livelihood technology.

Anyone who has received modern education and has a normal outlook on life wants to see such an ideal society realized.

Jingsu, Jing is not the Soviet Union, but the red in history, the most noble ideal of mankind.

"Karen, what is the current situation of those Ebron crops?" Shen Yun raised his head and asked.

"Not very good." Karen sent the video of these days to Shen Yun.

Shen Yun browsed through it, and his brows frowned after watching just one section.

These Ebron rice became very sluggish after the power was cut off.

Later, let alone flowering, even the rice itself fell into dormancy to reduce consumption.

"Yes, plants will only choose to dormant in an environment that is not conducive to themselves. How can they choose to bloom and bear fruit? I should have thought of it earlier."

Shen Yun turned off the video and fell into deep thought.

Since the shortcut is not feasible, he can only try to use a step-by-step approach.

He will definitely not give up using Ebron cells to cultivate crops.

Whether it is Ebron cell protozoa or power-limited Ebron cells.

They have electricity supply, and they grow very fast, with extremely strong vitality, and can grow regardless of environmental influences.

But this has also resulted in crops transplanted with Albron cells and power-limiting Albron cells unable to enter the flowering stage and bear fruit within a short period of time.

Moreover, under the influence of these two side effects of Albron cells, it is difficult for crops to bear fruit.

"We need to reduce the strengthening of plants by Ebron cells and eliminate side effects..."

Shen Yun had an idea, but his expression soon became weird.

Isn't this the Eblon cell that he improved before, which has no side effects and does not need to absorb electrical energy, but its strengthening ability is somewhat unsatisfactory?

"Although these Ebron cells, which have no side effects, are somewhat unsatisfactory in enhancing the body functions of humans and animals, they are just right for use on plants." Shen Yun's eyes lit up.

Perhaps, the side-effect-free Eblon cells he improved are the most suitable for these crops.

With the enhancement of Ebron cells, which have no side effects, crops are not only immune to all diseases, but they are also quite resistant to disasters.

Maybe it can even grow in some harsh soil.

For example, dry land, saline-alkali land, desert, etc.

Just as he was told, Shen Yun took out some of the original Ebron cells, and based on his previous experience, began to re-improve the Ebron cells without side effects.

Time passed slowly, and another week passed in the blink of an eye, and it was late April.

While Shen Yun was improving the original body of Albron cells, he was also manufacturing nanometal materials for the development of the new Zeppeliao amplifier.

These days, Shen Yun lived a very busy and fulfilling life every day.

The Victory Team has also been quite busy these days.

More than ten days ago, the Victory Team suddenly detected an extremely strong electromagnetic wave.

Along with the electromagnetic wave, there was also a demon.

However, this demon monster disappeared immediately after appearing.

This demon monster appears and disappears frequently, from Hakodate to Sendai to Mito. Every time it appears, it disappears immediately, leaving the victory team confused about the purpose of this demon monster.

On this day, the computer in the command room detected anomalies in electromagnetic waves again.

"It's here again, the demon electromagnetic wave is here again!" Ye Rui shouted immediately.

"The magnetic field strength is 50,000 Oersted." Dagu reported while looking at the computer screen.

"Receive the main screen." Hui Jian stood up and ordered.

"Understood." Dagu nodded and immediately transferred the data presented on the computer to the main screen.

On the main screen, purple lines representing electromagnetic waves suddenly appeared in an area.

Among them, the electromagnetic waves in one area suddenly increased, reaching a level of 50,000 Oersted.

"It's begun." Zongfang said seriously.

As soon as he finished speaking, the electromagnetic waves in this area suddenly disappeared.

All the purple lines representing the magnetic field on the main screen disappeared.

"Disappeared!" Lina exclaimed in shock.

"It's exactly the same as what happened in Hakodate, Sendai, and Mito." Yerui said.

"Where was the electromagnetic wave first destroyed?" Hui Jian asked.

Ye Rui typed on the keyboard and quickly found the location, reporting: "R area 27 o'clock."

"Let's go!" Zongfang glanced at Lina and Dagu and said in a deep voice.

