The woman turned her head and looked at Chen He with a slightly hoarse voice.

"My name is Yun Yun. You said you are a soldier, right? How come you are the only one? Where are the others?"

"Yun Yun?" Chen He thought she looked like his wife just now, but now it seems not, it's just too much like her.

Of course, this is a feeling. The other person wrapped his head, and Chen He couldn't see her face clearly. As for her hot body, just like his wife, but there are too many hot girls in the world, and just looking at the body can't explain anything.

Chen He didn't dare to stare at her for too long, especially after integrating the [shooting skill package], the long shape and the oval shape would make him very excited, and he couldn't control it at all.

[Shooting Energy Saving Package] is good, but this conditioned reflex is a bit too strong. I always think about shooting...

He quickly shifted his gaze and said, "I came out with the squad leader to purchase, but he drove away first, otherwise I could have taken you."

Yun Yun was surprised and said, "He left you alone."

Chen He grinned and did not deny it.

Yun Yun seemed to know something about the army. She said, "You are a new recruit. Generally speaking, the squad leader will polish the new recruits, but it is rare for a squad leader to just leave you here. He is really not a human being."

Chen He looked at Yun Yun in surprise and said, "You know a lot about the army."

Yun Yun said, "I heard from some retired veterans that this can train new recruits and show special care for new recruits."

Chen He smiled and said, "I guess so."

Yun Yun said, "You are still speaking well for your squad leader. He is really not a human being."

Chen He: "..."

At this moment, Leng Feng, who was driving, suddenly sneezed.

"Fuck, why do I feel like someone is scolding me?"

Leng Feng stepped on the accelerator, and after the car climbed to the top of the mountain, it stopped at an open space on the side of the road.

He jumped out of the car, took out a box of cigars from his pocket, took out a cigar, and began to smoke slowly.

This feeling of smoking a cigar under the blue sky and white sun, and blowing the wind on the top of the mountain is particularly refreshing.

Leng Feng exhaled and stretched his body.

"It feels so fucking refreshing, but there are not many good things like this. One less cigarette is less. I wonder if the father of the richest man in Donghai still has it. There should be some."

"This kid has a secret treasure trove on him. He has all kinds of stuff. He actually held a snack party in the dormitory. It's weird. Where did he hide it?"

Leng Feng thought of the time when he entered the dormitory before, eating all kinds of snacks one by one, so happy.

"This kid... just now, was he scolding me? Haha."

Leng Feng squinted and smiled, turning his head to look in the direction of Chen He.

When he was driving just now, he saw a car stuck in a pit and couldn't get out. He didn't stop the car to help. I guess Chen He would definitely help if he encountered it.

Soldiers are warm-hearted, and this is also a test for Chen He.

If it was normal, Leng Feng would definitely stop to help when he encountered this situation.

If Chen He encountered it later and didn't help, Leng Feng would teach him how to be a soldier.

Sure enough, Leng Feng took a closer look and saw Chen He walking towards the car with a local woman below.

"It turned out to be a female driver. No wonder she fell into the pit. That kid is quite sensible."

Leng Feng continued to squat and smoke, and didn't plan to go down to help at this time.

He has been under too much pressure recently!

This time he went to the border defense to lead the soldiers, which is considered a retraining. If the transformation is not good, he may not have a chance to return to the Wolf Warriors.

The results of the retraining and transformation are the results of the soldiers led, and his squad leader has been dispensable so far, and the limelight has been taken away by Chen He.

But this kid is a very good seedling. If he is brought back to War Wolf and trained for a period of time, he can replace Yu Fei's position. War Wolf will be alive.

But this kid is not easy to worry about. Li Miao is watching him closely and may pull him away at any time.

Another point is his relationship with Team Dragon, which always makes Leng Feng feel uneasy.

Saying that he doesn't mind is bullshit!

"Boy, if you are not worthy of Team Dragon, I will kick you away!"

At this moment, Chen He walked to the edge of the pit and found that the wheel had sunk in and couldn't drive up.

First, it was too deep, the ground was seriously slippery, and a black mark appeared.

Yun Yun said: "Just now a car passed by. If he was willing to stop and pull it, he would definitely get up. Now it's very difficult. The car is too heavy and it's too difficult to move."

Her business just

With a plop, Chen He had already jumped in.

This scared Yun Yun.

"What are you going to do?"

Chen He smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm very strong and can push it up. You go and drive it."

This is a lightweight off-road vehicle, weighing about one ton. If it is carried by one person, no one can lift it.

However, Chen He's physical attribute reaches 3.5, which is equivalent to the power of 3.5 adults. With the blessing of [Enlarge and Bold], it is nearly doubled, and the power that bursts out exceeds the combined strength of 5 people.

So he is capable of lifting the car, of course, it is only moved a certain distance.

Chen He observed the depth and angle of the pit, and it was not a big problem to lift it.

Yun Yun looked at Chen He in surprise. He was not strong, and he didn't look like a very strong person.

"Can you... push it up? I have a shovel in my car. I can dig soil from the side to fill it. Maybe..."

Yun Yun asked Chen He to come over to help shovel soil to fill the deep pit. The latter would carry some stones over, so that the car should be easy to drive up.

At this time, Chen He grabbed the rear chassis of the off-road vehicle with both hands.


Chen He roared.

The muscles on his arms bulged one by one, and continued to grow larger and thicker, as if to pump up the muscles. The clothes on his shoulders were all stretched up, as if they were about to be broken.

And Chen He looked like a giant spring, bouncing up little by little.

As his body continued to straighten up, the back half of the car gradually left the ground and slowly rose up.

Yun Yun looked at this scene in shock.

Although this light off-road vehicle is relatively light, no matter how light it is, it weighs nearly one ton.

The soldier in front of him could actually lift it with his bare hands. Is there a beast hidden in him?

This shocking scene made Yun Yun forget to breathe.

The car rose up little by little and was moved directly out of the pit.


Chen He let out another loud roar, and pushed the car onto the pit with all his strength.

Then, he let go and the car fell directly down.


When the car fell to the ground, it made a muffled sound, and the downward airflow raised a cloud of dust around it.

At this moment, after the scene of lifting the car in a larger and thicker way, Chen He's image instantly exploded in Yun Yun's eyes!

PS: Thanks to Kuching, who loves high-end wine, for the tips of 26.75 and 3.43, I have the money for the bucket noodles and chicken legs!

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