The first time, the second time.

The computer system prompt sounded in Chen He's mind again: "Within 15 minutes, the host will be the first to arrive at the station, the task is completed, and 100 upgrade experience points will be awarded."

Chen He's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"Timely rain!"

His strength comes from the upgrade of the computer, and the upgrade requires experience points, so as long as he keeps gaining experience points, he can keep getting stronger.

The condition for obtaining experience points is to complete the tasks issued by the system. Chen He wished that the system would keep issuing tasks.

"Finally here!"

In the past few days, Chen He has been waiting for the system to issue tasks, but there has been no movement.

Sure enough, you have to go out and take a look to get surprises.

"Within 15 minutes, we will be the first to arrive at the station. If we run in energy-saving mode, there shouldn't be any problem."

The so-called energy-saving mode allows him to maintain his physical strength while unleashing all his potential.

When he was digging an escape passage in the tunnel, he relied on the last bit of physical strength he had saved to break through the rock wall.

This is equivalent to endurance in another sense.

"Within 15 minutes, it will take at least 5 kilometers from here to the station. The speed must be maintained at more than 20 kilometers per hour. We must speed up."

Chen He thought of this, stepped on his feet, and began to speed up.

This is 100 experience points, not a small amount!

For Chen He, let alone 100 experience points, even if it is 10 points, he will fight hard, not for anything else, he wants to become stronger!

This is the world of special forces, the world of soldiers. Only the strong will be valued in the army, can be promoted, and can make achievements. Otherwise, they can only go to the kitchen to cook, pour swill, and raise pigs.

Another point, Chen He didn't want his father to look down on him and make his mother worry. Of course, there was another point. Didn't Long Xiaoyun look down on him? I'll catch up with her!

Thinking of this, Chen He's blood seemed to boil, and he was full of strong fighting spirit.

If it was before, he didn't dare to have such an idea, but now he has the assistance of a computer system, and he changes a lot every day. As long as he works hard, nothing is impossible.

"Barracks, I'm here!"

Tap tap...

Chen He's speed increased, and he began to break away from the team and rush forward.

Before, Chen He rushed to the front, and now his speed increased, which made him stand out more.

Shao Bin, who was running beside the team, was originally going to train these new recruits to show their power and let them know that they are no longer the little ancestors at home, but have become soldiers.

So the first lesson was to let them run to the station, which was considered the first meeting gift.

But as he ran, he was surprised to find that the speed of these rookies was getting faster and faster.

"Fuck, these little guys can still burst out? Are they going to die?"

Their current running speed is close to 15 kilometers per hour, which is the speed of a bicycle on flat ground and three times the walking speed of a normal person. Running at this speed is nothing for trained soldiers.

But for a group of rookies who have not yet entered the barracks, it is almost the limit.

Of course, if they can maintain it for a few minutes, it is not a big problem, but look at their posture, are they going to run to the station like this?

"Are these guys crazy? If they run to the station at this speed, they will all faint!"

"Will it be a big joke when we pick up the new recruits?"

A black line stood up on Shao Bin's forehead, and he looked forward subconsciously.

"Oh my god! Isn't this the target of Team Dragon?"

Shao Bin saw Chen He running wildly in the front at a glance.

Because Chen He was running wildly in front, the rookies behind him were stimulated and followed behind.

These rookies are all young and hot-tempered, and everyone wants to show off and don't want to lose to others.

Chen He was sprinting in front, it would be strange if they were not stimulated.

Besides, this was on the street, with so many people watching. If they were too far behind the person in front, wouldn't it be like a slap in their face?

The most important thing for young people to not lose is face, especially for young people like them who have not been beaten by society. Face is more important than their lives.

"This kid wants to be the leader? Being a leader is good, it stimulates them, but leading them to run like this is like taking them to the gutter."

Shao Bin was speechless.

He knew that Chen He had strong endurance and good physical fitness, otherwise he could have dug a way out of the tunnel.

Climb out.

But endurance and bursting out are two different things.

At this moment, the people closest to Chen He are about to cry.

"Brother in front, too fast, we are all men, don't go so fast, take it easy, endurance is important, don't be too impulsive."

"Slow down, slow down and feel comfortable, the most important thing for men is endurance, not speed."

"Brother, you are going to tire us to death, slow down, I didn't ask you to work hard now, you can run according to the specified time, and these few minutes were robbed."

"Brother, please... slow down, otherwise we really can't hold it."

A person chased and shouted from behind.

These people usually participate in club training, and they are the best at running, but now compared with Chen He, they are nothing.

The other party is planning to run to the station at a 100-meter sprint speed. Who can keep up with this?

A group of people behind are gritting their teeth and following, their faces flushed.

They chose to sign up for the Southwest Army. Passing the physical test showed that their physical fitness was not bad, much better than those who signed up for other military regions, but even so, they could not withstand such stimulation.

If they were asked to run at a constant speed, step by step, and the speed continued to increase, they could persist, but they started sprinting after running for a while.

Of course they couldn't bear it.

At this time, Chen He thought of the task given by the computer system. He just wanted to get to the station as soon as possible to receive the reward. As for the people behind him, did it matter? He didn't ask them to run with him. If they couldn't, they would slow down.

In [Energy Saving Mode], Chen He's waist was not sore, his legs were not painful, and his heart was not beating wildly. He was still running wildly.

This is the awesome part of the energy saving mode. According to Chen He's current physical attribute of 2.6, running wildly for 2.6 hours is no problem, let alone 15 minutes.

In this situation, Chen He still ran under pressure, otherwise, the people behind him couldn't even see his shadow.

The next moment, a figure in the team caught up like lightning.

It was Shao Bin.

Chen He can't do this, otherwise he will be a laughing stock at the station.

Many people are watching there, and if all the new recruits lie on the ground, it will definitely make the headlines tomorrow!

Shao Bin rushed to Chen He's side and scolded him angrily: "Your name is Chen He, right? How can you lead the team? You're going to be reincarnated!"

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