The best thing about Chen He is his physical strength, explosive power and endurance of [Enlarged and Bold] and [Energy Saving Mode].

Chen He, who suddenly burst out with power, rushed towards the motorcycle like a cheetah running wildly. However, no matter how strong his explosive power was, he could not catch up with the motorcycle that was already speeding up, but a huge red mark appeared in his mind.

The Raging Bull was locked by the [Anti-Fraud Skill Package], just like a positioning system hanging in the air, which could not be shaken off.

Chen He just had to run after the red mark.

After just a short while, Chen He could no longer see the motorcycle, and the red mark showed that he had entered the downtown area.

"Once he enters the downtown area, the situation will be very dangerous. We must not let him run away!"

The other party was able to escape from the siege of Long Xiaoyun and others. His strength is definitely extraordinary. If he is allowed to enter the downtown area, how much harm will it cause?

"We must intercept him before the mad bull enters the downtown area!"

Chen He, who was running, immediately took out his mobile phone from the [Recycle Bin] and quickly called Long Xiaoyun.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is turned off."

"Turn off?" Chen He was speechless.

Chen He did not have other people's contact numbers, and it was impossible to turn back and find them now.

At this time, Chen He suddenly thought of the landline of Dr. Miao Miao in the medical room.

As a very dedicated doctor, Miao Miao asked Chen He to remember her phone number many times, and he could call her at any time if he needed emergency medical treatment.

Of course, on weekends, if there is nothing to do, he can also find her to play.

She doesn't have many friends here, and sometimes it is really boring. In addition, in order to let Chen He recover as soon as possible, he must also pay attention to keeping in touch and giving feedback at any time.

Chen He called immediately.

"Who are you?" Miao Miao's voice was a little vague, as if she was woken up from sleep.

After all, it was already late at night, and normal people would have gone to bed long ago.

As a military doctor in the infirmary, Miao Miao's mobile phone has always been in a signal state, just to prevent unexpected situations and the need for emergency treatment.

Chen He said: "I am the new soldier Chen He."

Miao Miao immediately became energetic and said: "Chen He? You called me in the middle of the night, are you going to ask me to play tomorrow? I thought it would be another day. Have you applied the ointment anywhere? How is your recovery?"

During the day, she saw that Chen He did not reply on the spot, and when she got off work at night, she did not see Chen He call, and she thought Chen He...

She was a little disappointed, she didn't expect that he would call in the middle of the night.

"This..." Chen He didn't expect the other party to be excited. He asked a series of questions, "Let's not talk about this now. I'm on a mission another day, chasing a killer from the Lao Mao armed organization. He's about to rush into the downtown area."

Miao Miao's tone calmed down and said, "Well, why did you contact me? I'm an intern military doctor, a weak female college student. You're on a mission, I can't help you."

Chen He was a little confused!

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't you be nervous and screaming, or worried, panicking, etc. at this moment? Why did you answer so calmly, not as excited as when you answered the phone just now?

At this time, Chen He had already turned on the [Energy Saving Mode], still running at a crazy speed, and could maintain a normal speaking speed when talking on the phone. He said: "Do you have Li Lian's phone number? Otherwise, you can go directly to him. Anyway, let the company send some people, no, pull more people over. That guy is very dangerous, it's Kuang Niu!"

Miao Miao was surprised and said: "Who is Kuang Niu?"

Chen He said: "It's the killer I'm chasing now. I was chasing him with my wife, but now I can't contact my wife."

"What? Your wife? Married?" Miao Miao was surprised.

Chen He said anxiously: "Don't talk so much nonsense, it's the female leader you saw during the day."

Miao Miao cursed: "You like such a female leader, but you can't say it's your wife. You can't make jokes like this, understand?"

A black line appeared on Chen He's forehead, and he wanted to curse.

Just as he was about to speak, Miao Mao suddenly said seriously: "I will analyze it for you now. Try to keep a distance from the other party and make sure that the other party does not find out. If you can follow them, follow them. Wait for your wife, no, the female leader's people and the comrades on the border. Don't take risks. Do you understand?"

"I still want to play with you another day. Come back alive and don't sacrifice yourself. Remember to send your location and I will add you as a friend on my phone."

After saying that, the other party immediately

He hung up the phone immediately.

Chen He felt it was too difficult!

This doctor Miao Miao... is really not calm. Is she a weak female college student? Why does she feel like a veteran like a brick!

Soon, Chen He saw a friend request on WeChat on his mobile phone. After accepting it, he quickly sent a location and threw the phone into the [Recycle Bin], and then focused all his attention on the red mark.

After chasing for a while, Chen He found that the red mark that was originally moving fast slowed down.

He didn't think much about it, and immediately [increased and bolded] all the power on the lower body, and the speed burst out instantly, like a cheetah rushing over.

That is, Chen He has such a burst speed, otherwise no one can catch up with the other party in such a short time.

Of course, this also depends on the locking ability of the [Anti-Fraud Skill Package], which can accurately locate and firmly lock the other party, so that Chen He will not lose the target.

About ten minutes later, Chen He entered an underground parking lot.

The red mark shows that it stopped here.

When Chen He lurked in, a trembling female voice came from the dim underground parking lot: "Brother Kuangniu, I can give you whatever you want, including my body, as long as you don't kill me, please."

"Didn't you want me just now? I'll give it to you, you can do whatever you want, as long as you let me go."

The woman's voice was pitiful, her body was shaking, her legs began to weaken, and she looked at Kuangniu with begging eyes, tears rolling in her eyes.

Kuangniu held a saber in his hand, and his shoulders were covered with blood, looking very hideous.

Just now, Long Xiaoyun shot him, but it was not in a vital part, and the bullet penetrated directly and did not stay in the flesh.

This is also Kuangniu's good luck. If he had been hit in the leg, he would not have escaped now.

He endured the severe pain to insist on coming here. If he didn't know that the other party had a car here, he would not have taken a detour to come here.

Crazy Bull's eyes were cold. He put his saber on the woman's neck and growled, "I'm waiting for you here at the risk of my life. Don't you have a car? Take me to your dormitory to stay for a few days to avoid the limelight. You just said it was your boyfriend. It's normal for female college students to bring their boyfriends to the dormitory to sleep. Don't give you a chance. You're useless."

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