The system upgrade in Chen He's mind sounded again: "Host, turn on the killing mode, kill three militants, and reward 30 experience points." He hurriedly glanced at the experience points.

Host: Chen He

Level: Level 8

Data flow attributes.

Motherboard performance: 4 (normal: 1)

Memory size: 4 (normal: 1)

CPU speed: 4 (normal: 1)

Activation functions: comprehensive physical examination, enlarge and bold, recycle bin (4M), energy saving mode, beginner skills, fighting skills package, shooting skills package, anti-fraud skills package, interface switching (8, used: 0, effect time: 4 minutes)

Comprehensive strength evaluation: 16

Upgrade experience value: 30/900

"Only 30? So worthless! They are so fierce, but only so few. It's useless to give them a chance." Chen He frowned.

The system prompts: "This is not a powerful militant, and it is not a challenge mode. Only by challenging a powerful enemy and defeating the opponent can you gain high experience points."

Chen He's mouth twitched slightly: "Damn, it's still a mad bull. The assassins are valuable, and they are all traitors."

"Go save my wife first!"

At this time, in a room, Long Xiaoyun's hands were hung, and the toes of her feet just touched the ground.

She has a very good figure, with meat in her chest. Because it is pulled up, this forms a very perfect "S" curve, which is very explosive.

On weekdays, Long Xiaoyun wears military uniforms, so it is not particularly obvious. Now she is just wearing a tight T-shirt.

That proud figure can't be covered up. It is simply the most perfect work of the Creator, so beautiful that people can't compare.

However, this figure that makes countless women proud makes Long Xiaoyun feel very troublesome and very disliked!

After all, she is a special forces soldier. In training or in combat, it will affect her balance, speed, and burst of power...

And this feeling now.

The old driver with a lecherous look is the most annoying. It feels like he wants to dig out his eyes and throw them into her collar. Although the old cat also wants to have sex with her, he is more polite.

I said a few words to stimulate him and left.

Few men are good. They are all animals who think with their lower body.

"Damn old driver!"

Long Xiaoyun looked at the mirror against the wall and the seductive way of binding her body in the mirror, and couldn't help cursing again.

This is the old driver's method, what is the 82-style!

Long Xiaoyun didn't know what it meant, but she knew it was a shame.

I don't know what happened, but Chen He's figure suddenly flashed in her mind, his bright smile, the coolness when he was holding a guitar and singing, and the world's number one strength...

"Bah, what are you thinking about, Long Xiaoyun, you are in a desperate situation now, what kind of man are you still thinking about!"

A fierce look flashed in the corner of Long Xiaoyun's eyes.

She bought time for the Wolf Warriors. If they failed to complete the mission and rescued her, she would not be humiliated alive. She had a way to kill herself.

But the old driver with a lecherous look whispered in Long Xiaoyun's ear that he was also interested in her body.

"Damn bastard, I'll blow up your thing myself if I get a chance!"

Long Xiaoyun felt angry and disgusted when she thought of the old driver.

"War Wolf is in a very delicate situation now. If I die, War Wolf will really be gone. Oh, it depends on God's will. If God doesn't let me live, there is nothing I can do. I just need to have no regrets."

"Grandma is in poor health. If I die, she may not be able to hold on for long. I will disappoint her. I didn't let her see me give birth to a child..."

"Give birth to a child? Chen He is very strong, the best in the world, so it's not impossible. It depends on fate."

"I met you by chance. We got married within a week of knowing each other, and you became my nominal husband."

"I never thought that the soldiers I recruited would become my men, or old cows eating tender grass?"

"Life is really full of surprises."

Many things in the past emerged in Long Xiaoyun's mind. She joined the army, formed War Wolf, reached the peak of a soldier, experienced setbacks, and met Chen He...

What she didn't expect was that her meeting with Chen He was her most profound memory.

"I don't know what this guy is doing now. He probably doesn't know that I've been arrested. If he knew, how would he react? I'm his wife. Would he come to tell him that I'm arrested?"

"The cat is desperate?"

"Will it come?"

Long Xiaoyun's mouth suddenly showed a smile for no reason.

"That guy is impulsive, but he is actually quite cute."

Suddenly, a cough sounded, and a figure walked in.

Under the dim light, it was the cold and resolute face of the old cat, staring at Long Xiaoyun.

The old cat said coldly: "Your comrades are coming, they don't follow the rules of the game, I want to kill you!"

Long Xiaoyun sneered, stared at the old cat sideways and said: "I want to kill you too!"

The old cat was stunned and said: "Is there anyone you miss particularly, someone you can't forget, remember his goodness, etc., but you let him down, this is a pity. "

What does this mean?

Long Xiaoyun stared at the old cat in surprise, and Chen He's handsome face flashed in his mind.

In fact, he was really good to me. He risked his life to save my grandmother, which made her very happy. He stuffed hundreds of thousands of pocket money into my hands and helped me lift the car without asking for anything in return. He was full of manliness and did good things without leaving a name. He could save me at the most dangerous time and chase the enemy for the veterans.

Although he killed the enemy in a fancy way, he was more active than anyone else... and he could actually play and sing. I wrote the song myself.

Many things about Chen He suddenly emerged in Long Xiaoyun's mind. If there is any regret, it is about Chen He.

I have obtained the marriage certificate with Chen He, but we have never held hands properly until now... It's a pity that there will be no chance in the future. If I had known this, I might as well have given it to that guy earlier.

At this moment, the system prompt sounded suddenly in the mind of the old cat who had been staring at Long Xiaoyun: "Computer system main line task reminder: You have been recognized by Long Xiaoyun 80%, and you will be rewarded with 1000 experience points if you complete 100%."

Chen He was delighted. Damn, it has increased by another 10%?

Sure enough, he still wants to show off!


Chen He's discomfort period came, his face changed, and he immediately became sunny and handsome. He grinned and said, "Wife, it's me. "

Long Xiaoyun looked at Chen He steadily, and was distracted for a while.

Chen He? Was her eyes blurry? When she thought of Chen He just now, did she mistake the old cat for him?

The next moment, Long Xiaoyun gritted her teeth and her mind instantly cleared up. Who else could it be if not Chen He?

She gritted her teeth and cursed: "You bastard, you are still pretending at this time, you are just a little bastard, you are not the best in the world..."

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