Special Female Soldier

Chapter 40 Fighting in the Mire

Hearing what the two said, everyone's expressions changed.

And Song Jiajia rushed out, "I'll come first."

Liu Xia cast her a glance, "It's not here, it's over there."

Looking in the direction Liu Xia pointed at, she realized that it was the quagmire where they were training just now. Song Jiajia was taken aback when she saw it, "Go to the quagmire?"

"That's right, are you scared?" Liu Xia smiled disdainfully.

What Song Jiajia relied on was what Lin Yanxi taught her these days, but they were all on flat ground, and they had basically never fought. Now that they are going to fight in the mud, how can they not be surprised.

But now that the person has stepped forward, and it is impossible to retreat, so he can only bite the bullet, "Who says you are afraid, just go!"

Seeing Song Jiajia go down first, a group of people also surrounded her.

"Song Jiajia is not her opponent." Lin Yanxi could only shake her head helplessly when she saw that Liu Xia jumped into the quagmire.

"You haven't fought yet, so you should say this frustrating thing first, she is still your friend!" Xiao Xiaoxiao said dissatisfied immediately after hearing this.

Lin Yanxi was not angry when she heard this, "Even if I'm a friend, I can't open my eyes and talk nonsense, right?"

"I just watched this Liu Xia's skill. It's really good. If you were on flat ground, you might be able to draw with her, but in the mud...you can't tell."

Xiao Xiaoxiao's face suddenly changed.

Although her relationship with Lin Yanxi is getting better, these things are what she cares most about. Now that Lin Yanxi says that she is not as good as others, how can she accept it.

Seeing her expression, Lin Yanxi smiled lightly, "I'm just telling the truth, if you don't believe me, you can try it later."

Xiao Xiaoxiao snorted coldly, and although she didn't speak again, it could be seen from the expression on her face that she was still not convinced.

During the conversation, Song Jiajia had already started a fight.

Although she only studied with Lin Yanxi for a few days, she has a decent appearance given her physical fitness.

But when jumping into the quagmire, it's hard to even walk, let alone fight.

On the other hand, Liu Xia was already used to this kind of training, and walked up to Song Jiajia, who was still staggering, in a few steps, and smiled disdainfully when she saw her movements, and then threw her into the mud with a grabbing movement. inside.

"Ah!" The recruits exclaimed for a while, some couldn't believe their eyes.

"This...isn't this too fast?" Wu Yuexuan covered her mouth and said in shock.

She knows the progress of Song Jiajia's studies these days better than anyone else. Compared with her, Song Jiajia is much more talented.

I thought that even if I was not Liu Xia's opponent, I would have to persevere, but I didn't expect that I would be powerless to fight back after only one confrontation.

Lin Yanxi was not surprised to see this, she took the initiative to pull out Song Jiajia

, patted her lightly, "It's okay, you've only been studying for a few days."

Song Jiajia could only nod her head.

Seeing Song Jiajia being pulled out of the quagmire, Xiao Xiaoxiao couldn't help but glance at Lin Yanxi, and then, without thinking about it, gritted her teeth and jumped down.

After all, Xiao Xiaoxiao has undergone professional training, and her movements are much more flexible than Song Jiajia's.

Although the movement in the quagmire is also restricted, it is not much different from Liu Xia.

When Liu Xia showed a surprised expression, Xiao Xiaoxiao had already acted preemptively and kicked her. Liu Xia was startled, but followed her instinctive reaction and dodged it.

But after being thrown all over in mud, her complexion still changed, and she punched Xiao Xiaoxiao without any hesitation.

The two quickly fought together. After all, it was in the quagmire, and it was impossible to fight openly and close like on flat ground. Xiao Xiaoxiao, who was planning to fight as usual at first, soon fell into the quagmire with Liu Xia inside.

The original fighting instantly turned into a wrestling in the mud.

Xiao Xiaoxiao is a formal training, and she is not even used to attacking her vitals, so she is much worse in comparison.

The people on the shore saw the two fell in the mud, Xiao Xiaoxiao's face changed, and he was about to get up, but Liu Xia jumped up and rushed towards Xiao Xiaoxiao.

Xiao Xiaoxiao, who was just about to get up, was directly pushed into the quagmire. Xiao Xiaoxiao raised her elbow to fight back, but was grabbed by Liu Xia and pressed hard into the quagmire.

"Hmm..." Before Xiao Xiaoxiao could cry out, her entire face was already soaked in muddy water.

Then he pulled it up and pressed it hard again.

Seeing that Liu Xia abused Xiao Xiaoxiao so much, Lin Yanxi couldn't help but change her face. Regardless of the two monitors beside her, she jumped in and kicked Liu Xia away.

While helping Xiao Xiaoxiao up, he glared at her fiercely, "You guys are too much, it's fine if you win, why humiliate people like this?"

Liu Xia struggled to stand up, and smiled lightly, "Who made her lose, if you can beat me, that's fine too!"

"Okay, that's what you said." Lin Yanxi nudged Xiao Xiaoxiao, motioning her to go back.

Although Xiao Xiaoxiao was not reconciled, she could only retreat to the side, and said in a rare voice, "Be careful."

Lin Yanxi was a little surprised, but still nodded.

I don't know if it was just that moment that made her see that Lin Yanxi was unusual, seeing Lin Yanxi walking towards her, she also put away her smile and became serious.

Walking step by step through the quagmire with difficulty, Lin Yanxi was not as relaxed as she appeared on the surface.

Although her skill is good, it definitely affects her performance in the quagmire, and the opponent has been training here for so long, so she is obviously more adaptable than her.

But knowing this, she also knew that it was impossible to propose to fight, so she figured it out in just a moment. At this time, she can only make a quick decision, and don't let her drag herself into the quagmire.

It was only a matter of a split second, Lin Yanxi made a decision, seeing Liu Xia punching him, she subconsciously blocked it, and then raised her foot to kick.

But the strength didn't wait for him to use up his strength, but he attacked again with his hands, Liu Xiaben stretched back to block, but Lin Yanxi made a fake move, one didn't react, and was punched severely by Lin Yanxi.

Seeing that although Liu Xia staggered, she did not fall, but Lin Yanxi would not wait for her to stand firm before fighting back, and kicked her hard when her center of gravity was unstable.

Liu Xia finally fell into the quagmire, and then Lin Yanxi took the opportunity to step forward and try to catch her.

But Liu Xia was not like Song Jiajia and the others, even though she fell, she didn't let her catch her. When she saw Lin Yanxi approaching, she jumped up and rushed towards Lin Yanxi.

If it was on flat ground, with her speed, Lin Yanxi could dodge it completely, but it was not so easy in the quagmire.

So although the person reacted, his legs fell into the mud, and he lost his center of gravity when he tried to escape. The two of them fell into the mud together, and the muddy water splashed on their bodies and faces.

But Lin Yanxi didn't dare to close her eyes, the two were close at hand, she could see Liu Xia's eyes sharpened, she raised her fist and punched Lin Yanxi in the face.

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