Li Erniu rushed forward with his head stuffed, at the moment he only remembered one thing in his heart, that is, the faster he ran and the longer the time, the safer Lin Yu and them.

So he threw away all his distractions and did the only thing he could do well, yelling and running wildly.

Under the mountain, Ma Hanyuan was also shocked by Li Erniu’s speed.

What shocked him was not the speed of Li Erniu alone, but why all three people could run so fast.

Because from his point of view, the two dummys that Li Erniu was carrying ran as fast as if they were connected with him.

“I’ll go to his uncle, special forces are worthy of being special forces, and they run faster than rabbits!” Ma Hanyuan frowned.

“Company commander, we can’t hit them!” A platoon commander shouted: “Their speed is too fast, we simply don’t have time to aim!” ”

Ma Hanyuan’s face was a little hung up, he was a tank company, if even three people could not be killed, it would not be a joke for the entire Ninth Brigade to say it.

This man, he can’t afford to lose.

“Cow effort!” Ma Hanyuan grabbed the radio and shouted: “Those three people on the mountain, do you have a way to kill them?” ”

Niu Gong has been observing Li Erniu’s escape path with a telescope.

He was worthy of being the tank soldier king of the Ninth Brigade, and after looking at it for less than a minute, he had already calculated the approximate path when Li Erniu fled.

He grabbed the radio and shouted, “No problem, but he’s going to be out of our sight.” Lao Ma, you block his path with heavy firepower, I will personally command, I will definitely be able to kill him! ”

“Okay, we’ll all cooperate with you!” Ma Hanyuan was immediately relieved when he heard that Niu was so confident.

The assurance of Niu’s efforts gave him a sense of reassurance more than any assurance.

Two platoons of tanks quickly advanced to the bottom of the mountain, and then slammed into the mountain at an elevation angle.

The shell exploded a wall in front of Li Erniu, immediately blocking his way.

“Oh my mother!” Li Erniu was so frightened that he almost fell.

The feet braked sharply, and after the whole person glided beautifully against the ground for two meters, he got up and continued to run.

However, his straining actions have long been clearly guessed by Niu.

Niu Zheng raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and ordered loudly: “Adjust the shooting angle!” ”

“Yes, adjust the shooting angle!” Zhang Energy replied loudly in the tank.

“Southeast corner, four one two!”

“Southeast corner, four one two!” Zhang Energy repeated, while manipulating the battery to quickly adjust its position.

“Ready!” The cow roared hard.

Zhang Energy immediately filled the shell and waited nervously for Niu Gong’s order.


With a loud roar from Niu Gong, Zhang Energy pressed the launch button without hesitation.


A cannonball whistled out of the chamber and exploded fiercely on Li Erniu’s path.

However, the difference was about five meters, and Li Erniu narrowly avoided it.

“Oh my mother!” Li Erniu wiped the sweat off his head, turned around and ran again.

“Hey!” The cow tried to smash a punch on the tank: “Just a little!” ”

Zhang Energy said dissatisfied: “If this is a live ammunition, they will be all finished!” ”

“But this is an airburst bomb!” Niu tried hard and said in a deep voice: “Okay, continue to aim, I see how many times they can hide!” ”

Zhang Energy looked at Li Erniu, who was fleeing in the periscope, and snorted coldly: “Uncle, I see how far you can run.” No matter how far you run, today I will finish you with my own hands. What’s so great about special forces, I’m the king of land warfare! ”


When Li Erniu was dangerously dodging the shell bombardment, Lin Yu had already decisively given the order to act.

He Chenguang’s four people all found the best position, and their muzzles were aimed at the tank company that moved to the bottom of the mountain.

Lin Yu rushed down the mountain with explosives and quickly approached the tank company.

When he was about to approach the tank company, He Chenguang’s four people could already see clearly in the sniper scope.

“Fire!” He Chenguang ordered coldly, and his finger immediately pulled the trigger.

Wang Yanbing, Xu Tianlong and Song Kaifei all have received professional sniper training.

Although they do not have sniper rifles, they are only about three hundred meters away from the tank company at the moment, and the assault rifles in their hands can still be used as sniper rifles as long as they are adjusted to a single-shot state.

The four men opened fire almost simultaneously, and bullets whizzed out of the chamber.

At the bottom of the mountain, four tankers with their heads exposed suddenly had white smoke above their heads!

“What’s the situation?”

“There is an ambush, they still have someone!”

The dead soldiers shouted in horror, while the rest of the tankers quickly crouched down to dodge the bullets.

But He Chenguang fought from a high down, and the tank soldiers did not hide in the tanks, and they could not hide no matter how they hidden.

“Bang bang…..”

Four people kept firing, and the soldiers lying on the tank were scrapped one after another, and one platoon commander was also scrapped.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Ma Hanyuan roared loudly: “All into the tanks, and then find the Wang Baegg, who ambushed us, and blast them all into slag!” ”

Hearing his order, everyone immediately got into the tank.

But at this moment, a tanker suddenly found out from the periscope that a special soldier with a face full of camouflage came out of the mountain and was swaggering towards them.

“Company commander, look quickly, someone is approaching us!” The tankers immediately yelled over the radio.

Ma Hanyuan looked through the periscope in surprise, just in time to see Lin Yu striding to a tank, and then installing an explosive directly on the weakest side of the tank.

“I lean!” Ma Hanyuan shouted in anger: “Hurry up and stop him, machine gunner, kill him!” ”

The tanks of the first company are all the latest tanks, and their machine guns can be operated without personnel and completely rely on electric vehicles.

But the tank soldiers soon discovered that Lin Yu specially picked the blind corner of the machine gun to walk.

A machine gun on a tank, it will not hit him at all.

Ma Hanyuan shouted angrily: “This bastard, he actually knows what the dead end of our machine gun is.” It’s so despicable, it’s so despicable! ”

“Quick, send someone out and kill him for me!” Ma Hanyuan shouted anxiously: “We must not be bombed just like that!” ”

The lids of the tanks quickly opened, and the machine gunners climbed out of them, ready to manually control the machine guns to kill Lin Yu.

But He Chenguang, who had been waiting for them for a long time, immediately pulled the trigger, and which tank soldier showed his head and was immediately exploded.

“Hey, how do I feel like I’m playing whack-a-mole!” Song Kaifei smiled and said, “It’s really fucking enjoyable!” ”

Wang Yanbing said with relief: “We just exploded all over the mountains, now we are dumbfounded!” Should! ”

At this moment, Lin Yu had already placed explosives on all the tanks.

He also deliberately came to Mahanyuan’s command tank, made a goodbye gesture to the periscope, and then turned and left.

Ma Han Yuan roared angrily: “Bastard, vile and shameless, you bastard …..


The sides of all the tanks suddenly exploded en masse, and a thick white smoke rose from each tank.

The cow in the distance struggled to open its mouth in surprise, and its eyes were full of disbelief.

“What’s the situation? Our tank company, the whole army is destroyed? The cow struggled to lie on the tank in shock.

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