The assassin didn't know much Chinese, just two or three sentences.

According to the news he heard, Yan State would not abuse prisoners. Even if they were caught, they would be treated humanely and given good food. If they were treated well, they would have a chance to go out for a walk.

But after just one encounter, he was in a bad state. His lower body was broken, and he became a father-in-law in the eyes of Yan State. His anus was also broken. He must have had internal hemorrhoids from being kicked out!

His nose was crooked, his teeth were almost gone, and his mouth was deformed... His entire face was deformed.

Is this called humane treatment? And good food, and a chance to go out for a walk?


If the assassin still has a chance to go back alive, whoever dares to say that Yan Country doesn't abuse prisoners in front of him will be beaten to a pulp!

The assassin struggled and said, "My Lord, spare my life..."

A dull thud.

A black fist hit his face again, and the assassin's mouth, with only a few teeth left, flew out again.

And his last thought was to hear the other party shouting, "Don't play dead..."

Shit, he was beaten like this, is there any need to play dead? What the hell!

The assassin felt that the whole world had collapsed. If he was given a chance to choose again, he would never step into Yan Country.

The people here are too cruel...too cruel!

After Chen He punched him, he saw that the other party fainted again, but there was no system prompt in his mind.

"What's going on? Playing dead?"

Chen He approached the assassin and kicked his calf hard with his toes, saying, "Don't play dead, it's useless."

But this time, there was really no reaction at all, like a dead dog, lying there.

Except for a faint breath, there was no sense of movement.

"What's wrong with the system? Why is there no reward? Wasn't he knocked out? My reward!"

The computer system explained: "Host, your enemy has no combat power, so it is not a challenge. Please don't deceive the computer. I have an anti-fraud system."


Chen He was stunned. This judgment is very vague.

What do you mean the enemy has no combat power? The opponent bites with teeth, which is also combat power, right? The opponent pinches people and has combat power, right? What is cheating the enemy?

"Can the system explain it more clearly?"

Computer system: "..."

Chen He was at a loss. It was probably impossible to squeeze more experience points from the assassin, but this guy was worth 250, which was not bad. It was not in vain.

Next time there is a chance, I have to try a few more times. I want to knock down the opponent, but I can't beat him to the point where he has no fighting power. That's the reason.

At this moment, Shao Bin, Leng Feng and others looked at the assassin who was unrecognizable and took a breath of cold air.

Is this still a human? He was beaten too badly!

Did Chen He do it alone?

They all knew that Chen He was powerful and fierce. When Leng Feng and Ban Zhuan were sparring with him, they were almost broken in one encounter. But they didn't expect that he would be even more powerful and perverted when fighting against the enemy.

Did he show mercy to them before?

Now, Leng Feng and Ban Zhuan finally understood what Chen He said when he kicked them away: "I didn't use my full strength..."

This guy is a human beast!

Suddenly, when several people looked at Chen He, their eyes became a little strange.

This was in actual combat, not daily training. How did Chen He manage to be so experienced? He was just a new recruit who had been in the army for less than ten days.

Looking at Chen He, he didn't look like he was seriously injured at all, especially the kick he just gave the killer. No one reacted, and he kicked it away.

Is this something a seriously injured person can do?

Shao Bin thought for a while, turned his head and looked at Long Xiaoyun and said, "Captain Long, is he really an assassin?"

At this time, he couldn't bear to look at the killer directly. This was the worst killer he had ever seen.

From the other person's appearance, it was impossible to tell whether he was a normal person or a professionally trained combatant.

Long Xiaoyun said: "Stop talking nonsense, carry him back and ask!"

"Leng Feng, Ban Zhuan, San Ba, the three of you continue searching and expand the scope. There can't be only one person. They should all be from Black Cat. This is why I came to find you this time!"

Leng Feng nodded, and glanced at Chen He who was pulling his pants, suppressed his doubts, and turned to the other

He rushed in one direction.

Behind him, Ban Zhuan and Shi Sanba followed him and searched the surrounding area.

The other party dared to lurk near the military base and carry out assassination operations. How daring!

Chen He did not have the opportunity to intervene in the following things. Instead, Long Xiaoyun strongly asked him to go to the infirmary to check his whole body to see if there were any other injuries.

Chen He went for a check-up, and it was a full-body check-up.

In the end, there was no problem, just a little skin breakage, and he took some red medicinal wine and applied it appropriately and it was fine.

However, the female doctor in charge of the examination looked at Chen He with a strange look and asked him if he had a girlfriend, which made him feel embarrassed.

This was all caused by [Enlarge and Bold]!

After Chen He finished the examination, he returned to the dormitory.

At this moment, in the border interrogation room, the assassin who was knocked unconscious twice by Leng Feng and woken up by cold water said in a daze: "Yan Country does not abuse prisoners... King, spare my life..."

He only said these few sentences back and forth.

The assassin really didn't expect that after he escaped from the pervert's attack and returned to the interrogation room, he was tortured by another one... Now, he wanted to die.

But he couldn't die now, because his teeth were all beaten out, how could he bite?

Who the hell said that Yan Country treated prisoners well...

Bang bang...

Leng Feng threw another series of punches at the assassin's body, hitting the opponent's muscles hard, making a violent impact sound.

This is using the opponent as a sandbag!

At this time, Leng Feng didn't seem to be interrogating, but more like venting his anger.

In just a few breaths, the assassin had been hit by more than a dozen punches.

The assassin, who couldn't bear the heavy punches, just woke up and was knocked unconscious again.

Shao Bin, who was standing next to him, couldn't bear to look at the assassin's miserable state. If the opponent's physical fitness was not very strong, he would have died long ago with such injuries.

However, it also shows that this assassin is really not simple. Although the opponent's specific identity has not been figured out, it can be inferred from his strong muscles and resistance to beating that the opponent's status in the Old Cat Organization is not low.

The personnel levels of the Old Cat Organization are divided according to strength. The stronger the strength, the higher the level.

Shao Bin looked at Leng Feng and said, "Okay, isn't it an interrogation? How can you be more brutal than that kid? If you keep fighting, you will die."

Leng Feng said indifferently, "I'm in a bad mood!"

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