The one who sneaked up on Chen He was Wang Ming.

When they were recruits, Wang Ming often slept with Li Miao. They were both men and passionate young people. Naturally, it was either you stabbing me or I stabbing you. Gradually, they developed the habit of sneak attacks, that is, grabbing the lower body.

This move was practiced by them.

Fast, fierce and accurate is the secret.

Wang Ming used this move a lot on the battlefield and never missed.

So his grab was indeed very accurate.

But suddenly I felt like I was grabbing heated steel, thick and hard.

"Fuck, did I grab the wrong thing? Is it the arm?"

Wang Ming was stunned for a moment, found something wrong, and immediately pulled open the quilt.

"Damn it, I didn't catch him in the wrong place. Could it be that he has a flashlight hidden in his crotch?"

Wang Ming heard from Li Miao that Chen He was very good at hiding things, and he handed him a fine Cuban cigar, saying that this was what Chen He hid, and he often had a whole box.

The next moment, Chen He opened his eyes, grinned, and said, "Surprising? Surprised?"


Chen He made a lightning move, grabbed Wang Ming's arm, and stood up suddenly at the same time.

Wang Ming didn't expect Chen He to react so quickly, and was shocked by the flashlight in his crotch. At this time, he wanted to break free, but found that his arm could not move.

The other party grabbed his five fingers like an iron clamp, fixing him.

What kind of power is this?

Wang Ming is a little older, but that is relative to young people. He is now in middle age and his strength is at its peak. Moreover, as the commander of the border defense company, he has never lowered his training requirements, so his strength is naturally kept at its best.

The arm strength that the opponent exuded when he grabbed him was obviously several times greater than his own.

This guy has extraordinary arm strength!

The most bizarre thing is that as Chen He stood up, Wang Ming did not see any flashlight falling.

"Fuck, is this... more powerful than Lao Qi?" Wang Ming took a breath of cold air, making sure that he did not grab the wrong position, but this situation was completely beyond his expectations.

Lao Qi was already powerful enough when he was young, the first in the whole company, no, it should be said that he was the first in the whole regiment, but now he was counterattacked by the latecomers.

Wang Ming had no idea that Chen He had just used the [Enlarge and Bold] skill, which quickly strengthened the effect, and he was not so powerful at ordinary times.

If Wang Ming had not been wearing a huge green hat just now, he would have followed the footsteps of Crazy Bull and others.

In the [Anti-Fraud Skill Package] just now, he judged that the other party was a good person.

This made Chen He very puzzled. He didn't know what this good person wanted to do. It was not until he was suddenly grabbed by the other party that he opened his eyes and blinked.

Naturally, this dead man used violence, and Chen He was of course not polite. He used fighting techniques directly, coupled with his strong physical fitness, and easily captured Wang Ming in a state of shock.

Seeing that he could not break free, Wang Ming could not help but mutter: "No wonder Miaomiao is pestering you. She inherited her mother's genes and fell in love with that guy Laoqi, but Laoqi is not so exaggerated. It is true that each generation is stronger than the previous one."

"Miaomiao is probably thinking about you. Hey, we are both men, but why is there such a big gap between us... Could it be that Miaomiao said that Captain Long likes this guy because of this reason? This..."

Wang Ming came to test Chen He, but was hit.

In the dark, Chen He didn't know who the other party was, and after being caught by him, the other party kept muttering, and he didn't know what he was saying.

What on earth is this?

Chen He was about to speak, and suddenly two guys with green hats rushed in.

"Fuck, is this going to end? A sneak attack in the middle of the night? Did my wife say that, a show for me?" Chen He suddenly thought of the last message Long Xiaoyun sent, "So this is what she meant."

In the army, there has always been a tradition of veterans "teaching" new recruits, which is considered a way to train new recruits.

Obviously, the other party is targeting me, otherwise it would be impossible for them to come in and not catch the people near the curtain, but go around to catch me.

Is this arranged by Li Lian? Or is it a special care from Captain Long?

Chen He suddenly had an idea, and without saying a word, he stepped forward and kicked the other party down, then growled: "Brothers, don't sleep, enemy attack!"

He didn't care who the other party was. Anyway, he sneaked in in the middle of the night to catch people, and wanted to leave some impression on the other party.


Where is Wang Ming

Knowing that Chen He would suddenly attack, he was caught off guard and kicked twice, falling to the ground.

He was about to shout, but felt something heavy coming over him, riding directly on him, and something hot hitting his face.

Everything happened too quickly, and Wang Ming was not mentally prepared at all.

As the commander of a dignified border defense company, he can be said to have experienced hundreds of battles. Even when facing a vicious enemy, he has never been so embarrassed.

The boat capsized in the gutter!

This loud roar of injustice immediately woke up the three squads who were still sleeping soundly.

"Fuck, what's going on? Is it an earthquake? What was the crash just now?"

"The wolves are coming?"


"Who came in? Where, is it the roar of the deputy squad leader?"

In the darkness, everyone who woke up was fuzzy, especially Li Erniu, whose eyes were still half open and his mind was still half asleep.

"What are you doing? I was dreaming about Cuihua, who's calling?"

The third brother reacted a little quickly and said, "Deputy squad leader, are you talking? Are there enemies sneaking in?"

The sixth brother shouted, "Find a flashlight, turn it on quickly, it might be an enemy attack, prepare for battle!"

The eighth brother shouted, "Where are the people? Turn on the light, turn on the light! Damn, is this a sneak attack?"

In the dark, Chen He shouted, "I caught one, act quickly, don't panic!"

"Damn, deputy squad leader, you are awesome, you can catch people even when you are sleeping!"

The tent was in chaos, and all kinds of chaotic sounds rang out.

They had encountered a wolf attack before, but at that time, with Chen He's reminder, everyone was close together.

Now it's pitch black, you can see me, I can't see you, and it's all messed up.

"Ouch, who stepped on my foot?"

"Who bumped into me?"

"Where's my flashlight? Who took my flashlight!"

Li Erniu seemed to have not recovered yet and shouted, "What are you doing?"

At this moment, the tent was suddenly opened, and a flashlight shone on Chen He's face, followed by a screaming voice: "We are all family, let go, I'm going! Chen He, get off me, what are you doing riding on Lao Wang, damn it, you still put the flashlight on Lao Wang's head? Take it off!"

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