"Understood!" Lina and Dagu immediately followed Zongfang and left.

"The Sherlock car arrived at 27 o'clock in area R immediately." Megumi immediately contacted Shinjo and Horii who were driving the Sherlock car.

"Understood!" Xincheng said.

"What is the purpose of the devil?" Hui Jian thought as he looked at the map at point 27 of area R on the main screen.

Counting this time, this is the fourth demon incident that has occurred this month.

Every time this demon appears, he disappears immediately.

Shinjo and Horii drove the Sherlock car to the 27 o'clock position in the R area.

It can be said that it is peaceful here, and it is full of tourists who come out for weekend fun.

Shinjo and Horii parked their cars in front of a stage where stage actors were performing.

It’s just that this performance was so boring that not many people even watched it.

"Can the devil really appear in this place?" Horii stepped out of the car, looked at the tourists nearby, and asked.

"R area 27 o'clock is right here." Xincheng said.

"It's quite peaceful here."

"Would that handsome guy over there want to come over and watch the performance?" The leader of the troupe waved to Horii and Shinjo and shouted.

"Thank you!" Horii responded with a smile.

Shinjo on the side was not happy, grabbed Horii's shoulders and asked:

"What are you happy about?"

"He said I was a handsome guy." Horii pointed at the leader of the troupe and said with a smile on his face.

"He's talking about me." Xincheng smiled.

He is quite confident in his face.

"How annoying! I can't stand your character!" Horii said unhappily.


At this time, yellow lightning suddenly flashed in the sky, and with the bright light, a giant creature with an evil appearance and a slightly feminine figure appeared here.

Demon God Enemina!

As soon as Enengmei appeared, she patrolled the surrounding area, and soon she found her target.

Seeing the appearance of the demon god Eno Mina, the troupe leader's eyes widened immediately. Without saying a word, he grabbed the hand of the monster next to him and immediately began to run away. Judging from his quick reaction speed, he was probably being chased.

Shinjo looked at the demon god that appeared, and immediately contacted the base and reported:

"Headquarters, this is Shinjo. The demon god has appeared!"

Horui immediately began to evacuate the people around him for shelter.

Enomina slowly walked towards the crowd, and her eyes never left the monster carried away by the troupe.

Suddenly, she crossed her hands in front of her, and then slowly opened them.

The two sharp horns on her shoulders lit up with white light, releasing a purple electromagnetic wave that humans could not see, covering all the humans fleeing below.

The humans covered by the purple electromagnetic wave suddenly cried out in pain, and they all knelt on the ground with their heads in their hands, with painful expressions on their faces.

Shinjo knelt on one knee, raised the Victory rifle in his hand, and shot at Enomina's chest.

Shinjo's shot hit Enomina's chest.

A cluster of sparks exploded in Enomina's chest, and the act of releasing electromagnetic waves was also interrupted.

The purple electromagnetic wave that originally covered the fleeing crowd disappeared.

"Asshole!" Xincheng cursed inwardly and raised his gun again, intending to shoot Ai Nengmei again.

A man in black suddenly rushed out and snatched the Victory Rifle from Xincheng's hand.

Xincheng had received professional training, so it was impossible for an ordinary person to snatch the gun from his hand.

"What are you doing!" Xincheng pushed the man to the ground.

The man affected by the purple electromagnetic wave had dark circles under his eyes and looked extremely ferocious.

After he got up from the ground, he did not continue to entangle Xincheng, but roared and rushed towards the crowd in the distance.

Xincheng also stood up. He looked around. Those who were supposed to take refuge seemed to be crazy, smashing everything they could see, and some people even started fighting each other.

At this time, Feiyan No. 1 and Feiyan No. 2 flew from the air.

"Commander, although the electromagnetic waves emitted by the demon god are very small, they are the kind detected." Da Gu looked at the detection results displayed on the screen of Feiyan No. 1 and reported.

"Be careful, maybe this time they will formally launch an attack." Zongfang said in a deep voice.

"I am Horii, the people have completed the evacuation."

