Special Female Soldier

Chapter 90 Doubting Your Identity

Seeing that everyone was stunned, Lin Yanxi smiled, picked up the gun and continued to assemble it skillfully, and glanced at them, "If you regret it now, you are still in a hurry, anyway, there is nothing wrong with me here."

"Then what about you?" Wu Yuexuan came back to her senses, and asked timidly, but the tension and worry on her face couldn't be concealed.

Lin Yanxi burst out laughing after hearing this, "What's so scary about me, I won't have to think about anything else when I get into the Fourth Regiment, at worst, I'll just have to do this thing again."

"Besides, the main purpose of my going to the Fourth Regiment is to pay back what I owe to some people. Of course, I don't have to think about other things."

Seeing the way Lin Yanxi gritted her teeth when she said the last sentence, several people couldn't help laughing.

Of course they knew that Lin Yanxi didn't really remember anyone's favor, but Mu Lin's hatred!

Although now is not the time to discuss these things, but after being interrupted by Lin Yanxi, Wu Yuexuan hesitated and said, "Maybe I am not afraid of anything like you, but I am still very worried Yes, but you can’t just do nothing just because you’re afraid, right?”

Song Jiajia smiled and put her hands on Wu Yuexuan's shoulders, "You see, even she said that, we have nothing to hesitate."

"Hey, why did I say that?" Wu Yuexuan became anxious and glared at Song Jiajia fiercely.

Seeing that Wu Yuexuan was getting anxious, everyone laughed, and Song Jiajia hugged her to explain, "You're fine, what you said is pretty good."

Xiao Xiaoxiao, who had not interrupted all this time, looked up from the pile of equipment, "You also said that we have offended the veterans, even if we go to other companies, we will still be rejected if we don't have to face these two people directly."

"And then you have to be accused of being eliminated. You might as well go to the Fourth Regiment. Maybe your worries are unfounded."

Seeing that they all said that, Lin Yanxi didn't say any more, picked up the gun and loaded it with a snap, "Since you are not afraid, I have nothing to fear."

"Come here, everyone. I'll teach you how to play this game. It's said that a sharpshooter is fed with bullets, but with this, it's like practicing with unlimited bullets."

"Aren't you always worried that your marksmanship is not good enough? Now as long as you are willing to practice, I guarantee that even if you can't practice as a sniper, you will definitely be able to get excellent."

Listening to her explanation, all of them wished their eyes would glow green. They looked at Lin Yanxi and asked in disbelief, "Your simulator feels the same as a real gun?"

"Basically, the weight and recoil of the gun have been adjusted. Except that it can only hit a fixed target position, there are no other shortcomings." Lin Yanxi nodded while explaining.

"I'll try it first." Xiao Xiaoxiao, who was already eager to try, snatched the gun from Lin Yanxi's hand.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, he put on the glasses that simulated reality, skillfully started the game on the computer, and then raised his gun.

Lin Yanxi saw it for a while and laughed, "It seems that those are both mobile phones and pads. It's really worth playing. I don't need to teach them."

While she was speaking, Xiao Xiaoxiao had already pulled the trigger, and the targets on the screen fell in response, and the electronically synthesized voice reported the target numbers one by one.

"You've seen it all. It's basically the same as our usual shooting practice." Seeing this, Lin Yanxi didn't want to explain any more, she pointed to Xiao Xiaoxiao and let them see for themselves.

But how could anyone hear her words, their eyes fell into the screen.

In fact, in order to cooperate with their primary training, Lin Yanxi only looked for the simplest excellent ones. If they played with computers, they might not even be able to read them.

But this kind of full-simulation game can only be seen in promotional videos, not to mention that it is much more high-tech than the concept films they have seen.

So before Lin Yanxi finished speaking, Song Jiajia had already stepped forward and patted Xiao Xiaoxiao, "Don't just play with yourself, let us try too."

As he spoke, he snatched the gun and glasses from Xiao Xiaoxiao, who hadn't enjoyed it yet.

Seeing this, Lin Yanxi couldn't help laughing, "Don't grab it too, don't just look at the fresh ones and play it now, after two days, everyone will feel like throwing up when they see the guns."

Although she said so, but seeing that everyone couldn't listen to her words now, she didn't say any more, turned around with a smile and backed out.

This activity room is the class's own, and Yu Fei's consent to bring the simulator is regarded as the rest time of each class, so there is no need to worry that other people will make use of it.

Lin Yanxi doesn't need to practice her own marksmanship anymore, and they have mastered the basic skills of using a spear. What's missing now is just getting more proficient every day, so she just brings the simulator here and it's enough .

Since she said she would help them, Lin Yanxi would naturally do her best, but after all, this was their own path, and she could not walk for them.

So Lin Yanxi's plan, including everything she did, was just to give them more convenient conditions and make them better themselves.

In a sense, her and Yu Fei's original intentions are the same, but the methods are somewhat different.

But asking Yu Fei to use her method seems to be a bit unworkable, just like asking her to systematically train recruits, it is impossible for Lin Yanxi to do it.

After solving the problem of shooting, Lin Yanxi could be said to be relaxed, humming a song while walking back.

It was already dark after the day's training. At this time, most people were either in the dormitory or the activity room, and the camp was empty.

But in this empty camp, Lin Yanxi did not expect to meet Yu Fei here.

Seeing her sitting there, Lin Yanxi subconsciously stopped.

"Since when have you been so polite, come and sit with me?" Yu Fei was not surprised to see her at all, and asked with a smile.

If it was a few days ago, Lin Yanxi would definitely not have paid attention to her, but after the incident with the veteran, she did not reject Yu Fei so much.

After thinking about it, he walked over without any hesitation and sat beside her.

"Did you bring what you said you wanted?" Yu Fei asked with a light smile when she saw her sitting down.

Lin Yanxi didn't say what it was before, but now that they've played it, they can't continue to keep it a secret, so she said, "I see that there are a few people in the class whose marksmanship is too bad, and we can use the time we have left. Forget it, if you don’t practice every day, it’s hard to achieve a big change.”

"So I asked someone to get a simulator, so that they can also practice their marksmanship in their usual time without delaying other training."

Yu Fei was no different than the recruits, of course she understood what Lin Yanxi brought, and just because she knew what it was, she couldn't help but be surprised.

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