Lin Yu rushed out from under the bullet net, slid for two meters, and then jerked himself up with one hand, and then accelerated and rushed towards the two tanks.

Zhang Energy was completely panicked when he saw this scene, and shouted anxiously: “Squad leader, he rushed over, let’s do it, what should we do?” ”

Niu tried to roar calmly: “What is the panic? Continue strafing, the tanks quickly retreat! ”

Niu is very smart, as the king of tank soldiers, there is no panic at this critical moment, and his eyes are full of calmness.

He knew what Lin Yu wanted to do, it was nothing more than closing the distance, causing a dead angle of the tank’s shooting, and finally Lin Yu easily killed the tank.

But as long as he let the tank move, at the speed of seventy kilometers per hour of the tank, he didn’t believe that Lin Yu could catch up.

The cow tried to control the tank himself, and as soon as he stepped the accelerator, the tank seemed to be instantly injected into the soul, turning into a violent and angry beast, roaring and rushing backwards.

The other tank was also unambiguous, almost rushing after the tank of ox effort.

When Lin Yu saw this scene, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his divine speed power also increased sharply.

His speed is just enough to exceed the speed of a tank.

Therefore, Niu’s idea of hard work may be useful to others, but it is definitely useless to Lin Yu.

“Squad leader, he’s rushing again!” Zhang Energy shouted in fright.

Niu Xing’s eyes widened: “I’m not blind, why are you shouting so loudly?” ”

“What to do, squad leader, how is this guy’s speed like a leopard!” Yu Dalei was so frightened that his head was covered in sweat.

“Stop.” The cow tried to grab the radio and yelled: “Let him get close, fire crossfire, kill him!” ”

As he finished shouting, he stepped on the brakes, and the entire tank stopped steadily after sliding three meters on the ground.

Niu tried to use the inertia of stopping, and the whole person flew up and directly knocked Zhang Energy to the side.

Then control the heavy machine gun and pull the trigger hard at Lin Yu, who is already approaching.

“Boy, I didn’t expect it!” Niu tried hard to laugh, and the rain of bullets poured madly towards Lin Yu.

Since he couldn’t escape, the cow tried not to escape.

He deliberately slowed down suddenly, simply letting Lin Yu get closer.

According to Niu’s hard thinking, Lin Yu must already be running wildly at the limit.

In this case, even if he saw the tank stop, Lin Yu could only crash into it, because he couldn’t slow down at all.

At this time, it is time for the cow to try to release the killing move.

As long as the two tanks fired at the same time to strangle Lin Yu, Lin Yu had no ability to dodge.

The idea is good, but the reality is extremely cruel.

When the cow tried to sweep towards Lin Yu, Lin Yu actually bounced on the ground with one hand in an incredible way, and then the whole person changed direction and dodged the simultaneous stranglehold of two tanks.

The master’s move, only for a moment.

Niu Xuan, once they lose their target, it will be difficult to strafe Lin Yu.


The cow roared furiously, and the machine gun chased behind Lin Yu and fired wildly.

His whole person turned in half a circle, but there was no way to stop Lin Yu, watching him pass between the two tanks.

“It’s over!” Niu tried to open his mouth helplessly.

Two seconds later, there was a boom from outside the tanks, followed by white smoke from both tanks.

“Me, we’re killed?” Yu Dalei asked in disbelief: “I, I haven’t done anything yet?” ”

Niu tried to smile bitterly: “But people have done a lot….. Special forces, worthy of special forces! ”

Zhang Energy’s forehead was bruised, and he grabbed the gun angrily and was about to go out. ,

“What are you doing?” Niu tried to ask in surprise!

Zhang Energy roared: “Can’t just end it, there is no white smoke on my body, it means that I am not dead, I have to fight with him!” ”

“!” Niu Xuan roared angrily: “The tanks have exploded, how can you not die?” If we lose, we will lose with dignity, don’t mess around! ”

“I don’t care, I’m going to fight with him to the end!”

Zhang Energy gambled and rushed out, he could lose, but he couldn’t lose in Lin Yu’s hands.

Originally, he was looked down upon by Lin Yu, and now he was killed by Lin Yu, and he will not have the slightest chance in the future.

Niu tried hard to stop it, but Zhang Energy had already rushed out.

Zhang Energy climbed out of the tank and just saw Lin Yu walking over leisurely.

“Go and die!” Zhang Energy raised his gun and aimed it at Lin Yu.

But before he could pull the trigger, spider sensing had already warned him in advance.

Lin Yu quickly pulled out his pistol and aimed it at Zhang Energy’s head and smashed it.


The pistol hit the door of the head, Zhang Energy was smashed off the tank, and the gun also fell to the ground.

Lin Yu walked up to him and widened his eyes in surprise: “It’s actually you, you really came to be a soldier?” ”

Niu Gong had already climbed out of the tank at this time, and when he heard Lin Yu’s words, he was suddenly there.

“They know each other!” Yu Dalei touched his head: “Squad leader, this, let’s take care of it?” ”

“Take a look first!” The cow waved his hand hard.

He had long seen that Zhang Energy was not pleasing to the eye, and everywhere he thought that he was great, thinking that the barracks was a place where he could be casual.

Therefore, if there is someone who can teach Zhang Energy how to be a person, Niu Gong is very happy.

Zhang Energy barely got up from the ground and stared straight at Lin Yu: “I came to be a soldier to prove it to you.” Being a soldier is nothing remarkable, and being a soldier king is even less remarkable. ”

Lin Yu looked at him, and a mocking smile appeared on his face: “You think you are a soldier when you put on a military uniform?” In my eyes, you are still a common man. If you don’t even abide by the minimum rules, you are even less worthy of the word king of soldiers, because you are not qualified to do it, let alone become a king of soldiers! ”

“Defeat you, I will be the king of soldiers!” Zhang Energy stood up arrogantly: “During this time, I didn’t learn in vain. Big brother, if I defeat you, you….”

Before his words were finished, Lin Yu suddenly rushed up in a flash, not giving him the qualifications to speak at all.


Lin Yu smashed a punch on his face, and Zhang Energy was instantly knocked out more than four meters, fell heavily on the ground and fainted on the spot.

Lin Yu shook his head: “Do your Spring and Autumn dreams, you are not worthy of mentioning Lin Ran’s name.” ”

In Lin Yu’s opinion, Zhang Energy is a stupid farce.

This kind of person can be mixed in the army for two years.

Become a soldier king…. That is an insult to the words King of Soldiers, and he does not deserve it at all.

“Hey, King of Soldiers!” Niu Gong suddenly shouted: “Thank you! ”

“Huh?” Lin Yu looked at him in surprise: “I killed you and beat your soldiers, you thank me?” ”

Niu tried hard to laugh: “Even if this kid doesn’t clean up, I thank you for helping me clean him up!” ”

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