The enemy was in a hurry, but the enemy was still in a hurry.

Chen He stood by and listened carefully to the charge.

He was a rookie who had never experienced actual combat, but he felt his blood boiling, and at the same time he felt the murderous aura emanating from Leng Feng.

The murderous aura was very strong, like an invisible aura shrouding Chen He, which actually made him feel a little bit of fear.


Chen He immediately entered the [Energy Saving Mode] to reduce the sensitivity of his body senses, otherwise he would have to kneel down if he continued to bear it like this!

This is like a butcher who often kills dogs. When a dog approaches him, it will scare its legs weak.

"Special forces are special forces. If I fight him, I will definitely lose my temper!"

Chen He has good physical fitness, but he is still a little idiot when it comes to fighting skills.

Leng Feng, an old special who has experienced countless battles, has reached the level of perfection in fighting skills.

"It's not enough to just get stronger physically, you have to learn all kinds of fighting skills, otherwise you will have brute force but can't use it at all."

Chen He began to think about what to do next.

After all, it's not enough to rely on strong physical fitness in the army. He only has the foundation to become an excellent soldier.

"I don't know what other functions are behind the computer system that can help me become a shooting expert, a fighting expert, a camouflage expert, etc. These fighting skills are the real skills to kill the enemy."

Before coming to the southwestern border, Chen He also learned that this place is not peaceful because it is close to those turbulent small countries, and all kinds of crimes are rampant, which are likely to affect the Yan country.

Therefore, areas near those places must be especially careful, as there is always the possibility of fighting.

At this time, Leng Feng suddenly said: "On the battlefield, whenever the charge horn sounds, it is the time for our army to charge and fight. No matter how many enemies there are in front, how strong they are, and how powerful their weapons are, our troops will charge out, even the soldiers in the kitchen squad will rush forward with kitchen knives, and will not retreat even if they fight to the last man!"

"For the enemy, this is a fatal note. Even at minus 40 degrees Celsius, it can destroy the world's most powerful enemy..."

These are not Leng Feng's lies, but real records.

That is the legend created by our ancestors with their iron will.

"But why is there a charge horn here?"

Leng Feng's eyes searched.

In the Southwest Army, he listened to the horn every day, but he had never heard such a primitive charge horn.

The charm here is completely different. The charge horn at this moment is full of killing!

This is an exciting order, this is a new history, a fighting will that makes people fight without hesitation!

The trumpets in the military camp do not have such charm in them.

Chen He did not question what Leng Feng said, because what he said was true.

Although this is another parallel world, the history of this country is highly consistent with the country before Chen He.

If you ask where the best soldiers in the world are, Chen He will say it is in Yan Country without hesitation!

There is no other country in the world where soldiers can use their bodies to block the enemy's gun holes for the victory of a battle and not let more comrades sacrifice.

For the victory of a battle, they can endure under the raging fire without saying a word until the fire burns themselves to ashes.

For a victory, they can wear thin clothes, ambush in the low temperature of minus 40 degrees Celsius, wait for the order to attack, and finally become ice sculptures...

Chen He has read the materials of that period of history and knows that heroic legend.

At this time, Chen He was also searching carefully. He wanted to see what kind of person blew such a charge.

The next moment, Chen Feng noticed the figure of an old soldier on a hill in front of him.

The other party was wearing a worn-out old-fashioned military uniform, with patches on his shoulders, arms, and waist, and a golden medal on his chest.

He put his left hand on his waist, grabbed a worn-out charge horn with his right hand, and blew the charge horn with his cheeks puffed out!

Beep beep...

The loud charge horn came continuously, echoing between heaven and earth.

The charge horn should have been exciting and exciting, but Chen He and Leng Feng felt an infinite desolation.

When the charge horn sounded, it should not be an overwhelming shout of killing, thousands of troops rushing towards the enemy like a torrent, tearing the enemy into pieces, and destroying themselves

’s blood dyed the land red for protection?

But why is it so desolate now?

Chen He’s heart trembled slightly.

On the top of the mountain, there was only the old soldier himself, and no one else was there.

He looked like a lonely goose that had fallen behind and a lone wolf that was dying on the grassland.

Loneliness and loneliness surrounded the old man. When the mountain wind blew, his worn-out old military uniform clung to his thin body, as if a gust of wind could blow him over in the next moment.

But the old soldier stood motionless, blowing the charge horn against the wind, like a lonely brave.

This reminded Chen He of the lyrics of a song: I love you walking alone in the dark alley, I love you for not kneeling; I love you for confronting despair and refusing to cry; I love your tattered clothes, but you dare to block the gun of fate; I love you for being so similar to me, with the same gaps, do you deserve this ragged cloak, do you fight? Fight with the most humble dream, to the sobbing and roaring in the dark night, who said that only those standing in the light are heroes!

Because it was not far from Chen He's direction, he could see the tears flashing in the other's eyes, which had blurred his turbid eyes.

"Why is this happening?" Chen He inexplicably felt an indescribable sadness in his heart.

The veteran should be enjoying the joy of family and enjoying his old age, but there is no happiness in his eyes?

The veteran seemed to be unable to see Chen He and Leng Feng, and was still blowing the charge in his hand.

The next moment, Chen He seemed to see a soldier holding a steel gun jumping out of the trench, and rushing towards the enemy in front of him, under the shells falling from the sky.

The flames of war burned on the land, thick smoke rose, and countless blood was splashing.

Soldiers fell one after another, and the blood dyed the land red, but no one stopped. The living people were still charging, making deafening shouts of killing.

The murderous shouts echoed between heaven and earth, even overwhelming the sound of artillery fire.


The old soldier suddenly put down the charge horn in his hand, his dry lips opened, and roared: "Charge... Kill, kill, kill!"

The old soldier's roar was not loud, a little hoarse and harsh, but it still contained cold murderous intent.

His turbid eyes suddenly brightened, flashing with brilliance, and murderous aura surged!

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