The test was completed in a hurry.

Shao Bin looked at Leng Feng in surprise and said, "Did they all pass?"

"Yes." Leng Feng said.

Shao Bin looked at Chen He and others, and then at Leng Feng.

"Yes, these bastards have a strong learning ability and are very quick. They can do it once they are told, and they don't need to be told a second time." Leng Feng said.

Shao Bin was silent.

The skill of folding the quilt is not something that can be learned overnight. It only takes half a day to learn it. Shao Bin couldn't do it when he was a new recruit.

They all did it?

Besides, isn't it the squad leader's time to show off to them today? Would Leng Feng not play a trick? This is not his temper.

When Shao Bin was puzzled, Platoon Chen, who was sitting next to him, directly called out to the soldier closest to the third squad and said, "Soldier, tell me how you managed to complete the housework of folding the quilt in one morning?"

The soldier turned his head to look at Leng Feng, then at Shao Bin, and seeing that there was no objection, he shouted, "Report, it was the technique that Chen He taught us."

"Oh? Chen He." Platoon Chen looked at Chen He meaningfully, then looked at Shao Bin, "Platoon Shao, the average-level recruit you mentioned can replace the squad leader to lead the troops."

Shao Bin never thought that Chen He would mess up the internal affairs so much that Leng Feng couldn't do anything to him.

Needless to say, it must be Leng Feng's show of power that made Chen He mess up.

Shao Bin glanced at Chen He, then turned back and said to Chen Pai indifferently: "It is normal for some soldiers to have some talents in life. It is impossible for them to be useless."

Then he said to Leng Feng: "Okay, let them finish lunch as soon as possible and then start the marching exercise."


Leng Feng led the third squad to start eating.

Everyone quickly cleared the food on the table. After eating, Leng Feng took them to the training ground and started the regular training march for the new recruits.

Leng Feng looked around at everyone and said, "The military routinely prohibits this standard. To achieve this step, the first step is to drill. The so-called drill refers to a group of people lined up in a row or square, marching and standing in a uniform pace, marching, running, marching in unison..."

"Every step and every action of the drill has strict standards. Only by being accurate and correct can you be a qualified soldier. Before you came, you only learned a few simple actions. From now on, every action of yours must be standard!"

"Now I will show you the whole set of drill movements. Look carefully. I will only do it once!"

"First is the marching. The marching is the most common action. The swing of both hands..."

During the demonstration, Leng Feng also quickly said it again, and finally said: "This is all the process and the key points of the action. You can experience the rest by yourself."

His intention is very obvious. When folding the quilt, Chen He ruined his show of power. This time, he will mess with them for a while, and then come out to scold them and explain the actions.

That's it!

"Chen He, you have been folding quilts since you were young, you are quite capable, but you can't do the drill this time, right? Maybe you had military training when you entered high school, but that was three years, and the requirements were not strict, you must have forgotten everything."

Leng Feng wanted to show Chen He his power, so that everyone in the class could see that he was the most capable person in the class.

The prestige of the class monitor could not be shaken by anyone.

After Leng Feng finished speaking, he walked to the side to see how they were drilling.

Suddenly, he saw that everyone who was marching was looking in the same direction, so he followed them.

After Leng Feng looked over, his eyes were suddenly straight.

"Fuck! These bastards are watching one person's movements and learning step by step!"

"Chen He!"

Leng Feng's mouth twitched.

Everyone in the class was following Chen He's movements.

Chen He's movements were so damn standard, stand at attention, at ease, stride, goose step, stand still... within a distance of ten meters, the whole set of movements were smooth and flowing, and the standard level was already textbook-level.

Leng Feng's demonstration just now was not as standard as Chen He's.

"Damn it, how can this guy do it so standardly? This is a movement that only a veteran with at least ten years of experience can do. The spirit and coordination of the movements are perfect. How did he practice it? Is he cheating?"

Leng Feng's eyes were wide open.

The most important point is that this guy seemed to be teaching others, repeating a set of movements back and forth, and chanting slogans.

"Stand at attention, heels together, toes facing out, not a few too many

60 degrees, not more than 70 degrees, straighten your legs, tighten your abdomen, straighten your chest, lean forward slightly, keep your body's center of gravity forward a little bit, let your arms hang naturally, raise your head, look forward, and keep your expression serious..."

"When you hear the command 'marching forward-walking', kick your left foot about 75 cm forward, straighten your legs, press your toes down, and keep your sole parallel to the ground, about 25 cm off the ground. Use appropriate force to make the entire sole of your foot touch the ground. At the same time, move your body's center of gravity forward, and move your right foot in the same way. Keep your upper body upright and slightly lean forward. The walking speed is 110-116 steps per minute..."

"When you hear the pre-command of 'running', quickly make fists with both hands (four fingers curled, thumbs attached to the first joint of the index finger and the second joint of the middle finger), raise them to the waist, about the same height as the belt, with the palms facing inward and the elbows slightly closed inward. After hearing the command "go", the upper body slightly leans forward, the legs slightly bend, at the same time, the left foot uses the power of the right foot to jump out about 85 cm, the front foot touches the ground first, the body's center of gravity moves forward, and the right foot moves in the same way; the upper body remains upright, the arms swing naturally back and forth, when swinging the arms forward, the upper arms are slightly straight, the elbows are close to the waist, the forearms are slightly flat, slightly closed inward, and the inner sides of the two fists are about 5 cm away from the button line; when swinging the arms backward, the fists are close to the waist, and the walking speed is 170-180 steps per minute. Remember to pay attention to the coordination of the upper body, arms, and legs when running. The three major parts of the body must be..."

Chen He's voice was not loud, but every sentence was sonorous and powerful.

His movements, combined with his voice, can be filmed into a drill training video, a full set of the most standard textbook movements.

Everyone stared at Chen He in unison, their faces full of excitement, needless to say that Chen He was demonstrating and explaining to them.

Suddenly, everyone began to practice according to Chen He's movements.

Leng Feng's face was about to be deformed, and he was about to burst out!

"Damn, such a soldier, what can I watch? Well, there is nothing I can do, what can I do, he has done it all."

Leng Feng complained for a while, then looked up at the sun.

"Damn it, let's kill these little bastards first, come and roll me one by one, I'll kill you."

Leng Feng walked directly to the shade next to him, sat down and watched them practice.

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