The more you think of me, the more you think of me.

Chen He continued to play and sing.

"I really miss you. In every rainy season, you choose to forget what I am most reluctant to part with. The love is too short to express. I can't express too many ripples. My story is all about you..."

For everyone, growth comes at a price.

As time flies, memories will be crushed by the wheels of time, but many people's memories retain the brightest background, which can't be crushed no matter what.

People who can't cut and sort out the mess, just put down their eyebrows, but they are still in their hearts.

All the recruits present were brought into this song, unconsciously closed their eyes, followed Chen He's rhythm, swayed their bodies, like grass blown by the breeze, with a face full of intoxication.

Most of them are big boys who have just graduated from school and entered the society.

Who of them didn't have a crush on a girl when they were young?

Youthful ignorance...

"My story is all about you. How could I fall in love with him and decide to go home with him? I gave up everything I had. It doesn't matter. I can't finish telling about my youth. My story is still about you..."

After they joined the army, many people found that the people they cared least about at the beginning are now out of reach, but there are always some unforgettable people in their own stories.

Chen He's songs reminded them of their past years and the people they missed the most.

The feelings of the recruits were not particularly strong, but Leng Feng and the two platoon leaders were stunned.

They have already entered the end of their youth, and they feel more deeply at their age. They can't help but look at Chen He with floating eyes.

This song really reminds them of their youth.

When they were young and frivolous, they didn't know the taste of sorrow, but they were forced to feel it.

The girl he once secretly loved has now married someone else, and he is still alone. The beautiful things he once remembered can only be suppressed deep in his heart and become dusty memories.

When he turned it over again, the people and things had become a thing of the past.

Leng Feng said to himself: "Captain Long, why didn't you wait for me? Do you remember the days when we drank together? I'm afraid you don't remember, but I do."

This song completely opened up Leng Feng's memory. He thought everything was over.

Shi Sanba said with a bit of sourness: "Oh, when I was in high school, I liked a girl in our class. Every time, I would secretly look at her back and dare not talk to her, because when I looked at her, my face would turn red."

"Looking back now, this youthful memory is really interesting. When I went home last year, I heard that she had married and had a son. If I had mustered up the courage to confess to her, I don't know what the result would be."

Banzhuan thought for a long time and said: "It shouldn't be good. She will definitely reject you. The school rejects premature love. The teacher will catch you and say that you harassed female classmates. Maybe you will be punished, and then you can't join the army. Then, you can't stand here."

Shi Sanba's mouth twitched, and he cursed in a low voice: "You guy, can you say something good? Why can't you say that I will marry a beautiful woman and live a happy life from now on?"

Banzhuan said: "No matter how you look at it, you don't look like someone who can fall in love prematurely. Don't flatter yourself."

Shi Sanba wanted to kick him.

On the other side, Long Xiaoyun and Li Miao had arrived long ago. They just heard the last part of Chen He's singing and were stunned, listening quietly.

Li Miao was silent for a long time, and then said, "This boy is really versatile. He plays the guitar so well and sings well. I think he is no worse than those actors in the art troupe. This song is interesting. Did he write it? It's so appropriate."

He is an older man, and his memories of his youth are the most touching.

"If he wrote this song, this boy... has a deeper understanding of life than many people. What is in his mind at such a young age? Young people nowadays are really getting more and more precocious. This boy is giving me more and more surprises."

Li Miao was very emotional.

He didn't know that Long Xiaoyun felt an indescribable touch in her heart at this moment.

Her meeting with Chen He was originally an accident, and the sudden marriage certificate was an unexpected surprise, including the shock of him helping to lift the car today.

In the dark, it seemed that there was an invisible rope connecting them together.

To be honest, Long Xiaoyun should have recognized Chen He when he saw him, but the two were too unfamiliar.

After the birth, the total number of times they met was less than 4. They were completely strangers.

Many times, Long Xiaoyun wanted to delete Chen He's phone number, but sometimes he just couldn't remember it.

Today's encounter left a deep impression on Long Xiaoyun, and it will probably become a lifelong memory.

"I didn't expect that he could play and sing such a profound song. He is better than I thought..."

The song ended.

Chen He put down the guitar, made a very gentlemanly gesture, and whispered: "Thank you."

After three seconds of silence, everyone reacted and clapped their hands vigorously.

Suddenly, warm applause rang out at the scene.

When everyone looked at Chen He, their eyes were filled with unspeakable admiration, especially Li Erniu's excited applause, which almost broke his palms.

"It's so beautiful, so beautiful, I almost cried when I heard it." Li Erniu murmured, "I miss Cuihua, I used to pull her pigtails a lot..."

"The deputy squad leader is not simple, whoever says he is a rough man in the future, I will fight him to the death, with his skills, if he is in the music industry, he will definitely be a first-line singer!" said another roommate.

"Of course, if he signs up for the Spring Festival Gala, he will definitely pass!"

"Solo, with connotation and depth, so beautiful!"


Leng Feng applauded and walked over, saying: "You are good, kid, did you write this song yourself? Let you show your talent, not let you directly play the trump card, I have never heard it before."

Special forces training is boring, and when performing tasks, there are many ways to relax, and Leng Feng likes to listen to music the most, no matter what kind of music he listens to, popular, folk, and even folk songs, he listens to them.

He has never heard Chen He sing this song before.

Such a good song should be very popular. It is impossible that this is the first time Leng Feng has heard it, so he thinks that this song is very likely written by Chen He himself.

Before Chen He opened his mouth, a system prompt suddenly sounded in his mind: "The host has enriched the spare time of his comrades and has been recognized by everyone. 100 experience points will be rewarded.

"Main task reminder of the computer system: You have received 30% recognition from Long Xiaoyun. If you complete 100%, you will be rewarded with 1,000 experience points."

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