"Okay! Lure the demon to the west of the square, and be sure to prevent it from invading the city!" Zongfang made a plan.


The two planes immediately flew towards Enomena.

Enomena looked up at the two fighter planes flying over her, smiled evilly at Dagu and others, and her figure began to glow with a golden light, and disappeared in a golden lightning.

"Disappeared..." Zongfang looked at the disappearing Enomena, and it was the first time he saw the demon disappear with his own eyes.

As the demon disappeared, those who were crazy because of Enomena's violent electromagnetic waves stopped smashing and fell to the ground.

"What happened?" Horii came to Shinjo and looked at the citizens lying on the ground and couldn't help asking.

"I don't know either." Shinjo shook his head.

He was also confused about this and had no idea what happened.

The violent electromagnetic waves of Enome are completely invisible to the naked eye except for instruments that detect electromagnetic waves.

The only electromagnetic wave that the human naked eye can see is visible light.

The human naked eye cannot see electromagnetic waves other than visible light.

In any case, report what happened here first.

"Headquarters, at 27:00 in the R area, a large-scale coma occurred. I suspect it was caused by the demon god." Xincheng contacted the base and reported.

"Massive coma? I see." Iruma Hui nodded slightly, then turned his head to look at Nori, and said:

"Team member Nori, contact the medical department and send people to rescue these unconscious citizens immediately!"


Then, Iruma Hui said to Xincheng: "Team members Xincheng, Horii, you immediately block the scene, and no one is allowed to enter before the medical department arrives."

"Understood!" Xincheng nodded.

It is said that the scene is to be blocked, but in fact, there is no one at the scene except the unconscious people.

Feiyan No. 1 and Feiyan No. 2 circled in the sky for several times. After confirming that the demon god had disappeared again, they could only return to the base helplessly.

Not long after, the rescue plane of the TPC Medical Department rushed to the scene from the TPC base to rescue the unconscious citizens.

"Doctor, are they okay?" Xincheng asked.

The doctor of TPC simply checked the body of the citizen and replied:

"The specific situation requires a detailed examination. Judging from the vital signs, these citizens are not in danger of life at present."

"That's good." Xincheng was relieved.

After the doctor finished speaking, he also joined the work of carrying the unconscious citizens.

Not long after, all the unconscious citizens were carried on the rescue plane.

The rescue plane took off vertically and flew towards the TPC base.

Watching the rescue plane take off, Xincheng came to Horii, patted Horii on the shoulder with his hand, and said:

"Let's go back too."

After that, he walked towards the Sherlock car parked not far away.

"Got it." Horii followed quickly.

The two drove the Sherlock car towards the base.

Iruma Kei hung up the call and fell into deep thought.

Why did these people fall into a coma?

Could it be that there is something in this demon electromagnetic wave that has a negative effect on the human body?

Although the demon god has appeared four times, this kind of large-scale coma phenomenon is the first time.

After thinking for a while, Iruma Hui sent a communication to Shen Yun.

Shen Yun, who was improving the Ebron cell progenitor, immediately connected the communication after hearing the sound of PDI.

Looking at Iruma Hui who appeared on the screen, Shen Yun asked: "Captain Iruma Hui, what's the matter?"

"I want to ask the doctor to analyze the demon god's electromagnetic waves." Iruma Hui said straight to the point.

"Demon god electromagnetic waves?" Shen Yun was stunned when he heard this, and then recalled the things about the demon god's electromagnetic waves.

This plot seems to be about one thing subduing another, and humans and monsters can coexist peacefully.

Of course, this is mainly because Durban itself is not aggressive. It has no special abilities except the ability to eliminate the demon god's electromagnetic waves.

It's okay for such monsters to coexist with humans.

Those monsters that will actively attack humans or even eat humans are better to be eliminated.

"Yes, I want to know whether the demon electromagnetic wave is harmful to the human body." said Ju Jianhui.

"I know. Captain Ju Jianhui, please send the relevant information." Shen Yun nodded and responded.

He was also a little curious about the demon electromagnetic wave.

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