The burial was in vain, and the burial was in vain.

Li Erniu's body suddenly stiffened, as if he had been hit by a million critical points, and all the pores in his body seemed to have exploded.

His Adam's apple rolled, his saliva kept swallowing, and his eyes were full of fear.

Because in the jungle more than ten meters away from him, a pair of green eyes were staring at him.

Under the dim moonlight, there was a trace of cold light, with a fierce chill.

Li Erniu's original urge to urinate was instantly held back.

He subconsciously growled: "Wolf, there is a wolf!"

The next moment, he didn't even have time to pull up his pants, and turned around and ran to the camp, feeling more terrifying than encountering a ghost.

Li Erniu was originally timid, and this problem has never been corrected.

During normal training, he can roar and look fierce, but when he really encounters danger, the things in his bones are exposed instantly.

Chen He's previous reminders and things that he should pay attention to are all thrown away. Now he has only one thought, run quickly, run far away.

This is Li Erniu's self-conscious protection.

Shao Bin's face changed and he growled: "Don't run around, put on your pants!"

At this time, with a plop, Li Erniu's feet seemed to be tripped by something, and he fell heavily to the ground, followed by a few screams.

"Idiot!" Shao Bin couldn't help but curse, and all his previous good impression of him was gone.

This is the new recruit. Usually, they are very tough, but when an emergency happens, they are often scared and at a loss, like a headless fly.

A wolf can scare him like this, it's really... there is no firewood in the mountain!

Shao Bin pulled out his pistol and shot at the wolf.


The sound of the gunshot cut through the night sky.

The wolf was hit and let out a low growl. The next moment, it desperately let out a cry: "Awoo!"

"Not good!"

Shao Bin's face changed drastically.

The wolves are coming!

Sure enough, the next moment, the sound of wolf howls came from all directions, one louder than the other.

Shao Bin had a strong bad premonition.

Judging from the wolf howls, there must be a lot of wild wolves around.

The constant wolf howls and the gunshots just now immediately woke up all the people around.

Li Lian, Chen Pai, Li Pai and others reacted very quickly, rushed out with guns, and immediately guarded the periphery of the fire.

Li Miao stared at the jungle in front of him, his ears moved, listening carefully to the wolf howls, and his face became extremely solemn.

"How come there are so many plateau wolves? Trouble!" Li Miao clenched the gun, "Captain Long, we are in big trouble, these are plateau wolves!"

Long Xiaoyun's face was extremely expressionless, and he said: "Kill!"

"Shao Bin, Shi Sanba, Banzhuan, save bullets!"

"Understood!" Shao Bin and others shouted at the same time.

The new recruits in the tent were also awakened, and none of them knew what had happened.

"What's going on outside? Shooting!"

"What's that sound?"

"Wolf howling?"

"Is this... the wolves are coming? There are so many calls, it seems to be everywhere!"

Everyone's face changed drastically, and they were all awakened.

Before, when they talked about wild wolves, they didn't feel anything, but now when the wolves really came, they all became nervous.

The wild wolves they saw were all in the animal world, and they only knew that they were very ferocious, but they didn't know to what extent.

Chen He was the first to react and immediately dispersed the [Anti-Fraud Skill Package].

The next moment, red light bulbs flashed around, so dense that Chen He couldn't count them.

"Everyone, be alert, the wolves are coming!" Chen He shouted, "Everyone, take your weapons and come to my side!"

"Fuck, are they really wolves?" Lao Liu grabbed a rifle.

"Don't be afraid, there are so many of us here, with weapons in our hands, don't be afraid!" Lao Ba shouted.

Lao San said, "Yes, don't worry, stay calm!"

Everyone picked up their weapons and surrounded Chen He.

Chen He glanced around, and his heart skipped a beat. He didn't see Li Erniu.

"Has anyone seen Erniu!"

It was only then that everyone realized that Li Erniu was gone, and hurriedly looked at his quilt, but found no figure.

Chen He hurriedly jumped in front of Li Erniu's quilt, reached out and touched the place, and found that it was still warm and slightly moist.

"Don't panic, obey the command, and don't come out without orders!" Chen He ordered.

"Yes!" Everyone shouted in unison.

Chen He's ability is obvious to everyone

, at this time, he is the backbone of everyone.

"I'll go out and take a look!"

Chen He rushed out of the tent.

When he came outside, Chen He immediately saw Li Miao, Long Xiaoyun, Shao Bin, Shi Sanba, Ban Zhuan, and Chen Pai and Li Pai, all of whom were holding guns and standing on the periphery, surrounding the new recruits.

But Chen He did not see Li Erniu or Leng Feng.

There were rustling footsteps all around, and Chen He knew that the wolves were coming without the need for [Anti-Fraud Skills] to judge.

Chen He ran to Shao Bin and said, "Platoon leader, have you seen Li Erniu?"

Shao Bin was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said, "That guy just went out to pee, saw the wild wolf, and didn't put on his pants properly. He ran back in fear and fell to the ground. Didn't he go back to the tent?"

Chen He said, "No!"

Shao Bin immediately looked at the place where Li Erniu had just fallen, and did not see Li Erniu.

"Did he run away?" Shao Bin's face changed drastically.

Just now, Shao Bin's attention was on the wolf pack, and he didn't pay attention to Li Erniu. He originally thought that the other party would calm down after being frightened, that is, retreat into the tent.

This is the reaction of a normal person, but who would have thought that Li Erniu would be so timid, panicking and not knowing the directions?

When Li Miao heard that Li Erniu was missing, he cursed: "It's time, and someone is still dropping the ball. Where did he run to? If he ran out and was spotted by the wolf pack, there would be nothing left!"

"We are now encountering a wolf pack that is rarely seen in a century. Damn, I really don't know whether to say we are lucky or unlucky!"

He, the company commander, was indescribably aggrieved.

Because he had been on the plateau border for a long time, Li Miao knew very well that the plateau wolf was very strong and much more ferocious than ordinary wild wolves.

A plateau wolf can beat ten ordinary wild wolves to a pulp, so the plateau wolf can also be called a lone wolf, the most ferocious wild wolf.

Because they are so ferocious, they rarely appear in groups. If they do appear, there are only one or two, one male and one female.

Now, a group of them appear at the same time.

In the man's world, this situation can be described as follows: Plateau wolves are like stunning beauties, very rare, but this time it is a group of stunning beauties who are not wearing clothes and are walking directly on the street and coming towards us.

How can this not be shocking?

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