The two of them were so confused.

Shao Bin looked at Leng Feng in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

Leng Feng said, "I was watching him outside while he was on the phone, but when I searched him, I couldn't find anything. I almost stripped him naked."

"Besides, he was with me all night, but he was able to find a box of cigars like this. Let me tell you, this is the second box."

"I searched him many times, but I didn't find anything!"

"The more I think about it, the more weird it is. Is this guy practicing fantasy? Has a space ring?"

Just now, he separated from Chen He and saw him take out a box of cigars. Leng Feng was completely dumbfounded.

He had never seen such a weird thing before.

Shao Bin laughed and said, "That's it? Why do you care so much? If he really practices Taoism, it would be a good thing if he could hide a Gatling gun on his body."

Leng Feng's mouth twitched and he said, "Captain, aren't you curious at all? He has a cell phone and two packs of cigars on him. I guess he has other things on him."

Shao Bin said disapprovingly, "What's wrong with that? Being able to hide is his ability. When you first joined the army, you were a troublemaker, and you hid a lot of beef jerky and peanuts. Who found it?"

Leng Feng looked awkward and said, "Captain, this cannot be compared. What I mean is, for example, I searched your body and found nothing. After a while, you took out a box of cigars this big from your body. Can it be the same?"

Shao Bin snorted and said, "What's the difference? Okay, you can go. The cigars will be confiscated."

Leng Feng looked speechless and said, "Captain, you are too cruel."

"Get lost!"

Leng Feng fled.

After Leng Feng left, Shao Bin happily pulled out a cigar, put it to his nostrils and sniffed it, saying: "This smell is really good. Don't say anything about Chen He, he is really rich. The stronger his ability is, isn't it a good thing?"

"No matter how strong he is, he is still my soldier. After the mission is completed, he can return to War Wolf. Isn't it very good? Leng Feng, this kid, is still not big enough. How can he look further? Although the Dragon Team is excellent, women will affect the speed of drawing guns, right?"

Shao Bin muttered a few words, then lit a cigar and enjoyed it.

In this remote place, it is a luxury to be able to smoke a good cigar.

For the next three days, the recruits rested. There was no training arranged at all. Every day, they got up on time, had breakfast, and then walked around to get familiar with the surrounding environment, then had lunch and slept...

These days are quite leisurely.

As for the purpose, it is very simple, which is to let everyone adapt to the environment here as soon as possible and prepare for the subsequent training.

But even so, there were 9 soldiers who could not adapt and were eliminated and sent home.

There was nothing that could be done about it. If they could not adapt in three days, it meant that their physical adjustment ability was inferior to others. Even if they stayed now, they could not adapt to the subsequent training.

As a result, there were only 81 people left out of the original 90, which means that nearly one-tenth of them were eliminated in three days.

Although Li Erniu was bloated, he was very adaptable. On the second day, he had a big appetite and was happy when eating.

This is a good appetite!

Needless to say, Chen He could adapt to this place in a short time according to his physical fitness, even if he did not use the [Energy Saving Mode].

On this day, after breakfast, everyone returned to the dormitory.

Leng Feng walked in with a thick book.

"Line up!"

Chen He and others quickly stood in a row.

Leng Feng glanced at everyone and said expressionlessly: "I will tell you three points now. If anyone can't do it, you can apply to go home. Anyway, 9 people have already left, and there is just one more person left to make it an integer."

Everyone was nervous. There are still three more points!

The first 9 people were not used to it and couldn't eat. As a result, they were so weak that they seemed to be half dead. If they were not sent away, they would die.

It seems that the squad leader is eager to get rid of one of them.

Li Erniu swallowed his saliva, and he was so nervous. He was most worried that he would be eliminated.

If you can't make it through a week, you have to go back. How embarrassing is that? If you go back, how can you explain to your wife?

Others have similar ideas, but Chen He doesn't feel anything.

After integrating the recruit skill package into him, all the things that need to be mastered during the recruit period

, I understand everything, and it's at the textbook level, what's there to worry about?

Leng Feng said indifferently: "First, recite the housekeeping regulations. I don't want the process, I only want the results. If you can't recite it when I check it, sorry, you'll be eliminated!"

"Second, three days of lying flat are over, and housekeeping starts with folding the quilt."

"Third, I'll demonstrate it once, only once. If you can't remember it, you'll be eliminated when I check it."

Everyone frowned. Isn't this reciting the housekeeping regulations and folding the quilt? It shouldn't be difficult, right?

In simple terms, it's reciting and folding the quilt. If you recite it, you can't apply it mechanically. As long as you work hard, there will definitely be problems. As for folding the quilt, everyone has folded it at home.


Leng Feng threw the book on the table on the side, and then walked to a bed.

"Look carefully."

After saying that, Leng Feng grabbed the quilt and shook it open quickly, and began to tidy up the quilt quickly.

Spread your palms, poke your arms flat, fold them in half, and crush your elbows...

As special forces, they never miss a day of traditional craftsmanship like folding quilts. They have to go through it every day, and it must be the most standard requirement.

In regular troops, the standard for folding a quilt is 2 minutes, and Leng Feng takes about 1 minute.

Under Leng Feng's series of smooth operations, in just 1 minute, the originally messy quilt was cut into tofu blocks!

Leng Feng clapped his hands and said, "There is no time limit. I will come to check at any time."

After that, he turned around and left.

As soon as Leng Feng left, the dormitory exploded.

Li Erniu walked in front of the quilt that had just been folded, and said in amazement: "Is this a hand-folded quilt? It's too exaggerated, how can we do this? Who of you remembered the steps of the squad leader just now?"

"Brother, did you remember it? Damn, I feel like the squad leader is doing magic, the movements are so fast, I didn't even look over, he has already reached the next step."

"Me too, the movements are too fast, who can remember it."

"I only remember a rough idea, but... it feels useless."

"Does the squad leader have any opinions about us? He only demonstrated it once, and didn't explain to us what to pay attention to. We are not robots."


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